
"Travel, in the younger sort is a part of education, in the elder, a part of experience". Sir Francis Bacon, the wise essayist, uttered these words and how true they are. Travelling indeed is one of the most pleasant things in the world. So when our school organized the educational tour to the Eastern India, 1 was delighted. We were to cover three delightful places—Kolkata, Darjeeling and Gangtok. The excursion was planned around the Diwali-break. We were about 80 students accompanied by four members of the Teaching Staff. It was a long and tiring journey of 36 hours to Kolkata, But exhausted though we were, our spirits were not dampened. Singing, laughing, cracking jokes throughout our train journey - we reached Kolkata in full spirits. Kolkata - the City of Joy, the Land of Durga, the First Modern City of India and the Cultural Hub of India, is a city more...

A child idolizes his teachers more than anyone else in his life. We all have our ideals in our lives who inspire and motivate us. A Teacher is like a God to the child. In our Indian culture, a Teacher is given utmost importance. A Teacher not only teaches the students about things in the world, educates them and shares with them his knowledge and wisdom but also acts as a spiritual guide for his students because he leads them on the path of truth, light, eternal wisdom and everlasting virtues. I study in Tagore Public School. There are about 30 teachers in my school. Some of them take my classes. Some are teaching me this year and there are others who haven't taught me still. Nevertheless, I know them all. I like all my teachers. They all are very kind and loving. But my favourite teacher is Mr. Sharma. more...

My school stresses equally on studies as well as sports. We have all the equipments needed for games like Cricket, Tennis, Volley Ball, Basket Ball, Table Tennis, Badminton, Gymnastics, Hockey and Football. We have proper grounds to play and a separate games room, to keep and maintain these equipments. Similarly, the school understands the importance of books, reading materials, newspapers, magazines and journals. For this purpose we have a well-maintained library. A library is a place provided to students for reading, for educative as well as leisurely purposes. Books of all kinds cm' kept here systematically, recorded properly and maintained nicely. A library thus is the soul of academic affluence of a school. It reflects upon the seriousness and dedication of the school towards the goal of education. My school library is very well-maintained. It is huge, well lit and airy- One can sit and read easily even when the more...

Indian cinema over the ages has developed a flavour of its own. The vibrancy and exuberance of our cinema is unparalleled across the globe. Indian cinema, over the years, has transcended the barriers of language, art and culture, broken all the bonds and crossed all borders to colour the entire world with is emblematic songs, dances, music, melodrama and didacticism- Indian cinema has a bit of everything. It has the capacity to imbibe all the shades and every spice of life within its ambit, It has been mystifying, enthralling, enchanting and entertaining millions since a long long time. Even today, watching cinema is the most popular mode of entertainment and a favourite pastime of people from all sections of society transcending caste, creed, race or religion. In fact, Bollywood after cricket is a sub-religion of the country. From the common man to the intellectual and the elites—all enjoy watching movies more...

"All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy", goes the famous saying. I too enjoy playing all sorts of games ' both indoors as well as outdoors. Among the indoor games, 1 enjoy playing carom and chess the most. I also enjoy playing badminton and table tennis with my friends and cousins. But the game I like the most is cricket, I not only enjoy playing this game but also love watching it. It is my favourite game. We play cricket in our school also. I am in our school team and 1 really enjoy playing for our school. I open innings for our school's team. I like all aspects of the game - batting, fielding and bowling. I especially like taking catches and diving to stop the boundaries during fielding, I bowl sometimes. But it is batting that I enjoy the most, 1 am also the vice-captain more...

Introduction. There are no two opinions about the fact that a morning walk is a boon   morning walk is a boon for health. No diet or tonic is as effective as the morning w.ilk. One has to pay nothing for it. Morning scene. I take walk every morning with my friend. Raju is my class-mate    and next door neighbor. We walk along the road. This lonely road leads out of the town. Yesterday we started at 5 a.m. As we went out a cool morning breeze welcomed us. We passed through some fields of wheal. The spreading fields presented a beautiful scene. The chirping of the birds created a lively sensation in our hearts. Some farmers were plugging their fields at a distance. We passed through   a small where we saw village young women going to draw water. They were singing sweet folk songs. We enjoyed these songs very much. more...

Today, in this ultra modern world, thy role of media and particularly of Print Media has been augmenting tidy by day. It has been serving as a vigilant watchdog of India. Print Media has created an awareness among the people regarding their rights and duties. Print Media has been nicknamed as 'News Monger' or the Fourth Estate. We can update ourselves just by going through the morning newspaper, getting each and every kind of news from every nook and corner of the world. It is due to the effect of the Print Media that people associated with robberies, thefts, murders, rapes, drugs and alcoholism are constantly under the fear of being caught and recognized. Through this medium we get news of all that is happening around us—good as well as bad. It is the only ray of hope through which 'India' can see a better tomorrow.    There has been more...

Introduction.  India lives in villages- The main occupation of Villagers is agriculture But it is pity that we are not self-sufficient in Food. Every year hundreds tones of food grains are imported from other countries. A large majority of population is undernourished Many people do not get two meals a day, ''1 eve rat parts ml the country Are facing famine conditions. The causes of problem. There are many causes for [he shortage   food grains in our country. The Indian farmer is illiterate. He uses the old methods of Agriculture. Land holdings are verves small. The result is that the use of tractors .and scientific methods. Have become difficult the same old ploughs and bullocks’ are in use in agriculture.  Therefore the produce per aero in India is the lowest in the world Secondly, our agriculture is a gamble on rains if there is a failure of rains all our more...

Last year during summer vacation our family went to Mussoorie to spend some time in the cool environment amidst the greenery and the mountains. We all were really excited to spend the vacation there. We began our packing a week ago and the entire house got caught up in the excitement. Reservations for train berths were made upto Dehradun, From there we had to travel by road- So we all were all the more excited about the uphill journey to Mussoorie. Time was really dragging very slowly. We could hardly wait for the final day of departure. The train was in the late night. We did a final checking of all the items we had to take. We made sure we had packed all the necessary things. We kept our camera and walkman in our knapsacks. We took our dinner and headed towards the Railway station. The train was on more...

Holi is an important Hindu festival that is celebrated at the end of the winter season and the beginning of spring. The day is a gazetted holiday. Holi is verily a festival of colours. People sprinkle dry colour powder or throw colour one one another. The joy is all around. Parties or groups of revellers gents and ladies and children move about with darkened or coloured faces and call others to come out and join them in the hilarity. They greet each other and embrace affectionately. The young ones however are in a delirious mood and throw coloured water or water balloons on everyone they happen to come across. Thus, meeting over, guests are treated to mouth-watering snacks and sweets and delicious eatables. Holi is celebrated in honour of Prahlad, the son of mighty Hiranyakashyapa who thought himself to be as powerful as god. Young Prahlad did not agree with more...


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