
"Reading maketh a full man", said Sir Francis Bacon years ago. The saying still holds true. Reading for leisure and pleasure is a good habit. It not only keeps the mind occupied but it increases one's knowledge, keeps one at pace and par with the world and develops one's personality well. I am extremely fond of reading. Give me a good book, and 1 am at home anywhere in this world. A book is my best friend- It takes me around the world, to far off places, exotic and mysterious lands, unknown people, to the heights of the skies and depths of the ocean- It, thus enriches my imagination and strengthens my knowledge. I took up reading as a serious habit when I was in 6th standard. Since then, the habit has grown deeper and stronger. As a child I had read all the stories and fairy tales that my more...

"Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise". This age-old saying still holds relevance in today's world. It was during last midterm vacations during October that my friend and I thought of developing a healthy habit of sleeping early and rising early too in order to go for morning walks daily, Staying fit and breathing in fresh air was the main idea behind it. You can say it was our middle of the year resolution. So my friend and I decided for a day to start the walks. We live close to each other's house, so we also decided the time and place to meet. Both of us were very excited about our morning walks. Eagerly I was waiting for the evening to darken into night and the night to awaken to a new dawn. I had my supper early that evening and watched more...

Prayer enables one develop devotion and has untold powers. It is possible for both monks and householders to  realise god. Only some, very few, can renounce life to pursue the spiritual path and in the case of majority they have to strive for liberation while engaged in the world. Householders must seek solitude from time to time for intense spiritual practice, which may not be possible for them in their daily busy life. But it is very necessary that some time is set aside everyday for prayer so that it becomes a habit. Sri Ramakrishna Paramahansa used to say that one should develop total faith in the existence of god, as that is the foundation of spiritual life. If one is a non-believer, I he loss is not god's but the person's as he is frittering away the opportunity of a human birth, which is meant for attaining liberation and more...

Lokmanya Balgangadhar Tilak was a freedom fighter whose conviction stemmed from a deep and intricate Understanding of Indian culture. He wrote a scholarly Commentary on the Bhagavad Gita in his epic publication, Gita- rahasya and he lived its message in every sphere Of his life. As a child, Tilak was often told by some of his elders that commendable religious and philosophic life was Incompatible with the humdrum of everyday existence.  The only path to liberation, the highest attainable goal, was the renunciation of desires and material attachments, they said: "One could not serve two masters, the world and god.” Tilak was curious as to how his religion could expect  Him to give  up the world in order to attain "the perfection  Of manhood,” because, he was also told that the Bhagavad  Gita was universally recognised as the  Fountainhead  head of Hindu philosophy and faith, and a source  Of inspiration more...

Last week, it was my best friend's birthday. So we all planned a nice birthday party. He asked all of us to come to his house three days before his birthday. It was supposed to be a small tea-party with a few friends and family members, As he is the eldest in the family, he asked me to come and help him with the preparations. A day before, we went to the market and bought the necessary decoration articles. We decided for a few minutes on the food and other things with my friend's father. We also ordered the cake from the bakery his father asked us to. We both were really excited, as my friend was turning 16 this year- I decided to go straight at his place after school to help him with the decorations. I had already kept my clothes there so dressing up was no problem. more...

Introduction. I am a student. Hence my daily life follows a very simple routine. 1 once heard from my teacher that early rising is the father of three blessings-health, wealth and wisdom. Since then I have been rising early in the morning-. I get up at 4 o' clock. What I do in the morning. Alter doing my morning duties; I take Bath in cold water. I put on my clean clothes and go to the temple. It is my mother's wish that I should begin the day's work with a prayer in God. Then I take my breakfast. it consists of a few biscuits and a glass of milk. Then I sit at my books. I read them till 8 a. m. During three hours I practically finish all I tic reading of my lessons. Then completer home task of different subjects. I do not believe in eleventh hour preparations. more...

Accidents or mishaps keep happening every day and-every now and then. Some mishaps are unnoticeable or are a nuisance, others get serious and unavoidable. One trips and falls while looking at a poster, other clashes into a pole, still other steps on banana skin and slips like a skater. Such accidents are alright as they are not so serious and do not cause much harm and happen almost every day.   Sometimes when accidents take place due to rashness of people and harm others, they become serious and alarming. Therefore, one should be careful on the road and to public places so as not to harm oneself as well as others.   The other day, I saw an accident while I was returning from school. I was walking on the footpath, lost in my own thoughts, about school, homework and class tests when a searching sound broke the train of more...

Just like sports and games held all year round culminate into the sports day, all the co-curricular activities held all through the year crystallize into the Annual Day. The Annual Day is highly awaited as it is the day when even the parents are invited to watch proudly their children participating in various activities or working hard on the stage. One can say that the preparation for this occasion goes all through the year. The students and teachers both keep their eyes wide open for outstanding performances. Yet, the preparation begins a fortnight ago when the Principal announces the date and the entire school gets caught up in frenzy. Students try to come up with innovative ideas so that the item of their class gets selected. Everywhere practices go on. Some practice for tapping dance, others go for skit or mimes. The school choir starts practicing songs along with their more...

Introduction. We travel for business. We travel for sightseeing we raved for necessity. But a very few in our country travel to acquire knowledge. In Europe travelling is a nect-ss.iry purl of education. Educational value of travelling.  Educational value of travelling can hardly be described. Bacon says that travelling in younger age is a part of education, in the elder of part of experience. Travelling leaches us better than books. Sense organ is not very powerful actor the eye is very essential in learning. We read of the existence, in the past. Of a university called Nalanda- They say that there were one Hundred lecture moms. We think this a fad of imagination. Run u- this spot. Your doubt will at once be removed. It supplements our knowledge. Travelling gives us an opportune' for getting practical experience of the world rope, the poet, sings the proper study of mankind is more...

The Red Fort in Delhi, more commonly known as the Lal Qila, is one of the favourite places of the tourists from all over the country as well as the world. Before the mutiny of 1857, the fort was a small city in itself with palaces, offices, workshops and halls which had the capacity of about 3,000 people to lodge in. There are two separate structures within the huge fort from Lahore Gate to Moti Masjid. The Lahore Gate of the palace is covered by the barbican added to it by Aurangzeb. This is the gate from where the Prime Minister addresses the nation and unfurls the Tiranga every year on the Independence Day, August 15. The path leads through d long covered Bazaar called Chatta Chowk which leads to the Drum Room popularly known as the Naqqar Khana also called Naubat Khana or the Welcome Room. This, in fact, more...


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