
We must reap great fruits out of pilgrimages. It is indeed very heartening to see thousands of pilgrims marching to the dizzy snow-clad heights of holy Amaranth. By August 24, around a hundred thousand pilgrims will have had the darshan of the lingam in the Amaranth cave. Then will start arrangements for the Haj pilgrimage. Likewise thousands of Christian visit Israel and Palestine every year, where Jesus was born, lived, died and indeed rose back to life. Sikhs from all over the world visit the Golden Temple too. Thus, people of all religions go to pilgrimages. At times it is with a certain hope to attain some benefit or to fulfil a desire or sometimes because a prayer has been answered. Sometimes no material benefit is asked for but only divine grace. Those who have almost fulfilled all their earthy desires go with another hope that of ensuring salvation or more...

Introduction. Television is a new gift of science. It is becoming popular in schools. About all the schools of Delhi have television sets.  Popular in schools, about all the schools of Delhi have television sets, Lessons through television. A lesson in the class-room is often boring it does not appeal most of the students. So they do not attend to it. To create interest in the lessons television is a good source of the students. Its importance, The students look forward to the television period.  It gives them education as well as entertainment the teacher cannot put any question to them during the course of lesson. So the students have neither worry nor fear. Teaching aids draw their attention, raven the dullest boy has a smile (in his face- His smiling face Shows that he is no! Wasting his time. After the television lesson. As soon the lesson ends the doors more...

Introduction. A luck-shop is an important part of every school. It is an interesting place. The students love this shop. Groups of school boys may be seen standing in front of it. Our school tucks shop. Shri Raja Ram is in charge of our school luck shop. It is on the left hand of the school gate. It has two rooms. In one room Raja Ram prepares the eatables. The second room is used as dining room. Eatables in the shop. Mr. Raja Ram sells purts, Pudding.  Regulars,, curd, lassi, hot and cold drinks. All these things are made with vanaspati Ghee. The charges are moderate. They are controlled in school parliament. The Principal often inspects the tuck-shop. The in charge of the shop cannot use impure ghee. He cannot keep stale eat able Scene of the shop during the recess period. The school tuck shop is a very busy more...

Introduction. The washerman belongs to a low caste of people. Caste system In India is very strict and many people have to suffer on account of it. The washerman, the shoe-maker and the sweeper arc important members of the society. They do necessary and useful service for us. Yet they are looked down upon by foolish people. This is a disgrace to our country that man hates man on account of his caste, The life of a washerman in the villages. In the villages, the life of a washerman is easy and simple. He goes to his customers from village to village and collects their dirty dollies. He does not use soap or bleaching powder. He heats water mixed with rah (a kind of sand) and puts the clothes in it. Then he goes In the pond or a brook and cleans them with labour. He returns the clothes in more...

Children have a special place in all the wisdom Tranditrions of the world. They have an expression of Innocence and trust and joy. The gospel according to Saint Luke says that people brought their babies to Jesus Christ, asking him to place his hands on them in Blessing. When his disciples tried to prevent the people from approaching their teacher, Jesus said: "Let the   children come to me. Do not stop them because the kingdom if loin of god belongs to them. Remember this!  Whoever does not receive the kingdom of god like a child will never enter it." In a child, the thought of the ego, the first primal I- though is present only at an extremely small level, identification with the body, the mind or the intellect is absent. As we grow older, these identifications result in Misery, unhappiness and suffering. That is why; we often rue the more...

India has given us leaders and saintly persons like Rama, Krishna, Buddha, Mahavira, Nanak, Kabir, Dayanand Saraswati, Vivekananda, Vinoba Bhave and Gandhi. The last named has been an illustrious son of India. He dedicated his life to the service of the country. Gandhi can be bracketed with Christ, Buddha and Nanak who changed the course of human history by their life and teachings. Like Socrates, Gandhi had a great passion for truth. He believed that in the final truth always triumphs. No matter what he wanted the people to always speak the truth. His autobiography. My Experiments with Truth, shows he became a lifelong devotee of truth. He was born on October 2, 1869 at Porbunder is Gujarat. Some people loved him like a father and lovingly called him Bapu. Later, people started calling him Father of the Nation. He believed in simple living and high thinking. His humility was more...

Introduction. Co-education means education of boys and girls together in the same school or college at the same time. In India it has recently become popular. Co-education in India. Co-education is not a new thing for us. In the good old days when 'Ashrams' were the seats of learning, co-education was in practice. In the Hindu scriptures, old records and legends we find a number of examples which show that co-education was all over the country. The practice continued till the coming of Muslims in India. The Purdah system put an end to co-education. Criticism against Co-education. From the very beginning voices have been raised against Co-education. Stephen Lea lock, an American educationist declares," Men cannot read when women are around". Charges against Co-education. There are many charges against Co-education. First, it lowers the lone of discipline. Secondly, it brings about a shift in the minds of students, learning goes more...

Introduction. Like the washer man, the Baber is a very useful and important member of the society. Like the washer man he makes us look clean and decent in appearance. It is good that he is not regarded mean and untouchable. His wages. In villages, the barber is paid in the form of a fixed quantity of corn at the harvest lime. This quantity depends upon The members of the family. This corn is generally enough for him for the whole year. Besides this, on happy occasions and ceremonies, he is given gifts of clothes and money by his customers. He goes from village to village and shaves the people and cuts their hair once or twice a month. The village barber is well and happy. Barbers in town and cities. In towns and cities there are shops of barbers known as hair cutting saloons. People go to these shops more...

The 24th day of July is an important day for disciples everywhere, especially in India. On this auspicious day, disciples in the country will celebrate Guru Purnima and express gratitude to their gurus who are alive and also. Who have attained nirvana and left their body. An often--asked question is: "Does a guru who is no longer his physical body help his disciples on their spiritual journey and evolvement in consciousness?"  There is always a big debate on this subject—and the answer to this question is both yes and no. Even after his departure from this world, a guru/is always available to a disciple, provided he is a genuine disciple and the guru is a real guru. A disciple who has full faith benefits the most. Basically, it all depends on the receptivity and Understanding of the disciple and his love and devotion to the mentor. If the disciple is more...

The question is to be of the world and still be out of It. sounds paradoxical. The religion as propounded by Guru Nanak and the later gurus does not reconcile people poverty, misery, hunger and disease. All these are regarded by the gurus as great evils. In one of his compositions (it is included in Guru Granth sahib) sage Kabir said: "I cannot carry on my Devotion on an empty stomach. Here take thy rosary Away.” but at the same time, all the gurus say that if these are inescapable and incurable in spite of all Efforts, they must be endured, not only with fortitude and Firmness, but sometimes even with joy. It has ordained thus. Gurbani says that one should be happy and comfortable in this world and blessed in the next life. The human body is sacred or, as Guru Amardas says: "The body is an extremely beautiful more...


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