
For a few days I woke up around 6 o'clock. It became a habit with me. Up and down I started walking on the terrace. Then I thought why not go out for a morning walk.                                                An early morning walk is so refreshing. It invigorates our body and prepares us for the day's work. I walk briskly. The air is pure, cool and fresh. I go alone. If   go with someone, talking becomes necessary. I prefer walking alone. I can then keep my thoughts to myself and enjoy the nature around. What makes me happy is the activity of birds. Their chirping is sharp and melodious. They seem 10 be preparing to welcome the rising sun.   go to a hill garden which has its up and downs—that give me exercise. The very sight of greenery in the garden cheers me up   Small dew drops on petals and leaves look more...

Introduction. Napoleon was Once asked what the great need of France was. He answered, "Nation's progress is impossible without trained and educated mothers. If the women if my country are not educated, about half the people will be ignorant. Duties of a woman have to play three roles in the course other-life. Each of these roles expected some duties from her. It is only with the help of education that she would be able to do them successfully. The first duty of a woman is to be a good daughter. The second duty \t. to be a good wife and third duty is to be a good mother. Education leaches a woman what she should be. It also teaches her how she should do it to be a good daughter, a good wife and a good mother. Advantages of an educated wife. Many men spend their evening time at clubs more...

Introduction. Maharana Pratap and Shivaji are two important Names in the history of Mughal period in India. Both loved their Country. Their names will be remembered with honour as long as there are Hindus. Akbar and Chittor.  Rana Pratap was born in the family of Shishodia. Raj puts. His father Udai Singh was a man of character. - Other Rajputs had given their daughters to Akbar. But Udai Singh did not do so. To avoid fight with Akbar he left Chitor. The famous battle of Haldighat- Maharana Pratap took a vow to get back Chittor. A great battle was fought at Haldighat. The great Mughal army under the command of famous general Man Singh and Prince Salim fought with Rana Pratap and his brave soldiers. The Rana and his soldiers fought bravely to the last man. But at last they lost the Field, Rana’s sufferings. The Rana look a vow more...

As a medium of instruction and examination, the English language was introduced in India in the 19th century by William Bentick, the then Governor General of India for importing western system of education. The aim of British rulers in inducting English Language in India was to ensure mental slavery to produce 'babus' for Administration and for introducing the western culture. Introduction of English language however proved a boon. Raja Rammohan Roy, the religious and social reformer, was a keen supporter of this language. Other leaders like Dadabhai Nauroji, Motilal Nehru, Jawaharlal Nehru were also educated in English. The alien language enabled our leaders to function well in the freedom struggle against the British rulers. English language played a significant role in the freedom movement. It served a link and a unifying force among Indians belonging to different Indian states. Through this language the country kept abreast of developments in technology, more...

A point family comprises members of the family that are related to one another and sharcommon ancestry, Religion, and property. All the working members of The Family pool I together what they earn and hand them over  To the head—who is usually the eldest The family head takes care of the entire family. Any member who brings in extra money has equal status.  Hence, the joint family puts into practice the concept: "To Each according to his needs, from each according to his abilities." The idea is socialistic in character. The joint family system is a feature of agricultural societies. These are in existence in countries as China and India whose economy is based on agricultural produce. . Collective living, collective farming and collective share in family wealth are the traditional features of the joint The joint family preserves the tradition, customs and manners handed down to it. Traditional culture more...

Introduction. Fire accidents are not very common. But when they take place they cause great alarm and destruction and sometimes loss of life, The place of accident. After taking our food in the night, my father made fire to heat milk. When the milk had been healed, we drank it in another room. Then my father told me to put out the fire with water over the half-burnt pieces of wood. Then thinking that the wood might not catch fire again in the oven, I put it aside in a corner. Unfortunately there was a huge pile of -wood for fuel in that room. The description. I went away to my father's room. The beds were ready and we slept. It was 9 o' clock in the night. My father was reading a newspaper. Suddenly he saw smoke entering our room. He wondered where it was coming from. He went more...

Introduction. This is the age of science. Science has changed every field of life. Impossible things have become possible. Thousands of things in our daily life arc the gifts of science. Gist of electricity. Electricity is the wonderful gift of science. It is very useful in daily life. It lights our houses, shops and streets. We Prepare food and wash clothes with its help. It gives us cool air in summer. It keeps us warm in winter. It drives our machines. It works   our radios and cinemas. It has removed darkness from the world. Gifts of medicines. Science has given wonderful medicines. They give immediate relief to us. Now serious operations are possible.  X-rays help us to know the interior parts of the body. Science has saved   us from many diseases. It has given us eyes to see, ears to hear and Legs to walk. Gifts in transports. Science has more...

In today's world, tourism does not merely moan a vacation, a source of entertainment, or a way of expanding one's knowledge but tourism in the recent years has emerged as one of the most important socio-economic sector of the nation. It is now recognized as an industry providing substantial support to the economy of a country. Tourism promotes National Integration and International Understanding. It also helps in improvement of infrastructure, creates more opportunities of employment and most importantly provides foreign exchange. Tourism in India plays a vital role in the country's economy, cultural growth and unity. India's great diversity and cultural richness provides ample potential for growth in tourism. The rich heritage of art, architecture, pre-historic spots, places of historical importance, picturesque palaces, topographically diverse places from the wettest to the driest, hill stations, soothing beaches, mesmerizing deserts, lush green valleys, snow-peaked mountains, mysterious forests etc all speak of the more...

Introduction. India is an agricultural country. More than 75% of its population lives in villages. People work as farmers. But it is pity that our farmer lives in poverty though he _is the hack-bone of our country. He works hard and gets little to eat. Present condition of Indian farmers. The present condition of Indian farmer is very bad. He is too poor to have some comforts of life. He has very few clothes. He lives in an ordinary house. It is made of mud. It is not properly ventilated. It is dark and unhealthy. Our farmer is ignorant. He lives in dirt. He does not know the importance of cleanliness. He is open to diseases. His habits. The Indian farmer is very hard working. He is very honest. He works in the fields from morning fill evening. The scorching heat of the sun. The cold winter winds and the more...

We all wait every year for the final exams to begin and end quickly as that means the beginning of the long and most awaited summer holidays. I too eagerly wait for the summer break to begin. Actually, long before they commence, each year, I draw out a detailed plan about how will I spend my summer vacation. Last year too, I was eagerly awaiting the holidays. More because I being in the Xth standard had worked hard all the year round. And so I wanted to make the best of the forthcoming vacation. The last two exams had seemed to linger. Yet, I had tried hard to focus on the exams and not think about the holidays that were round the corner And finally the day came when I had to appear for my last board paper. The paper went very well and I could hardly wait to rush more...


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