
Most working parents allow their children to stay alone at home after school, till they return. Let us find out how this could affect the child's personality. Gone are the days when men were the only breadwinners of the family, and women, good homemakers. Today, single income family is a rarity and women too cater to the monetary needs of the family. And this spells trouble if there are children at home. Too old to be put in a creche or day-care centre and with not many after-school centres available, many working parents leave their children to spend time alone at home after school, till they are back. Although the concept is not new, it has been of growing concern to parents, as more latchkey kids means more trouble. So, how will parents cope with this? Studies reveal that cases of depression, insecurity, drug abuse, juvenile delinquency are more among more...

Do the senior citizens (60 plus for women; 65 plus for   (men of a country represent an asset or a handicap? A moot point, really. Let us think of the pros and cons. Ironic as it may appear, longevity is a blessing but old age is a curse. While medical science through the years has been trying to prolong the span of human life, society shuns those very beings modern medicine helps live longer. All over, the elderly are either taken for granted or seem to be ignored. They are not given their rights, often times left alone, maimed or simply done away with.  Often, their special needs are overlooked. They have no nccess to medicare or community activity. Not much of jelly family life either. Planning Commission does not provide anything specifically for them in its planning process for five-year term. It is not rare to find rich and more...

Introduction. A holiday is a day of great joy. The holiday on a rainy day is more delightful because it is unexpected. This year we had only one rainy day. But on the night of 17lh of August it began to rain. The morning came but the rain did not stop. On the way to School. At 8 o'clock 1 found that the rain slowed down- So I put on my clothes and started for the school with my books. In the way I met several other boys of my class. In the mean time it began to rain heavily again. Some of the boys had no umbrellas. Sc two or three came under one umbrella. The result was that we could not save ourselves and by the time we reached the school, we had become completely wet. Om books also had been spoiled. The Attendance. Al the school I more...

Introduction. The coolie is a man who carries loads and luggage of other people from one place to another. He gels a small amount for his work. The amount depends upon the weight of load, the distance and the conditions of lime and place. His appearance. The coolie is a poor man. So, he puts on a poor dress, a bandy and a short dhoti. His clothes are often torn and dirty, In cities, the coolies wander about in the market places with a basket in their hands or on heads. The coolie has a small napkin but no cap. His feet are generally bare. At the railway station, the coolie seems to be well-off. He puts on a green or red uniform with a number on it. This number shows that he is a bona Fide registered coolie. His ways of work. In the city markets there is a more...

If I were made the minister of education, I have some dreams that could come true. We are far away from our goal of education for all. We are still following the old system which was introduced by Lord Macaulay in 1853 to produce fodder for , government offices. Educated Indians still run after secure jobs. There is so much unemployment which leads to frustration. The standard of education is going down— it is a question of quality versus quantity. Indiscipline is rife among students. There are strikes, ragging and acts of violence. Breaking point is nearing. Ours is a democratic form of government. Everyone, high or low, can aspire for higher places in government. So, I thought I stand chances of becoming minister of education someday. I propose bringing about radical changes in the country's education pattern. First, I would improve the lot of teachers. Teachers are the pivots more...

Detachment is not renunciation. It is a re-orientation of attitudes and lifestyles. Limitless love is free of bondage. It is a creative endeavour that involves a shill in consciousness. According to Sri Aurobindo, when one withdraws from the turmoil of outer life, the evolving consciousness becomes centred and observant like a detached witness it is a state of neutrality that goes beyond body and mind to communicate with the spirit. Most techniques of self-mastery advise us not to escape from life but to live it intelligently with selflessness and detachment. We must accept responsibility for our circumstances and learn from experiences and events and then rise above the situation. This way we can relate to circumstances without losing our balance. Then we can   go through life unaffected Being centred, yet non-attached, is an art. To correct, the imbalances in thought and conduct, just observe yourself objectively. It is not necessary more...

Introduction. Every school has a library a library is a place where books on different subjects are kept. The school library is for the use of students and teachers. Our school library. Our school has a good library. It is housed in a big hall. The hooks are kept in many big wooden admirals.. Our librarian manages the library. He arranges books. The admirals have glass panes. Besides textbooks we have books on travels, biographies, history, geography, science, etc. Catalogues for admirals. All the hooks are arranged subject-wise- Each almirah has a catalogue. One almirah has bocks are Capet in many big wooden and recurrence hooks- They art: only for the teachers. How the books are issued? Library system in our school. The students do no gel the books directly from the librarian. Once a month the class teacher goes to the library. He selects four or five sets of more...

Introduction. All the countries and nations of the-world have their own festivals. They are occasions of great joy. They give a change and relief to the tired and troubled minds of the people. Time and reason for its celebration. Christmas is the greatest: festival of Christians. It is celebrated with great enthusiasm like the Derail of the Hindus. It comes on 25th of December every year. It is the date when Jesus Christ was born. It is like Krislwu Janmashlami of the Hindus. Preparations for the festival. Great preparations are made. All houses and churches are white washed. They are decorated with buntings, flowers and pictures. The shops are also decorated in a beautiful way. Rich and poor, all enjoy the festival. The Christians plant a Christmas tree on this day. They cut the branch of a tree and plant it in a corner of the house. Then they decorate more...

The materialist often views a religious person as being Unsociable, dogmatic and lacking in intellectual insight.  There is a certain perception that "religious" people don’t Drink of smoke before every meal, frown at the free. Mixing of the sexes, are superstitious, impractical and Way behind the times. Hence religious people are looked upon as .social misfits. In schools and colleges, students who wear religious Marks on their forehead or who recite prayers or shiokas are often subject to ridicule by fellow students. Sometimes they may even by physically attacked for their religious Beliefs. Unfortunately, there have been several cases where People who proclaim intense loyalty to their religion have Actually Indulged in acts of violence and terror. This has’ Further strengthened the social stigmatisation of “religious " people. Whether the "religious" overtly profess their faith on the campus, or at the workplace, peer Groups dub them as social misfits. In more...

All kinds of separatism have spread their influence around the globe. But on days like Janmashtami such notions are set aside, and the spirit of goodness pervades even the chronically evil-minded. Kindness spring forth. The spirit of the Gita appears to enter public consciousness, and feeling of righteousness permeate affecting the minds and hearts of all.                Festive occasions are not limited to national pridre; they include religious celebrations. History indicatcn that humans are on their best behaviour during such I events. A special glow fills the air—even during monsoon. Janamashtami is observed in India in August end. It is also observed in countries where Indians are settled in good number.                                         The International Society for Krishna Consciousness (ISKCON) has made this day a festival of enormous scope and reach: particularly in English attitudes towards India's Vedic culture were not always the best and endeavour is needed to build up the more...


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