Women have always been oppressed by men, that the antagonism between men and women has its origin deep in human psychology or biology and that the way women suffer in our society is nothing but the same old story that has been going on ever since human life began. This is such a pessimistic view that it is hard to understand why it is so popular with feminists today. If women are put at a disadvantage by human nature itself, I low can we ever change things? Either an all-out war against men could lead to men being forced to change their ways without changing their basic anti-women ideas or a few women could separate themselves off from the rest of society and be lire in a sense or the human race could be destroyed by women refusing all co-operation with men. None of these conclusions can be very appealing more...

Capital punishment’s defined in the Encarta Encyclopedia as the legal infliction of the death penalty. The death penalty is currently used as punishment for crimes of murder. The State of Florida supports capital punishment and carries it out by electric chair execution. In the case of the death penalty, an individual kills another human and he is punished for it by death. Punishment is supposed to be a temporary penalization for a wrongful action Death is far from temporary. One is to Iearn from one's mistakes. How can the person learn if they are paying for their mistake with their life? In George Andersen's article, Organizing Against the Death Penalty he states. The death penalty is our harshest punishment. It is irrevocable: it ends the existence of those punished, instead of temporarily imprisoning them. By imposing the death penalty the individual does not learn from their mistakes and neither does more...

There are many social problems that teenagers go through. Probably the two most recognized problems are teenage drinking and driving and teen suicide. These two social behaviour are two of the leading causes of teenage death worldwide. Alcohol, the most widely used and abused drug among youth, causes serious and potentially life-threatening problems for the population. According to a study, motor vehicle crashes are the leading cause of death for teenagers. Society must now face several questions. Why do teens drink? What are the results of teen drinking and driving? And how can society change this pattern? Every year hundreds of teens die. Teen suicide is the fastest gi 'owing killer of youth in world and if left unaddressed it will affect our future generations. Why do teenagers drink alcohol? Peers play the major role in shaping attitudes about alcohol use. Prior to this time, television and movies played the more...

Although the Vedas and the Upanishads express common themes of the Aryan world view, they differ greatly in genre and emphasis. Underlying both texts are the core ideas of the religion: the iniquitousness of atman. Brahman's origins of non-being, the non-existence of physical reality, and the subtle, intangible existence of ultimate reality. But while the Vedas is mythical and ritualistic, the Upanishads is theological and devalues ritual. The major reoccurring theme of the Upanishads understands the inner Real Self, the attainment of atman. Through parable and narrative, the Upanishads repeatedly I caches of the atman and the path to atman. The favored type of parable is that of the teacher and student, such as in the rase of Uddalaka Aruni and his son Shvetaketu. The father patiently details example after example of the nature of ultimate reality: the lump of clay, and the ingot of iron, the fig seed, the more...

Child Labor Child labor refers to the economic active population under the age of 15 years employed in various     industries. According to the Microsoft Encarta, child labor is now used to denote the employment of minors in work that may interfere with their education or endanger their health, Child labor has grown to be a topic of widespread debate. It has many favorable and unfavorable points of view. In any case, child labor should be eradicated as it is harmful to the health of the children, it is an obstacle to their education, and a denies them a happy childhood. Child labor is common in agriculture, domestic service, the sex industry, the carpet and axtile industries, quarrying and brick making in countries in Asia and Africa. Employers in these industries buy children from their debtors or through the labor contractors. Sometimes children work to help pay off a loan incurred more...

The Indian subcontinent forms an inverted triangle extending from the snow-bound Himalayan ranges of Asia toward the equator. Known also as South Asia, the area includes the countries of India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Nepal, and Bhutan; artistically,, the Tibotan highlands also form part of the region. Stretching some 1,800 miles from north to south, and almost the same distance from west to east, the area is home to an ancient and diverse group of cultures. India is the largest single nation of South Asia. Its currently twenty-four states exhibit a cultural diversity comparable to that seen among the nations of Europe. The Tamil region of South India has a language, script, musical tradition, dance forms, and an artistic heritage that are quite distinct from those found in, say, Punjab in the north. It is this diversity that makes the artistic traditions of India so complex and rewarding to follow. more...

It seems that more and more marriages are falling apart every day. Divorce rates seen to be climbing astronomically. In so many of these divorces there are children to be considered. What is best for the child? Who will get custody? Will the child be scarred for life? It's really hard to say. The overall effects on our children vary according to the factor involved. I am going to attempt to discuss a few of the problems that can occur with children of divorced families and what parents can do to ease the transition. I will limit this discussion to infantile age thru early elementary aged children. Let's start with understanding the parents role concerning being together or being apart. Obviously, two parents can provide children with far more guidance, sustenance, and protection than one, and are more likely to prevent the kinds of psychological disturbance that may result from more...

Newspapers are a great power in themselves. They are a great power to be reckoned with so much so that even very mighty and influential persons in politics, industries or social life cannot dare to face their hostility. Their freedom and power is of vital significance in democratic countries like the U.S.A. and India. They work as the watchdogs of democracy, human rights and individual freedom. They fill the gap between the public and the government and administration by working as a bridge and meaningful means of dialogue. They are not only one of the mass media but much more. They keep the public informed about the policies, programmes and planning of the government and record the people's reactions, views, opinions etc. They help in making public opinion as nothirig else can do. Personal freedom is the essence of democracy and it is reflected in the freedom and influence of more...

Napoleon I (1769-1821), Emperor of the French, who consolidated and institutionalized many reforms of the French Revolution. One of the-greatest military commanders of all time, he conquered the larger part of Europe and did much to modernise the nations he ruled. Napoleon was born on August 15,1769, in Ajaccio, Corsica and was given the name Napoleone (in French his name became Napoleon Bonaparte). He was the second of eight children of Carlo (Charles) Buonaparte and Letizia Ramolino Buonaparte, both of the Corsican-Italian gentry. No Bonaparte had ever been a professional soldier. Carlo was a lawyer who had fought for Corsican independence, but after the French occupied the island in 1768, he served as a prosecutor and judge and entered the French aristocracy as a count. Through his father's influence. Napoleon was educated at the expense of King Louis XVI, at Brienne and the Ecole Mihtaire, in Paris. Napoleon graduated in more...

The major theory that has been repeated throughout time, to interrupt the evolution of India and migration of man, has been the Aryan Invasion Theory. According to this account, India was invaded and conquered by a nomadic tribe of Indo- European tribes from Central Asia around 1500-100 BC. It was said that these light skinned nomads fought a major battle with the darker skinned "Dravidian Civilization, from which they took most of what later, became the Hindu culture." The Aryan Invasion Theory is based upon ruins that were : discovered in the Indus valley. The Aryan people also cite how the Aryan Vedic scriptures explain a war between the powers of light and darkness. This was therefore interpreted throughout time, to mean that the war occurred between a lighter skinned civilizations (Aryans) and more dark skinned civilization. Scholars believed that the Aryans came into India around the time of 1500 more...


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