
In the life of a student, the value of discipline is grat His is a disciplined life, a life of self-control. He knows the value of 'First deserve then desire, first obey .and then be obeyed.' The life of a student is a life of dedication, devoirand penance. He has to observe self-control and discipline. He has to shun way wardness. He has to be strong and firm. He has to for sakethe comforts of an easy life. A student should get up early in the morning. He should leave aside laziness. He should be active and smart. He should be wide awake. He must not shirk hard work. His diligence and labour will pay him in the long run. If he leads a dedicated life in the early period of his life, his future is bright. He will reach the heights of greatness. Success will crown him. I is more...

Shah Rukh Khan, also known as SRK and King Khan, was born and raised in New Delhi to parents of Pathan origin, Taj Mohammed Khan and Lateef Fatima. His family migrated from Kissa Kahani Bazaar in Peshawar, before the Partition of India. Khan attended St. Columbus School where he was an "all-rounder", accomplished in sports, dram.s and academics. He won the Sword of Honour, an annual award bequeathed to the individual who embodies most the spirit of the school, to try one's hand at everything. When he joined the Hansraj College (1985-1988) to earn an Honours degree in Economics, SRK continued playing football, hockey and cricket. Though he wanted to pursue his interest in sports, his back injury and an arthritis-ruptured right knee would not allow him to. This was the time when he did his first T.V. series Fauji and Dil Dariya. In fact, Shah Rukh khan started his more...

Science has revolutionized our life. No sphere of ourlife remains untouched by science, whether ac home or in school. We have a 'feel' of it. The books we read and work on are the legacy of science. Even the papers on which I and you write are the contribution of science. When we count the blessings of science, the are toomany. Their counting is impossible. The T.V., V.C.R. the Fan, the bulb, the gas cooking range, the mixi, juicer and grinder etc. are the great boons of science. They hane made out life very easy and enjoyable. The super-fast train takes to all the four corners of India is again the great gift of science. The Supersonic jetswill take us to the farthest end of the globe in no timewhat a miracle! What an unspeakable marvel of Science. Even our age-old plough and oxen is replaced bymechanised farming. The tractor more...

Last month we went to Vaishno Devi temple. It issituated in Jammu and Kashmir. It is one of the most famous temples of the Hindus. I along with my family went there. We reached Jammuby train. From Jammu Bus Stand we went to Katra by Bus. There is a frequent bus service from Jammu toKatra. There was a big rush of devotees at Katra. People were buying prasad at shops. We hired a room. Werested there for some time. We took our food at a shop. From that shop we bought sticks and fleet shoes. Also bought prasad. We started our journey to Vaishi Devi temple from Katra. It is a long journey on foot. Mostly people go to temple on foot. Others hire mules. We decided to walk. Westarted walking in the evening. It was very pleasant. A large number of devotees were walking. Many people were coming back. more...

The government of India has done a great deal to provide students with schools even in the most remote Villages. Although most villages have schools, there are very few that can produce students who can compete with those who study at public schools in the big cities of the country. There has to be a lot of work done towards building a strong base for students studying in these schools. Eventhough the parents of these children may be poor, thegovernment has been providing free education for backward classes since a long time now. Yet a lost needs to be improved. The buildings which house these village schools are sub-standard. Some have thatched houses converted into schools. Once the monsoon arrives, classes cannot be held. The school has to be shut down and holidays may carry on for as long as the monsoon lasts. This causes a great deal of disturbance more...

This is a famous saying of saints and priests. All the religions of world preach only one thing that a person should live simply but should have high thinking. Many of our forefathers have reached a height of greatness And fame by following this principle. The father of our nation, Mahatma Gandhi was a follower of this principle. The social reformers of Indian History Raja Ram Mohan Roy, Kabir, Dayanand led a simple life and were always kind and helpful towards others. But now in today's competitive world people are nolonger ready to follow this principle. Our traditional moral values have become obsolete. Now the attitude of people has changed. The only thing that people are Interested in is to earn money and at any cost. The people want to live in lap of luxuries and comforts. The status symbol and prestige is more important to people than the simple more...

There are many students and adults who smoke today.It has become fashionable to have a cigarette in one'shand. While in school or college young boys and girls begin to taste tobacco and soon some of them geladdicted to it. Although there are enough warnings against smokingone does not pay any heed to those and one continue'. To smokesome smoke to become more accepted in a particular section of society. They forget that such "smoking is highly injurious to health. A person feels that he might be considered Inadequate if he does not smoke but that is a very wrong notion. In the beginning, .a person takes a few puffs for funLater these puffs in-crease and one still believes that on. Is not addicted to them, and one has good control over oneself. However, soon the frequency and degree of smoking increases and one finds that one is relly become a more...

Avul Pakir Jainulabdeen Abdul Kalam, popularly known as Dr. A.P.J, Abdul Kalam, was the son of a little educated boat-owner in I Rameshwaram, Tamil Nadu, who went on to become the Eleventh President of the Republic of India. 'Indian Missile man' was the first scientist to occupy the Rashtrapati Bhavan. A man with a vision. Dr. Kalam has taken unto himself, the task of changing the destiny of India. He is a vegetarian and teetotaler, who recite the Quran and the Bhagwad Gita with equal devotion. Recipient of several awards including the Padma Bhusan (1981) and the Padma Vihhushan (1990), he has been honoured with India's highest civilian award, the Bharat Ratna (1997). Before becoming President, Dr. Kalam had an unparalleled career as a defence scientist. He wove a first world dream for the Third World nation and acted on India's behalf to place her in the exclusive Space Club. more...

At present there is so much reading material in theworld that it is hard to make a selection. Man reads books, magazines and newspapers fromdifferent angles. Students read books as they are prescribed in their courses. Research scholars go through hundreds of books,magazines, etc. to complete their research. Several other people read so many things to increase their knowledge. Generally, we read newspapers to get general information regarding news, sports, health, business etc. The most important aspect of reading, however, is thepleasure it provides to us. When we open a book, suchas the Gitanjali, we are simply enthralled by readingthe very first line. As we read further, our curiosity Goes on increasing and similarly our pleasure. Those who read technicalbooks actually do not get real pleasure. What they get is information regarding theirsubject. Real pleasure is provided by literary and creativeworks. Such works are a storehouse of wisdom which has more...

A person who plays a game seldom is not said to be a sportsman. A sportsman does regular practice and that punctually. A sportsman is always possessed with the spirit of doing something wonderful and unbelievable in his Feild. He does not like to be corrupted or to corrupt.anybody. It is because of this performance that he is acclaimed which he has to prove in the ground wheremany hundreds of people watch him. So, transparency Is one such quality which always lives with him. The qualities imbibed in the field of sports in youth stand a person in good stead all his life. The first and foremost quality is the sportsman spirit. This quality persuades a man to remain cheerful evenwhen he loses a match. It means that one should play a game for the sake of game and not just for victory. Life is also a field where one more...


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