
India is a beautiful country. A life-time would be short to view all the beautiful sights that this country has to offer. Families go for holiday or young people freak outto enjoy themselves. People going out to various places spend a lot of money, buying souvenirs, eating at restaurants or shopping for gifts for friends and relatives, This whole process of buying or selling the things has given birth to an entire industry—the tourism industry. The tourism industry can be a good source of earning revenue. If a person is selling something that is attractive looking, it is very obvious that he can put any price tag on it. Someone or the other will definitely buy it- May be it is not too durable but if it has been attractively packaged, it will be sold in minutes. India is a country rich in diversity. The majestic Himalayas, the sparkling ocean, more...

The word 'Newspaper' sounds a bit obsolete in this era of information technology and electronic media. With all its historical importance and important role played, print media was doomed to lose its battle in the face of the fast popularizing electronic media and internet duo to their speed, graphical illustrations and visual effects. The entire generation seems to be hypnotized by the more popular and easily accessible visual media. People had thought that newspapers are doomed forever and will soon be listed in the gloriously old and long list of the extinct species. It was thought it is already an endangered one with no added incentive to compete with its big rivals—satellite TV, internet and other channels of mass communication. Yet all the doomsday predictions against the print media have fallen apart in due course of time as we see that no matter where technology goes and to what height more...

India is a country of rich culture and centuries of history and tradition of its own. Thus the country is full of places which are rich in traditions, are important historically, economically, politically or sociologically. Moreover, the diversity that it presents baffles many because the diversity is not only geographical but social and cultural as well. Thus, India attracts thousands of tourists from all around the globe. Last year, I had a chance to visit Agra with my uncle's family. As soon as I got the invitation, I accepted it because Agra has been a great centre of art and architecture during the Mughal period. It goes to Akbar's credit to transform Agra into a great city of cultural and historical importance. History stands testimony that the old brick fort of Sikandar Lodhi was dismantled by Akbar and a magnificent fortress of rust coloured sandstone was built- For the same more...

Cinema is in today's world the most popular means of entertainment. Millions of people watch cinema everyday all over the world—not only as a means of entertainment but also as an escape from the monotony, boredom, anxiety and troubles of life. It is a restful, pleasurable and entertaining way of rewinding and relaxing after a long day's work. All the senses are captivated while viewing cinema and the next two and a half or three hours are spent in a wink. Moreover, every class and section of society can afford this form of entertainment at their will and convenience. Indian cinema has a charm, flavour and magic of its own. It appeals not only to the film-crazy Indian public but also enchants a large number of audiences the world over, People who do not speak or understand Hindi still sing songs from Hindi films. An average Indian film is longer more...

The word 'student' refers to "a learner'. A person who wishes to acquire a certain kind of knowledge and wisdom or skill in a particular field or enhances his/her intellectual capabilities in a general manner is a learner or a student. Though, all of us remain students of the Great Master called Life throughout, yet our life is thus divided that we spend around 15-20 years of the early part of our life in acquiring the necessary knowledge in order to lead a successful life later. This calls for a systematic and organized system of education. Pupils under the ambit of this formal system of education spend a bulk of their childhood, adolescence and a part of their youth in acquiring all the pre-requisite knowledge needed to build up a successful career and thereby lead a successful life. Thus we see that a child for the first quarter of his more...

India is a land of colourful festivals and celebrations. As most of the people live in villages, people do not have many modes of entertainment as are found in cities. Fairs or melas are thus quiet common. It is the favourite event for villagefolks. Fairs are a good time for them to enjoy, entertain themselves, make merry and also sometimes buy and sell their cattle or grains. Some fairs thus have an economic basis while mostly religious beliefs and belief in local saints and great men have given rise to a number of fairs.    Recently, I had a chance to visit one such fair in a small town with my friend. The fair was a big event for the town where villagers from all the nearby villages had come to enjoy the mela. Since morning, people had started reaching the town. All the villagers with their large families came in more...

Introduction. Last year we played a match which I will long remember. It was played .at the invitation of famous Cantonment Cricket Eleven. Team in the field. We reached the Cantonment Club- George, the skipper of the other teams shook hands with our captain, and lie led the party to the field. Our captain lost I he loss. We then look our positions in the field. Near the stump' lay the red ball. Beginning of the ball. Batting began. A stout long man came in to bat. He played for a few minutes only and was then caught One wicket was down with no runs' We were all so excited.  Was the opposite learn go into he defeated so easily '.' Presently the second batsman appeared. His very first stroke showed him a skilled player.  His batting was firm and swill. He began piling up runs. We did not lose heart. more...

Introduction. India is a hot country. But it has an ocean in the south. In summer, the air becomes very hot. It rises very high in the sky. To take its place winds come from south. They are full of moisture. They strike against the mountains and cause rains. These winds arc called monsoons. They bring quantity of rains for our country- Time of rains. The rainy season lasts from July to September. Sometimes it rains heavily for days together. We cannot sec the sun. The clouds run m the sky freely. They are of dark colour. Sometimes Hey are very thick. They make it dark even in the day. Description of the first rain and its effects. When the first rain falls the whole earth becomes happy. Everything is mad with joy. The frogs croak in the rain water very loudly. Sometimes we find it difficult to sleep soundly more...

"All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy". Games and sports are an integral part of education. They assist in the overall development of a child. A healthy mind resides in a healthy body; sports and games keep a student physically healthy and fit. Moreover, mere bookish knowledge will produce only bookworms. Hence, sports have become an essential part of the curriculum of schools everywhere. Our school too stresses upon this aspect of education and provides coaching to various sports to help students develop interest towards sports. We have games like Cricket. Hockey. Basket Ball. Volley Ball. Table Tennis, Tennis, Athletics and Gymnastics - a wide variety from which the students can choose according to their interests. The culmination of these sports activities is seen on Annual Sports Day, usually conducted in the last week of January. Preparations start a good number of days before the D-day and more...

A library is a place where books, magazines, journal and newspapers are well-stocked for benefit of its members. It is a treasure house of knowledge with latest material for quick spread of education. It is our school library. The school library has become a very popular place in the campus. Students are seen here during leisure periods or recess. The reading room is almost full. Books, including text books, are borrowed regularly by student.s and members of staff. Looks like students have become fond of it.                                           Our library has a good librarian who is an optimist and always has a smile on her face. She has a degree in library science and is a trained and experienced person; she remembers which book is where and even remembers some of the contents. She guides us on use of library which saves a lot of time.                           The library is in more...


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