
Students should devote themselves primarily to their studies. But in the modem age, a book-worm is not regarded as an ideal student. Now he has many duties besides studies. Students, being a vital part of society, should take part in the community service. India  is  a  poor and developing country. It is not possible for the government to do everything alone. So, students have a lot of work to do. During long vacations and other holidays, they can go to villages and teach the illiterate people there. They can also make them conscious of the role of health and hygiene. They should often visit backward villages and slum areas, point out why epidemics occur there. They should also induce them to take part in cultural programmes. During floods, famines and epidemics, students can serve the suffering humanity. A student's education is incomplete if he is not involved actively in social more...

The moon is a heavenly body shining in the sky at night. It looks like a large round silver plate. The moon is a natural satellite of the earth. It moves round the earth in twenty-eight days. The moon has no light of its own. It is lit up by the light of the sun. There are no living beings on the surface of the moon. There is no air, no water and no soil on its surface. It has only sand and rocks.  The shape and size of the moon appears to change everyday. The part towards us and.  We can see only one side of the revolution and rotation are equal. Moonlight is very soft and nice. We can enjoy the beauty of moonlight at night. The lunar eclipse takes place when the earth comes between the sun and the moon. The gravitational force of the moon is more...

One morning, I saw a ghastly accident on my way to school. Suddenly, I heard a crash. Turning to look, I saw a horrible sight. A scooter and a car had apparently collided with each other. All I could make out before the crowd of passers-by rushed towards them was a pool of blood, shattered glasses and a man lying on the road. It seemed to me that there was far too much noise and nobody seemed to be doing anything to help the accident victims. However, some intelligent, alert persons must have rung up the hospital, for soon an ambulance came, followed by the police who cleared away the crowd. I watched it from a safe distance. I saw the badly wounded man, who had been riding the scooter, being lifted on to a stretcher and put into the ambulance. The occupants of the car were also suffering from more...

I am now an old coin and have been in circulation for many , many years. I am worn out now and the lion's head on my face is very faint. But I still remember my early youth when I was in the government treasury, with my bright companions. I shone  rightly then and the lion's head glittered brightly. My active life began when I was paid out from the counter of a bank, along with other new rupees, to a gentleman who got a cheque encashed. I went off jingling in his pocket, but I was not there for long, as he gave me to a shopkeeper. The shopkeeper looked pleased when he had me in his hand, and said, "I have not seen a new rupee for some time", and he banged me against his counter to see if I was genuine. I gave out such a clear more...

Ours is an age of electricity which is replacing other sources of energy like water, oil and coal, because it is comparably cheap, efficient and useful. Electricity supplies every kind of energy to man to improve his scientific inventions and increase his social amenities. From house-lighting to the running of giant factories, it is the invisible current that flows through the thin copper wire of insignificant dimension. Just switching on of button releases power and man has not failed  to avail himself of both the constructive and destructive potentialities of electrical energy. Consider the constructive side of electricity. It is a source of light, heat and other comforts. House, streets, parks, pleasure houses and places are lighted with electricity. Heating and cooling processes are also carried on by it. Air-conditioning is a feat of modern electrical engineering. Refrigerators not only condition the temperature but also preserve and facilitate man's food more...

A College/School Canteen is a necessity and it is generally situated at a stone's throw from the main building. Every College/School has a canteen. It is a popular place with students and professors. This is the most crowded place. Students can be seen wandering about near the canteen. Some of them keep inside the canteen talking or eating. College Students come here during the free periods. They come to take tea and eating. The presence of many boys and girls makes it a jolly place. The canteen contractor is popular with the students. Students are generally without money. They want to buy things on credit. Our college has good furniture. There are waiters to serve. Small parties are held in the college canteen. A rich student who wins a college election gives a party to his friends. Some rich boys give parties on their birthdays. The parties are full of more...

The loss of a country when skilled and intelligent people leave it to go and live in other countries for better opportunities is called brain drain. In India the tendency to go abroad is growing rapidly. The growing urge among the Indian families to send their children to foreign lands especially the west is getting even stronger despite the fact that our country is in no way lacking in having excellent educational institutions.  The urge to go to the west has become compelling in our country in post-independence years. If we look into the reason for the brain drain phenomenon, it will be cleared that the educational pattern of country is not up to the mark. It does Hot serve the needs of the country. Other reasons are Unrecognized or unrewarded talents and lack of job Opportunities for trained professionals. This is the start of the brain drain of the more...

Reading makes a man perfect. By reading we get information, facts and knowledge of the affairs of the world. The books prescribed for our formal education do not provide pleasure to us. This is an obligation on us to read that book as we have to continue with our education. We are to go through them even though we may not like them. The books that provide us pleasure are the books of our liking and interest. Therefore we should have a vast field of good books for our knowledge. Most of the people who read books as a part (pass) time, read them for pleasure only. But it is very much doubtful that all those who read get any real pleasure out of it. These days, reading has become a fashion too. We can see people reading books in buses, trains even bus-stops and restaurants. The only purpose of more...

Introduction. Cable T.V. has become an important and affordable means of entertainment. Sitting at home, we can avail any type of programme on any channel. We have no need to waste a lot of money for watching our favourite game or movie. Cable T.V. is a miracle in the field of our advance technology. It is the mirror of happening day to day incidents all over the world. Truly speaking life is meaningless without cable TV.  Affordable means of Entertainment. In the age of cable T.V. we can entertain ourselves for the whole twenty four hours. All the channels of T.V. are loaded with news, views and entertainment. The whole world of information and entertainment is at your finger tips. Cable connection is not much costly. You can avail this facility for only about Rs. 250-300. All the channels telecast films, serials, news and laughter shows, so children are glued more...

Women are the victims of many evil practices in the society. One of them is the dowry system. The system is there in the Indian society since a very long time. Many great reformers have gained a very little or partial success to remove this social evil from the society. Legislative measures have also been taken by the state and central government but it persists in our society When a female child is born in a Hindu family especially in northern region it is considered a bad omen for the family. Thus a female child becomes victim of the ill-conceived social customs of the society some selfish people raise a vain slogan that men are superior to women. The dowry system is a stigma on the Indian society and is a curse for women. Such evil customs and systems are a blot on Indian society and must be done away more...


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