
Introduction. The monkey-man is a common figure in a town or a village. He goes from town to town and village to village. He has a monkey and a little drum with him. He announces his daily visit by the beat of his drum. Boys and girls run from their houses to see his monkeys and their feats. His appearance. The monkey-man is a peculiar Figure; He belongs to a lower class called Kanjar. He has an unlearned beard on his dirty face. His dress is always loose on his body which is quite sturdy. He is generally dressed in poor and shabby clothes. His kurta hangs from his shoulders reaching down his ankles. He wears a lehmad instead of pair of pyjamas and pants. His performance. When boys and girls gather round him in quite a large number he stops healing the little drum. Then he lies his monkey more...

Meditation is way of living full of love and consciousness. It is not about going to temples, praying hurriedly and yet continue living life mechanically and accidentally. Meditation means to bring spiritual awareness to each act—big and small. The quality of love and acts of meditation go hand in Hand. If you meditate, says osha, you will be simply Loving; it will be just a quality of your being. And then It has a   different flavour and does not create a bondage. then you share unconditionally and your love is just the way you naturally are.  Osha tells a story. Once a mystic was travelling with his disciples. They come to a sarai. In the morning, the keeper of the sarai offered tea and snacks. While they were drinking their tea, suddenly, the keeper fell at the master’s feet, ecstatic—crying with joy.  The disciples were puzzled. How could he know more...

People busy in different kinds of work to earn their livelihood get some spare time—more or less. Some folk spend this leisure time in gossip or playing cards; others utilize this time in pursuing a hobby. The purpose of a hobby is not monetary benefit—a hobby gives pleasure and relaxation. If a person does his professional work continuously, he will become machine-like, mechanical. He needs time off for change. Different people have different hobbies. Selection of a hobby depends on time available, money one is willing to spend and one's aptitude. A hobby does give a person a sense of well-being and cheer. Some people spend their spare time reading books, magazines and newspapers. Some collect stamps, coins. Keeping pets is another hobby. Photography as a hobby is quite popular but is expensive. Swimming, fishing, trekking, travel, could also be hobbies. So also collection of autograph of distinguished persons.  Gardening more...

Introduction. Some people think that military training should be made compulsory fur the citizens of India. The three attacks of China and Pakistan in 1962, 1965, 1971 have compelled Indian leaders to think over the problem seriously. Need of Compulsory Military Training. First, the compulsory military training makes the people disciplined. It creates the noble qualities of service, sacrifice, devotion, and dedication. Secondly, military training serves as insurance against foreign attack. Thirdly, military training keeps the people healthy and broadens people's minds. Fourthly, it increases our power to work and enables us to fight many diseases. Fifthly, it can be put to many civilian uses. It teaches one to obey and to command. It leaches one lo lead and to he led. It aims at preparing men to sacrifice everything at the altar of Motherland. It teaches one to place service above self. To a soldier duty is more important more...

Introduction. An Indian Juggler is a common man. He goes from Village to village and from town to town. He is an entertainer in the life of Indians. At limes he is also seen in the cities entertaining a Crowd along the road. Place of his living. He has no fixed place where he can live. He moves from place to place. You cannot see him with his wife and children. He stays in a village or town for two or three days. Then he leaves for some other place. Generally he continues his tour within a district only. Sometimes he visits other districts also. His appearance and dress. His apprsarance and dress are quite peculiar. He ties big turban on his head. He keeps a heard. A kurta with long-broad sleeves, a fat bag on his shoulder which has many things give him a peculiar appearance. He is generally more...

Bhai Vir Singh (1872-1975). is known as the father of  Modern  literature. He was not only a man of  Letters  also belonged to that order of rishis and  Mystics  which has from time immemorial, been the  Mainstay of our culture. A great poet is one who sees into the life of things. For  Bhai vir singh  the wonders of the world and the beauties  Of nature  constitute an inexhaustible treasure and, he  Had the talent  of giving things of everyday life a certain  Quality of  charm and vibrance. Through his his poetry, Bhai Vir Singh draws the Attention of" the\lethargic and the inert towards the Imperishable beauties of the universe. What adds to our zest for life and gives meaning to our earthy existence is the ceaseless search for the true Beloved. bhai Vir Singh expresses it very beautifully: Let age come and go Let cycles roll as they may/And more...

Almost all of us believe in god as our creator, our benefactor, our all-in-all. Yet we do not devote any time in worshiping or even in remembrance. And whenever we do, it is because we need something. In a crisis, when all remedies fail, even the non-believers turn to god for help. Is it right to remember him only in times of need? How much more helpful and affectionate would god be were we to remember him without seeking anything from him? Perhaps we do not know how; perhaps we find the recognized methods such as deity worship in temples or at home, too cumbersome and irritable. It is our good fortune that for this age of Kaliyuga, the Lord in his compassion has extended to us his otherwise inaccessible self through his name. The scriptures have laid down a very practical, easy and enjoyable method of remembering and worshipping more...

Introduction. The recess period comes usually in the middle of the school hours. Its object is to allow some time to the teachers and the taught to 1'rcsh themes vsmentally and physically. How students feel before the recess period? Sometimes before the recess period, the students feel bored. They become inattentive to the lessons. They no longer follow the teachers. They grow tired of their lessons. They look forward to the recess period. Some of the naughty boys approach the school peon and ask him to ring the bell. All this shows that change is badly needed. Scene at the commencement of the recess period. As soon as the recess bull goes, all the boys shut their books and put them in their bags. They go out. This action of the boys sometimes makes the teacher angry. But they cannot help it. They want to be tree for some 'Time- They more...

Introduction. The snake-charmer belongs to the wandering class of people. He earns his bread by his .shows and feats which we cannot do. He goes from town to town and does not slay at one place for a long time. His appearance. The snake-charmer puts on a peculiar dress. He wins a large turban, a loose kurta and a loose themed. You can see large rings on his ears and steel bangles on his wrists. He carries two baskets with him hanging on the end', of a long bamboo. He has a special kind of flute with him. When he enters a town he goes on playing upon his flute. The children hear the music and follow him to see snakes. They persuade their mothers to slop him and .show his programme. His show. Then the snake-charmer sits down on the ground and Puts his baskets before him. He plays more...

When qualified professionals like doctors, engineers, Architects, scientists and technologists migrate from Under-developed countries and settle down in developed Countries, the problem is called 'brain drain'. It is a Comman problem in less-developed countries, but it is mor acute in India. Brain drain is a direct loss to the under-developed Countries that train them at great cost and then lose them to other countries. As per a UN report, thousands of specialists migrate from backward countries like India To highly -developed countries like the USA, the UK, Gemini, Japan and some European countries. There are a number of factors responsible for brain Dreain in India. First, India lacks job opportunities. After completion of the professional course and training, there is no proper employment in India. Second, we do not recognize and reward talent in our people. Hargobind khurana could not get work in India. We recognised his worth only when more...


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