
When discussing the generation gap, many issuesKlirface. In this article in Newsweek, issues such as music, morals, and goals arise with the wide gulf of|rnerations in the black community. Older Americans continue to be separated from thegrowing hip-hop culture, and they, along with the hip-hop community, have not yet learned how to deal withthis separation. Music is one of the largest rifts between the civil rightsgeneration and the hip-hop generation. An increase in violence, sex, and disrespect in modern music reflects the increase in violence, sex, and Disrespect in the modern pop culture. This is the view of younger black Americans. Older Americans feel that the violent and sexuallyexplicit music is the cause of such chaos and Degradation of our society. Morals have declined, and this is evident even in the professional world of the NBA. Disrespect for referees and other players dominate thecourt by younger players. The word "nigga" more...

The Shrimad Bhagwad Geeta is an integral part ofMahabharata, which is our third important scripture. FromMahabharata, a vital section of 700 verses spread over 18 chapters has been compiled to form Shrimad bhagwad Geeta. In the battlefield of Kurukshetra when Kauravas and Pandavas came face to face in armed conflict with their Relatives, cousins and loved ones in opposite camps, it was natural for Arjuna to get confused and confounded. They were his cousins and relatives, how could he slay them? Although Pandavas had been wronged Betrayed, harassed and insulted, yet Arjuna's mindwitnessed an intense duel. He could not decide the right Course of action for himself. He remembered all the wrongs, deceptions and tortureof the Kauravas, yet questions like "How can I fight them?" "What should one do in such a situation? Boggled his mind. These were perplexing question' which posed a big problem for him? At that time more...

The pen is mightier than a sword, is a very practicalsaying. What a pen can do cannot be done by a sword. The might possessed by a pen cannot be attained by a sword. Sword only knows to cut but pen can cut as well as unite. Although, a pen looks a small object, yet it can dowonders. What actions cannot do, can be done by words. So whatever a pen writes makes permanentimprint. We can air our ideas, we can experts our opinions and we can show our dissent with a pen. Words can bring revolutions in the world. We have seenit that after reading the revolutionary ideas of Bhagat Singh, the youth of India threw away the British government. Pen can bring resolutions. Many peace pacts had been signed with a pen. The daily newspapers carry the ideas and opinions of the public in its columns. People express more...

Mahendra Singh Dhoni, the captain of Indian cricket team has left his fingerprints on the hearts of every member of his team, young and old.  Born to Pan Singh and Devki Devi in 1981, 'Mahi', as he is fondly known, was the youngest of three children. His father, a MECON  Employee, moved to Ranchi from Almora in Uttarakhand. During his school days, young Mahi was the goalkeeper for the football team of DAV School, Ranchi. Likewise, he was excellent at badminton. In fact, he was selected for the district and club level in both these sports. But all that changed when his football instructor Mr K.R.  banerjee sent him to play cricket for a local club. Though Mahi had not really played cricket until that time, he provided immediate evidence of his wicket-keeping skills and became the regular keeper for the commando Cricket Club (1995-98). Based on his club cricket more...

Top world famous towering Qutub Minar, started in 1192 by Qutub-ud-din Aibak (1192-98), breathes down the neck of the Quwwat-ul-Islam mosque. There is a slight difference of opinion as to its purpose: it probably was a tower of victory, but then again it Could have been built to be a minar (tower), attached to the Quwwat-ul-Islam mosque, for the muezzin (priest) to climb up top for a prayer. Among Delhites there are lots of other theories about the origin of the tower. Some say it was the observatory of the great scientist Aryabhatta of ancient India, other claim that it was built by Prithvi Chauhan for his daughter to see the Yamuna. In fact everything short of an extra-terrestrial origin has been attributed to it. The presence of the ancient non-rusting Iron Pillarwithin the complex further appears to add credence to the first theory. However the tower, its entire design more...

Learning can be divided into two major categories –arts and Science. While the arts deal with the beauty of filings around us, science is concerned with the utility of things. This is a broad definition of the two subjects and science seems to be the subject of the twenty first century. The whole world is gradually getting increasingly dependent on the fruits that science brings. Inventions like the generations of electricity, air travel, ship cars etc. an all the gifts of science. Had vehicles not been invented, we would still have been moving around in carts. Water can be purified by the knowledge of chemicals and we get clean water for drinking. This protects us from diseases. Science has made this life much more comfortable in all respects. We can cool our homes with coolers, fans .and air conditioners all of which are the outcome of a good deal of more...

Friendship is a special boon of God given to man. Youcan share all types of sorrows and joys with a friend there is absolutely no place for deceit or malice between friends. They can read each other like an open book with no secret pages. A person often wishes to speak out his heart to one whom he can trust. It is not that he cannot or should not trust any member of his family but the fact remainsthat what he can say to his friend he may hesitate to speak about to his parents or his brothers and sisters. to a friend, he presents an actual picture of things and talks without any inhibitions. One cam rally shares all sorts of worries and joys withone's friends. Good friends always give one the rightkind off guidance. They are sincere and they makeincredible sacrifices without any personal motive. Good friends always more...

Life without newspaper is difficult to imagine. It is thefirst thing that we look for every morning. It brings us News and views from all corners of the world. Any eventor occurrence of importance that takes place is reportedby the newspapers. The newspapers carry information for everyonebusinessman, politician, unemployed people, and players. And kids etc. It widens knowledge, keeps one abreast of all advances made in the fields of science, education medicine and technology. Newspapers are important pillar in a democracy. A free press not only makes people aware of the views and Policies of government, but also of their rights. It keeps the government informed of people's wishes, desires and aspirations. It is a direct channel through which public opinion can be expressed? Newspapers keep us in constant touch with news, developments, changes, advances and occurrences in each nook and corner of the world and at a very little more...

Price rise is a world phenomenon today and inflationis affecting every section (rich and poor) of society. Ourcountry is also facing this problem. The prices of almost all 'essential goods are going up, And prices once gone up never come down. This causes great hardship and difficulties for the people in the fixed income group or those belonging to low income group. Today there is no limit to the price rise. In the pre-independence days, a clerk got only Rs. 120 per month, but now he gets about six thousand. Pays 181 have gone higher, but the employees are not satisfied’ They have large families to maintain and it becomes difficult to feed so many mouths with the value of the Rupee falling constantly- There is dearth of cheap accommodation and man) people live in slums. The prices of clothes are also high and some people don't even have enough more...

It was a holiday. I was sitting in my room after finishing my home work. As my friends were away to hill stations, I was feeling very lonely. I watched the cars and other vehicles passing by and wished that even I was travelling or passing my time with my friends. While my mind was occupied with thoughts of holidaysI and having fun with my friends the door bell rang. I ran to answer it and who should I see but the postmanwith a parcel and a letter for me. I signed the paper and took the parcel. My hands were itching to open the packet and my curiosity knew no bounds. I ripped the parcel open and found a beautiful tape recorder in it. The parcel had arrived from the United States and the letter along with it was from my uncle who had sent me this wonderful gift. more...


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