
After our Secondary Examination results were out, we all were trying to get admission in the desired streams and opt for subjects of our interest. I had secured good marks in all subjects but despite a distinction in Science, I wanted to opt for Commerce. I had always wanted to go for Commerce as my interests and aptitude lied there. But the problem was that my school did not offer the desired combinations. I had no other option but to look for admission in one of the other good schools which offered the subjects of my choice. It was a hard decision to make. I never wanted to leave the school where I had studied since my kindergarten. I knew everyone there. The campus was so familiar and it just felt like a second home. So 1 was very sad to say goodbye to my school. Another difficult thing was more...

I do express myself again/My energies are the primal expression of power/The source of which is the Omkar/ Which sounds once again in the vastness of eternity/The endless sky listens in rapture to that ineffable sound/The bunch of Primal Causes wake up from sleep/To breathe new life into atoms innumerable.   These were words that Swami Vivekananda experienced at the very core of his being although they also resonate with feelings, ideas and realizations underpinning many ideas of the Vedanta philosophy as well. If one looks at the awesome reality surrounding us today, one might feel that Swamiji's words are profoundly reassuring even 100 years after his death. The world revolutionized and transformed by science and technology seems to be hurtling in a direction that leaves most of us confounded and directionless. On the one hand we may feel proud of the onward march of science that can even facilitate more...

Introduction. The Rakshaw Bandhan is the festival of the IBralunins chiefly and Dashera is the festival of the Kshattriyas. But all Hindus observe these festivals with great joy. Time and Origin. Dashera comes in the month of Kuar. It is said that in olden days, the kings and rulers marched out of their kingdoms to conquer new areas on this very day after the rainy season, II is also said that thy Goddess Durga killed the demon on this day. Hence this festival is observed on this day in her honour. It is also said that Ram killed Ravana on [his day. Thus we see that the festival has different meanings for the different people. How celebrated? People think that any work begun on this day will bring good luck. The Kshattriyas take out their swords or guns. They clean and worship them on this day. In the evening, people more...

Introduction. The Hindus enjoy many festivals. The Diwali Festival is one of the most important festivals. His called to be the Festival of vaishyas chiefly. The lime of its arrival- It comes in the month of Kartik on Amawasya day after the rainy season. The crop of rice is ready- The Farmers are happy. All the people remain busy for days in cleaning and white. Washing, their houses. There is hardly a house of any Hindu which is not cleaned or white-washed on this day. Small repairs are dime. The kachcha walls and courtyards are besmeared with dung and earth. The origin and importance. It is said that Ram Chandra returned to Ayodhya after fourteen years. He got victory over Ravana the king of Lanka. So the people of Ayodhya illuminated the city to welcome him and show their joy. Thus the festival is observed in the memory of RAM. more...

Over the past few years, computers have become a vastly popular household item. The luxury of emailing messages as opposed to charging up the phone bill is more appealing. Checking news, weather and sports via the internet is a convenience that many are taking advantage of. Our children's lives are already getting influenced by technology - and this is just the beginning. Computers and Internet are here to stay and software titles targeting young children continue to increase. Computer science is has become a compulsory subject in Indian schools. Today, We find computers in use everywhere, whether we go to reserve a train ticket or to a Bank. This is because it is faster and helps us complete our work without mistakes/ erors. So Parents too have realized the need to help their children develop strong computer skills. Children are learning to read and write with computer games instead of more...

Introduction. Rani Lakshmi Bai of Jhansi was a great patriot. India can never forget her name. Birth and early life. She was born at Bitur on June 15, 1834. She was named Manu Bai, In her childhood she learnt the use of weapons. She had warlike qualities- She was a clever horse rider and a clever archer. Her married life. She was married to Raja Ganga Dhar Rao o Jhansi. After marriage she was named Rani Lakshmi Bai. She could not enjoy the pleasures of married life- She became widow after two years of marriage. Quarrel with Governor-General. She had no issue. She wished |to adopt a son. Lord Dalhousie, the Governor General of India, did not allow her to do so. He wanted to make Jhansi a part of British India. Lakshmi Bai stood against him. She opposed foreign rule. She refused to obey the orders of governor-general. She more...

We all do some kind of work either to earn our livelihood or to make a career Hobby is something which we enjoy doing, an activity we like indulging ourselves in during our leisure or free time. We all have our likes and dislikes. We enjoy doing certain things more than others. A hobby gives us pleasure, for we do it for the love of the work and not under compulsion to earn. Thus, it is more fulfilling and gives us more satisfaction and joy. Pursuing a hobby also increases one's efficiency, interest and ability. It gives one an opportunity to fully develop various aspects of one's personality. Hobbies like collecting stamps, listening music, drawing, gardening, playing an indoor or outdoor sport, writing, reading, bird watching, collecting antiques, photography etc, are very educative. We learn many things with practical insights which we cannot learn from schools. One of my favourite more...

Villages, said Gandhiji, are the soul of India. It is where the real India resides. About 75% of the population of India resides in villages. As I was born and brought up in a city, 1 had never seen what a real village is like. All I had known about villages were from books and newspapers. So many times reading wonderful descriptions made me curious about villages. I always wanted to visit a village but never had an opportunity to see and experience it first hand. Last month my friend asked me to visit his ancestral house in a village. I pounced at the idea like a cat pounces on a mouse. I happily agreed to go with him on the ensuing Sunday. The village was at half an hour journey from the city. So we decided to leave early morning on Sunday and return by the last bus on more...

The atmosphere is something that is around us everyday, kit do we really think about the changes that occur in it.  it isn't that we just aren't paying attention, but more of  the  fact that it is hard to notice slight changes over long periods of time. Everyday gases are released into the air by all living material. The gases in the air are used for many important things.  For  example, hydrogen is released by volcanoes, which  can give energy to the cell; photosynthesis has evolved to lake the gas carbon dioxide and create food and release oxygen; nitrogen is a gas used in our, oceans; and solid earth, as an essential part of living things. Carbon dioxide is also involved in processes where it is .stored as limestone and marble, as gas and oil and coal, and is in organic material in the soil. Not only do these more...

A person without any aim in life is like a rudderless Ship. He has no destination in sight. He does not know in which direction to move. Every person should have an aim in life. And should work for it. The ambition should not remain just a resolution or a dream that has not come true. The nature of ambition varies from person to person depending on family background, upbringing, social position, economic conditions and environment. Some people's aim is to amass wealth anyhow. They my do business. Or with this aim in mind, they may demand huge dowries at the time of marriage of their sons. The mica to make quick money leads to anti-social activity like corruption, smuggling, black marketing, gambling. Money is not everything in life. There are other worthwhile pursuits. Some people yearn for. Spent their lives seeking it—though there may not be much wealth coming more...


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