
Introduction. The annual school sports day is celebrated in our school with great preparations. . This day gives us a great pleasure. We are full of joy on that day. The 15th December was our sports day this year. Programme for the day. As usual an interesting programme was made for the day. We got printed copies of the programme. The Principal invited parents also. The Senior P.T.I was in charge of the whole show. The sports began exactly at 10 A.M. Items of the Programme. First of all, the athlete taking part in different events salved a march past. The Principal of the school took the salute. Then the sports began. (1) Different kinds of Races. The first item was the races of 100 metres race, the 400 metres race and the 880 metres race and five kilometers race. The live kilometers race was a great fun. The hurdle more...

Relationships are how we relate to others. We have relationships with everyone we know and those who are   close to us. Each and every interaction we have with   another person is the act of relating. If we have a problem   relating to others, it affects our ability to have supportive relationships. We have to ask ourselves if our relationships   are supportive, and if they are not, then ask why they are not.                                          Everyone wants the perfect romance or marriage, but not everyone looks at the mechanics of how to have one.  If we fail to have supportive relationships in our life, how can we have the "perfect love" relationships? Through the   act of supporting, we honour and validate who the other person is. This is turn, validates who we are. So, both   are supported; no one loses; no egos are involved; and,   so doing, we honour the relationship. This is more...

The Cinema is a popular form of entertainment today. Young and old, rich and poor, boys and girls throng cinema halls in hundreds to see a new film. It seems they see all new pictures; they are not selective. They have some leisure and they have to do something anyway. The cinema is becoming popular with the masses in spite of television. More and more cinema halls are coming up. There is not a city that does not have a number of cinema halls. It has become almost the only means of man entertainment and cinema halls have become popular places. The movies take away a person from the hard realities of life. He forgets his trials and tribulations and worries during that time. He is then in a make-believe world. He is in a dreamland and shares with the actors and actresses their joy and sorrows. The cinema has more...

The occasion and place of the match. I do not play hockey but I love to watch the game - And few occasions provide belter hockey than the annual Sindhia Hockey Tournament at Gwalior. Tin-final match of the sidhia hockey tournament. Sunday I saw the final match of the Tournament. It was a sunny day- the best Weather games. A large number of prominent people and hockey lovers had gathered to watch the match. The Governor of Madhya Pradesh along with the Prime Minister and other high officials. Was present there. All round the field, student', and common public had begin. The opposite teams, their colours and players The players look the field exactly al 4 p.m. The yellow of the Jhansi Heroes presented a striking contrast to the blue and red of the Bombay Eleven. Deep chand and some other famous Olympic players were playing for Jhansi. On the more...

Introduction. Every school should hold some festival for the benefit of students. The school festivals have their own importance. They keep family atmosphere in schools- They make school life more suitable to students. When students assemble to celebrate the festival they learn to hold meeting and how to speak before the gathering. My, school celebrates Janmashtami festival every year. The preparation. A few days before the arrival of Janmashtami an order was circulated that the school would celebrate Krishna's birthday. All the local boys were asked to take part in it. The school made great preparations. The music teacher prepared a few students to sing a song on the festival day. The Hindi teacher noted down the names of those who wished to speak on Lord Krishna's life. The Art teacher painted a picture of Lord Krishna. A small stage was made in the hall. The drama was written by more...

Refashion your life to get rid of stress. Stress is a Disease of modern times. It affects people regardless of their age, walk of life. Stress is present in the lives of the rich   and poor, liberate and illiterate, men and women.  Stress is more evident in advanced countries and is common among highly qualified people. Stress is of various kinds—physical, emotional and Intellectual and it is characterized by a feeling of being Burdened; of being unable to cope. At a physical level Modern technology and facilities have actually increased workloads and decreased relaxation. Mobile phones and laptops have made it easy to carry the office to the home. Emotional stress increases when there is disharmony And Friction in relationships. Unfortunately, the trend today is to take the easy way out—people prefer to break Away from relationships rather than repair them.  Philosophical and intellectual tensions also add to the stress more...

A person without ambition is like a ship floating having such a person has no destination to reach. He gets nowhere. He achieves next to nothing in life. Having ambition in life is very worthwhile. But just having one is not enough. Whatever the ambition, there Has to be   continuous effort towards achieving it. If a Person has a target but does nothing, it is like day Dreaming or just having a pious resolution. There are different ambitions with different persons, the ambition varies from person to person depending on Family background, upbringing, social position and Economic condition some people have an ambition to amass wealth- matter how. That is why some parents ask for huge dowries at the time of marriage of their sons.  At times persons with such aim get into anti-social Activety like smuggling, black marketing. Thus corruption spreads. However. Money is not everything in life. Man more...

Introduction. The Holi festival is one of the most important and Interesting festivals of the Hindus. It comes in the month of fagun all persons young and old, men and women, boys and girls look forward in this day with great joy. The origin of the festival. There is a story about the origin of this Festival. Prahlad was a devotee of Ram. His father Hirnakashyp haled Ram. He wanted to punish his son for announcing the name of Ram. He tried many ways to kill him but all failed. Hirnakashyp was determined to kill him. In the end he asked his sister, Holika to enter the fire with Prahlad. Her body was fire proof. Fortunately, Prahlad mine-out of the lire safe but his aunt (Holika) was burnt to death, so this festival is celebrated in the honour of this event. It is also said that the Holi is the more...

Introduction. A Principal has a very important place in the working of the school. He can improve the standard of education in the school. He is a central figure in the school. Our Principal his personality. Mr. R.L. Sharma is our Principal. He is a tall and strong man. He has a well built body. He has a grand personality. His appearance is pleasing. He is always neat and clean in his dress. He is an M.A., B.T. His qualities. Us Principal is able and hard working. He is very noble and honest in this class He takes great interest in his work. He is the friend and guide of the students. We rcn.inl him as our guru. Besides being a good teacher he is the good administrator. He leaches us English. He is a lover of honesty. His method of teaching. He is famous for his method of leaching. Boys more...

Raja Rammohan Roy's efforts to abolish the despicable practice of sati and the setting up of the Brahmo Samaj is more well known than the fact that he was also far ahead of his time in interpreting religion. Much of what, he said more than 200 years ago is relevant even today, in spite of the passage of time and attendant changes in  the Indian social fabric.                              He mastered Persian and Arabic, read the Korean and the works of Sufi mystics in the original as well as Arabic translation of the works of Aristotle and Plato. When Raja Ram Mohan Roy was just 16 years of age, he set out on a journey through northern India and Tibet to get firsthand knowledge of Buddhism. He continued with his travels for three years. He went to Varanasi where he learnt Sanskrit and studied ancient Hindu scriptures. He was also influenced by more...


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