
Introduction. I have sweet and beautiful dreams of my country I am a resident of India. She is my beloved motherland. India if my dream, I wish that my country may rise to a great nation. She should help her neigh bourse and may give them the message of peace. I wish that my country should become militarily strong and be fully prepared in this nuclear age for defense. I wish and DOES foreign country may dare attack again, like the plundering raids of the old limes. Hence, I wish she should become first rail; world power in terms of military strength. Be a messenger of peace. I wish that my country should become a messenger of peace in the world, India's culture and  Civilization once spread in the far corners of I hi.' world, I wish that she should send her cultural envoys once again lo spread the more...

This Shakespearean proverb challenges the fear of a common man who falls on difficult days. Usually, people prefer prosperity to adversity. No one wants to live in difficult circumstances, where life seems to be a burden, full of woes, sorrows and suffering. Life seems to be a yoke unable to carry and hear during adversity. On the other hand, everyone wants to live perpetually in prosperous times when life seems a bed of rose's. full of joy, happiness, pleasure and beauty. But we rarely realize that without bitterness, sweetness has no existence; without black, white has no colour and without hardships, joy has no meaning. Prosperity brings infinite friends, great money and high status. Virtue is forgotten, rather prosperity becomes the only virtue. Society too looks up to a man in prosperity. On the other hand, when adversity strikes at one's door the man is looked down upon, is forsaken more...

India is situated in the Northern Hemisphere extending from 8° 4' N to 37° 17' N latitude. The Tropic of Cancer passes through the middle of the country, thus the country falls into tropical as well as sub-tropical zones. The country gets two complete showers of seasonal rain, one during the summers called south-west monsoon and one in winters called the north-east monsoons. The rest of the year is practically dry. The rain bearing winds are called Monsoon winds which persistently flow in the same direction and get reversed only with the change of seasons. The agriculture in India is largely dependent upon the Monsoon rains showered during the months of June to the middle of September and a few parts of the country gets rains during the retreating monsoon from October to December. Tamil Nadu/ south of Andhra Pradesh, south east of Karnataka and Kerala get the maximum showers more...

Recently the world was shocked to learn that millions of people were starving to death in some parts of Africa. It was a tragedy indeed. In response many people contributed what they could do to alleviate the situation. Donations of food and money came from all parts of the world. A group of popular singers got together and raised a big sum of money to help these unfortunate populace. Yet, there are people dying of starvation in some parts of the world. It is an evil, there is no doubt about that, but there is not much an ordinary person can do about it except hope that countries involved and the other developed countries do something positive to stop it. A lot of the 'powers that be' are too involved in their power struggle and bickerings to care about what happens to their starving citizens. Just take a look at more...

Introduction. It was a fine day. I decided to spend the evening at Connaught place. I got ten rupees from my father I left my house at 6 P.M. to catch the bus for Odeon. An incident inside the bus. I stood in queue and waited anxiously for my turn in vain. I joined those who were struggling on the door of the bus- with a great difficulty I also got my enhance too into the bus. I got a seal. Hardly had I sat on my .seat when I say a very old man, lie was standing near me. He looked very sad, I looked at him. I got up out of respect- I offered my seat (o him. But lo my great surprise, a fashionable young lady rushed towards the seal. She pressed herself into the seal. The poor old man looked at her helplessly- He had to keep more...

By prizes I mean the book prizes or book token given by some schools at their annual prize-giving day. Most schools have an annual prize-giving day. As far as I am concerned, this promise of prizes once a year does not inspire the pupils in general to perform better. My reasons are as below : Normally, only one prize is given for each subject in a form. The students know very well beforehand who would win a particular prize. In any case, they can pick out a handful of students—maybe three or four, who might stand a chance to receive a prize, so the desire to improve is present only in those few students. The rest of the class is not bothered because they know they have no chance. This lack of interest is shown even by the best class. As for the poorer classes, the students would not even more...

Globalization is denned as "the development of an increasingly integrated global economy through reduction of barriers to international trade and is marked especially by free trade, free flow of capital, and the tapping of cheaper foreign labor markets," This means globalization is a process by which regional and local economies,   societies,   and   cultures   integrate   through communication, transportation and trade- The term also refers to the transnational circulation of ideas, languages, or popular culture through music or films. However, globalization is largely associated with its economic sense i.e. the integration of national economies through free flow of trade, foreign direct investment, capital flows, migration, spread of technology and military equipments. The process of globalization has been an integral part of the recent economic progress made by India. The economic reforms of 1991 have enabled India to emerge as an open economy with no restrictions on exchange of goods and services. Resultantly, more...

Ego and feelings go together. It is the ego which feels.  Our attitude towards the world is often influenced by our Feelings A recluse once came to a certain kingdom. Thousands Of people began to visit him. The king heard of all this and was eager to see the recluse. He paid a visit to him and invited him to his palace. The recluse agreed and put up with the king. But his stay in the place became so long that the king began to wonder as to what to do with him.  The recluse did not show any inclination t leave.  One day the invited him for a walk. They proceeded towards the jungle far away from the palace after a long stroll, the king expressed a desire to return to the place but the recluse decided to retreat into the Forest. King wondered how the comforts of the more...

I was on my way back home on my motorcycle after exercising in a nearby park when I saw thick black smoke billowing upwards at some distance from me- It was twilight time and the dirty black smoke rising against a brilliant red western sky presented quite a spectacle. I knew that a fire was raging and judging by the colour and the fury of smoke I reasoned that it was probably caused by the burning of rubber and diesel oil. I continued home and I noticed that the smoke was getting closer. The column of black smoke was both horrifying and ominous- Then as I approached a bend along the road, I saw the fire. The glow of fifty foot flames shooting upwards was blinding. I blinked my eyes to let it adjust to the sudden brightness. After a while I could see that a row of shops were more...

Visualising brutal polarisation of religion, Bab a Persian youth, laid the foundation of a new faith a now religion the embrace to entire human race, on may 23, 1844.                                            Known the world over the Bahai, it comprises individuals from virtually every country, ethnic group, profession and social class. In spite of their  diverses moorings, the Bahais study a common set of  sacred writing, observe universal religious laws and look to a single international governing system for guidance. The Bahai history in India goes back to 1872,  when Jamel Effendi, a Persian scholar, was instructed  by  Baha'u'llah to present the new Faith to Indian  dignitaries On 24th December 1986, the two million Bahais of lndia, realised their long cherished dream of offering  silent prayers in their own lotus temple in Delhi.         It is a unique place of worship. Spread over 27 acres with 27 petal-shaped domes and nine pods of peace, more...


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