
Introduction. Function gives colour to our life. They are necessary part of our social life. proze distribution function is held in every school and every college. Its need. Prize distribution function is a pride day for the students. It gives chance to them to show their worth. Some show themselves in games and others win prizes for getting distinction in academic field. Our School prize distribution function. The prize distribution functions of our school look place on February 20, 1990. The Inspector of schools presided over it. The chief guest arrived on time. The function started with a welcome song. The N.C.C. and Red Cross boys gave a show of drill which everybody liked. The fancy dress made people laugh again and again. Tits-bits, stories, speeches and songs had a great effect on the audience. The Principal then read our annual report. The school had marched from strength to strength. more...

Introduction. The police department is an important department of the Government. Its Duty is to keep law and order and to stop people from doing crimes. His dress and appearance. There are police stations in all the towns. Every station is in charge of a station officer. He is helped in his work by a number of policemen under him. The policeman puts on khaki uniform, khaki cap and strong black shoes. He carries a small thick stick or a gun in his hand. He is generally [all and healthy. His duties. The policemen arc in charge of certain areas. They have to keep a watch on the activities of all the people of doubtful character. If there is any Fight or disturbance in his area, he at once runs lo the place and slops it. If the people do not obey him, he takes them to the police station more...

Education functions in relation to the whole social Milieu. Thus its activities cannot be limited to providing only background knowledge by way of formal knowledge Alone. The open school and new-school education constitute an essential part of total education. In a developing Country like India, even keen and deserving young boys and girls and young men and women are unable to get School collage or professional education owing to economic and social reasons. The idea of adult education was thus conceived to supplement formal schooling by independent endeavour In later years of life. The problem is engaging the Attention of large number of countries. It includes the Different needs and objectives of people—educational, Economic social and cultural. The Adult Education  Committee  of Great Britain defines adult education to  Cover all the  deliberate efforts through which men and  Women attempt  to satisfy their quest for knowledge to  Equip themselves for responsibilities more...

On top of the world—these few words immediately bring to my mind two different but distinct thoughts. One is visual and totally imaginable while the other is auditory and music to ears. The first thought evoked in my mind is that of Sir Edumund Hillary standing on top of the Mount Everest. I imagine that I am standing in his place and looking down on the world below me. How does one describe such a feeling—exhiliarating, fantastic, incredible? This is the most appropriate description I can think to describe " on top of the world" feeling, so to speak. The second thing that strikes my mind is more down-to-earth. It is the voice of Karen Carpenter singing the melodious song Top of the World.' The sheer fluidity and grace of her singing and the lovely tune of the song invokes a wonderful feeling in me. I can imagine how it more...

Be it any stream of knowledge, any part of wisdom, an indepth knowledge of it is necessary in order to be able to formulate an opinion or develop a line of thought. Whether it is art, science, literature, politics, technology, communication, astronomy, computers, economics, administration, law etc or whether it is simply about life in general, one has to have great, deep and wide knowledge about it in order to be able to speak about it—for, or against. This is necessary, needed and demanded especially in today's world where opinions are challenged and words have to pay a price. In this era of expert knowledge, a little knowledge of the world stands nowhere. One has to keep oneself updated in order to be somewhere in this world- Moreover, where every word spoken is accountable and is scrutinized closely one cannot get away with sweeping statements which in reality conceal shallow more...

From darkness to light. July 24, the full-moon day in the month of Ashada, is celebrated as Guru Purnima. On this day disciples come together to express their gratitude to their beloved guru, venerated as the  embodiment of sage Veda Vyasa. we worship Vyasa as an apostle of truth and wisdom,  for having systematized the divine utterances in the form  of the four Vedas, the eighteen puranas and the  Mahabharata. Guru Purnima is a special occasion to commemorateVyasa’s service to humanity, and to resolve to follow the path of learning and knowledge. Indian tradition believes in the importance of establishing a strong guru-shishya relationship; only then can the seeker attain truth and divine wisdom. Wisdom is their meeting point. The teachings and discourses of the guru constitute the link. The guru- shishya tradition goes beyond mere pedantic learning.  Swami Kuvalayananda said: "Very often philosophical gymnastics is mistaken for spiritual more...

The term Tsunami comes from the Japanese language and means harbour wave. Tsunamis are seismic waves that are caused by earthquakes that travel through water. Resultantly, high sea waves are generated which cause great damage to life and property. It is a series of waves generated when water in a lake or the sea is rapidly displaced on a massive scale. Earthquakes, landslides, volcanic eruptions etc all can generate a tsunami. Tsunamis have been historically referred to as tidal waves, because as they approach land they take on the characteristics of a violent onrushing tide, which is usually a wrongly used term as tsunamis are not tidal waves in any sense. Hence, the use of the term is conceptually wrong. The most common cause is an undersea earthquake. An earthquake that is too small to create a tsunami by itself may trigger an undersea landslide quite capable of generating a more...

I consider 'success' as the success in the business of living; in other words, how to live a successful life. For most people, money and material gains seem to be the most, if not the only important thing in life. They go out to make as much money as they can. Millions play the 5-digit lottery, horse-racing and other forms of gambling, both legal and illegal. Yet others work themselves to death, slogging day in and day out for the financial gains promised. Some of them do become very rich indeed. They go around in huge gleaming cars and live in palatial houses and studio apartments. They are members of select clubs, wear designer clothes and generally look every inch the kind of successful people so often idolized on television. Rich they may be and successful they seem, no one knows exactly what goes on inside them. There are cases more...

To be a student in a small school is definitely many times more desirable than to be one in a big school. The reasons are obvious. In a small school you practically know everyone else and more importantly everyone knows you. The teachers are like members of the family. Your welfare and well-being is looked after properly and you feel you belong to the school. Consequently, your loyalty is never in question. The situation is not so beautiful in a large school. In the midst of a couple of thousand other students, you become a nobody. If you do want to stand out, then you will have to involve yourself in school politics where everybody steps on one another to gain the favours of the teachers. The teachers too are generally less caring. They do not even know your name. What is more they do not even know some of more...

Introduction. Seven teachers teach our class. They are all good and able. They love us. But Hike Mr., Ramesh Chander Mishra most. He is my favorite teacher. He has influenced me most. He is the in charge of our class. His Personality and Dress. Shri Mishra is a tall strong young man. He has a well-built body. He has a well-built body has a great personality. His face is pleasing. His dress is always neat and Fyjama. He wears Khadi Kurta and Fyjama. He looks smart in his dress. His voice is very pleasing. Sometimes he wears a long coal. We never saw him wear a suit. His ability. He is the most able teacher. He has a brilliant earner. He got scholarship in his school and college days. He is a gem among teachers. He is an M-A., B.T. His method of teaching. His method of leaching is very more...


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