
Introduction. Game’ and Sports ate a necessary part of education. The aim of education is physical, menial and moral Development of a student. A sound body contains a sound mind. If body is weak, mind can never be strong. Health is wealth; 'Health is wealth' is an old saying. The students can build their health and body by playing game; which provides exercise in the open and fresh air. All work and no play makes Jack a. dull boy. India does not need book worms with ill health. A good student must take care of all the things. He must give lime to his studies but he should not neglect games. He should follow the maxim, "Work, while you work, play, while you play, that is the way to be happy and gay". What games teach us? Games leach us discipline and Sportsmanship. A sportsman treats victory and defeat equally. more...

Introduction. A tailor sews clothes. He is found in every village and town. No civilized person can do without him. He is a very important member of our society. He earns his living by working hard. He knows no holiday. His toots. A tailor depends upon his tools. He requires a few tools. They arc - a pair of scissors, a sewing machine, a measuring tape, a sharp needle, a [tumble on his middle finger, some thread reels and balls, and an iron press. He puts on thimble on his middle finger to protect it from needle pricks. He also needs a wooden plank and a piece of coloured chalk and a register lo note down the measurements of customers. These tools are very necessary for the tailor. He cannot do his work without them. If any of these tools is missing he cannot do his work. His shop. A more...

What sort of person are you? Are you in control of Circumastances, or do circumstances have the upper hand?   Do people shape events, or do events shape people?  Are we ruled by karma and controlled by the stars and Plants the shapes of our bodies, the lines on our palm, or are we the architects of our destiny? Is history the Resolt of personal endeavour? For millennia, humankind has been unable to establish Causes for events. History students grapple with the Problem, philosophy graduates seek answers to this Enigma, ethicists wrestle with moral mazes, but scholars And seekers alike cannot establish consensus. Religious leaders daunted by world events struggle to give answers. The issue seems impenetrable. Is it time to give up and move on to something less abstruse? It is fashionable for us—and in line with western capitalism to think we can control our future and thus progress, more...

I had been falling behind my body-work and meditation practice routine. I had a valid expuse: water shortage. With piped water available for only two each morning, washing clothes was a priority leaving little time to attend to other work. Swamiji visited our city. I called on him. When we met he asked me how our meditation was going. I had to tell him of my 'washing obsession'.  Swamiji smiled and said: "Well, if you are washing clothes when you are washing clothes that is good." Noting my puzzlement, he added: "If you are doing your practice, while all the time your mind is held by idea of 'oh dear, I should be washing clothes instead'—the practice is almost useless. And when you are washing clothes, you do it with attention and mindfulness, not thinking that you should be actually doing your meditation or practice—then, washing clothes can be your more...

Introduction. An adult is a person who is twenty one or more than twenty one years old. Hence, adult education means the teaching of adults. The illiterate and partially literate. For the purpose of education Adults may be divided into two classes- the illiterate and the partially literate. The aim of adult   education is to see that every person in the country knows at least three R's reading writing and arithmetic. Such knowledge is very necessary for every person in the country. Its aims. of adult education is that such adults as are partially literate should be taught further. They should he taught their Right .s and duties as citizen. The adult education is based on the idea that no one can be completely happy unless he or she is educated. After all culture opens the eye of mind. He that is mentally baling cannot hope to be completely happy. more...

Introduction. India is a home of beggars. In no other country you will find so many beggars. The reason is that begging is a profession in India. Many of beggars are beggars by birth. They do not like to change their profession. They make their living with ease. Appearance. All beggars are an object of pity. They wear rags. Some are seen in loin-cloth. They go about from place to place on their daily rounds. They are very persistent. Some wear loose clothes. They cover their bodies with ashes. They have long mailed hair. Some of them are really disabled. Some are crippled and blind. They deserve our help and sympathy. Some beggars wear oiled rags around their legs. They pretend to be crippled. Way of begging. The beggar is usually quite clever and even gaining. He has many ways and means of begging. He may go about as a more...

The evil practice of bonded labour has been in Existence in many states in India from time immemorial.   It continued for many years even after Indian independence. It was formally abolished by government through i the Bonded Labour System (Abolition) Act, 1976. Indian villages have a number of people who are oppressed and exploited—the backward classes, landless Labourers, poor farmers. But the condition of bonded Labourers is worse. They are made to live the life of slaves throughout their lives. It is indeed surprising that this  System  of slavery is yet in operation reportedly in interior  Of states  like Andhra Pradesh, Bihar, Gujarat, Karnataka,  Kerala,  MP, Maharashtra, Orissa, Rajasthan, Tamil  Nadu, up,  and Haryana. Under this system, any person who took a loan from  A landlord  or moneylender had to render free labour to  The credit  till the amount of loan with interest thereon  Was cleared. If the debtor died more...

Drinking conveys the sense of habitual use of liquor.  It is considered an evil owing to the ill effects it has on the user. It affects his health adversely. It disturbs the equilibrium of his mind. It also ruins the economy of the family because of very high expenditure. Our religious scriptures condemn drinking. Drinking makes a man intoxicated. It is a sin against society. A drunkard easily forgets the sense of morality. He spoils his health leading to premature death. A person becomes a slave to the habit. Drinking is more common among poor workers. They spend their hard earned money on drinking. The family suffers. Children of such a family remain uneducated and unemployed. Worse still, the workers take illicit liquor as it is cheaper. It could prove fatal. The production in our mills is dependent on the health of workers. Drinking reduces efficiency physically and mentally tally. more...

Introduction Last Saturday was a very line day. The sky was over cast. We did not like in read on that day. We requested our teacher to arrange an excursion on a river. He granted our request. We started on our excursion, How we reached the river? The river is at a distance of four Kilometers from our school, our worthy teacher decided to go on foot. We all agreed to his Personal We started in happy mood. We had hardly gone two kilometers when we met another school party. It was a happy union. We went furl her happily and merrily. How we enjoyed there'; We went on shouting out of joy. Some of us were singing merrily. Both the parties enjoyed the natural sights on the way. There came upon u welcome shower on the way. It made the weather good- On our way we met trucks and more...

Introduction. An idea! Student is he who lakes keen interest in studies and leads a noble life. His life is full of ideals. He sets an example for others to follow. He is very careful of his character. His character is a foundation stone of his ideal life. Hard work is the breath of his life. Qualities of an Ideal student. He is in the good looks and looks of the teachers. He reads till midnight to get first position in the examinations. He knows that hard work is the key to success. All the teachers speak highly of him. He obeys and respects the elders. He does his best in earning a great name and fame in the history of school. Truth loving. He always speaks the truth. He hates a lie. He knows that the path of truth is full of thorns and he has to face many more...


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