
Good manners make a full man. They are very essential for human civilization. Without good manners, man is like a purse without money though it is very attractive from outside. They are the outcome of good breeding. A person who has been brought up in a good environment must have good manners. You may call them the flowers of mankind's garden.  Never hate anyone at all. It is clear that if we hate others, we congratulate ourselves over the misfortunes and failings of others, as It Is bad reasoning and makes us enemies of half the world. With he help of good manners, we can find entry into the heart of a I person and can therefore earn his love. Good manners are the best recommendations of a man. One should be sympathetic towards the weak and old. Whenever we see an old person in need of a seat while more...

Introduction. The original name of Indian American astronaut Sunita Williams is Sunita Pandya. She is also known by Suni Williams. She is the greatest woman astronaut in the history of space shuttle mission. Her mother's name is Bonnie Pandya and father Dr. Deepak Pandya is a famous Neuroanatomist. She was bom at Euclid, Ohio in America. Education. Sunita Williams got her elementary education from Ncedham High School, Massachusetts in 1983. She passed her graduation In B.S. (Physical Science) from U.S. Naval Academy in 1987. After that, ihe completed her M.S. (Engineering Management) from Florida Institute Of Technology in 1995. Sunita Pandya was married to Michael J. Williams. Organizations. After completing her education, Sunita Williams Joined the Society of Experimental Test Pilot Organization and Society of Plight Test Engineers. She also served some time in American Helicopter Association. Then she was designated as Commander, USN. Selection in NASA. Taking into account more...

It is said when examinations are approaching, students suffer from examination fever. And rightly examinations are regarded as a curse by students. The approach of examinations means the beginning of fear in the mind of a student. As a matter of fact, examinations are the only hurdles in an otherwise happy and carefree life of a student. The bugbear of an examination interrupts the smooth course of a student's life; games, musical concerts, debates and activities are all stopped when examinations are nearing. Students are not to be found at the cinema houses, restaurants and other places of entertainment during those days. Examinations are held to test student's ability, to cheek up the work they have done during a term, to judge what progress they have made and to determine whether they have been utilizing or wasting their time. If there were no examinations, the merits of the various students more...

Mohan Das Karam Chand Gandhi, the father of nation popularly known as Mahatma Gandhi or Bapu was born on 2nd Oct. 1869.  His father Karam Chand Gandhi was the Diwan of Rajkot state. His mother Putlibai was a religious and pious lady. At the age of seven he went to school. He was an average student. He was always regular and punctual in his class. At the age of thirteen he was married to Kasturba. After Matriculation and college studies he went to England to study law. There he became barrister and returned home. He started his practice at Bombay and then he went to Rajkot, but he was not a successful lawyer. In one case he had to 50 to South Africa, there he stayed for twenty one years. There he saw the pathetic condition of Indians. He fought bravely against the White men's injustice towards the Indians, who more...

Strike can be defined as the denial to do work by an organized group of workers, then they are said to have been gone on strike. The associations of the workers raise some demands before the management and stops working up to its fulfillment. There is not a common opinion of people regarding these strikes. Some are of the view that strikes should be declared illegal and should be stopped with iron hands. But some have other opinion about it. They say that they are the natural off springs of our industrial system. Before industrialization   workers were at the mercy of their masters but after industrialization unions of workers came into existence to safeguard the interests of the workers, in the previous days the worker had to compromise with dictates of his master, but same is not now. The realization of unity among workers gave way for the formation more...

India is a country of different communities belonging to different religions. So almost every day we see a festival being celebrated with joy and fun. The festivals make our life colorful and charming. There are some religious festivals, some are based on seasons and some are of nations Importance. They are celebrated with great Joy and fun The Indian religious festivals are Diwali and Dussehra, Id-ul- Fitr and Id-ul Zuha, X'mas day and the New Year's day, Mahavir Jayanti, Buddha Jayanti, Guru Nanak's Birthday etc. Though these festivals are marked by different communities, yet they are celebrated by all without any ill-will and communal hatred. Festivals promote the feelings of communal harmony  Holi, Baisakhi and Basant are important seasonal festivals. Holi is a festival of colours. It marks the end of the winter season. Baisakhi is the seasonal festival of the Punjab. It is celebrated at the end of harvesting more...

Pongal is the harvest festival of Tamil Nadu. It is celebrated for four days in the mid-January commencing from the last day of the Tamil month Margazhi. The sun, the earth and the cattle are worshipped by farmers as thanks giving for a Bounteous Harvest. People of Tamil Nadu took gay and enthusiastic with lots of hopes and aspirations. They clean their houses and decorate it with festoons before four or five days of festive occasion. They all try to complete these decorations on the eve of Pongal- ‘Bogi'. They decorate the earthen vessels of big sizes with kumkum and swastika. After the preparations are made, either the eldest or the youngest member of the family fills the pot with rice, water and some milk as per tradition. According to the belief associated with this festival, rice is cooked either in the courtyard or in the open fields instead of more...

A saint philosopher Swami Vivekanand was the first Indian who with his patriotic zeal and eloquence made the Western world aware of India's great spiritual and cultural heritage. In 1893, he won thunderous applause at the World Parliament of Religions in Chicago with his very first words. "Sisters and Brothes of America" and boldly proclaimed that religions were not meant to spread hate and discord but to foster love and brotherhood. He glorified the Hindu religion and the Indian culture. This great saint was born in Kolkata on 12 January ,1863. he was named Narendra. His father was Vishwanath Dutta, a respectable figure and his mother was Devi Bhuvaneshwari, a devout women with great ability for training her children.  Swami Vivekanand was very scientific in his attitude and never accepted anything without proof of knowledge. During  college days once his professor told him to go to Shri Ramakrishna at Dakshineshwar more...

There is obviously none in this vast world who does not desire happiness. Everyone is running after it to get it. But happiness is not such a thing that can be achieved so easily. If we want it we must think how to choose a profession. There are some people who believe in stars and think that only stars can make their fate. But to speak the truth, it is our own thinking which makes or mars our destiny. A good profession can make our life a heaven while bad one a hell. Now it is very much clear how important it is for us to choose a profession. There are many people in the world who are doing a work for which they are not fit. This causes dissatisfaction or depression among them. Therefore, a well-considered plan should be chalked out to achieve a definite end. I think the more...

Sonia Gandhi is truly one of the most popular Indian women, who with her amazing grace anointed as the queen of sacrifice. The way by which she declined the post of the Prime Minister of India has proved her to be true Indian. She, is the course, became the first-ever person to decline the post of the PM, and amazed the whole world. As an as true politician, she claims she was always clear in her mind that she would not accept the post of Prime Minister even if it came her way. Born at the small town of Orbassano, near Turin, Italy in 1946, Sonia Maino was sent to Cambridge, UK to study English where in 1965, she met Rajiv Gandhi which resulted in their marriage. It gave her the honour of becoming a part of a great Indian family. Now they started leading a happy life, away from more...


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