
India has four seasons. Winter is one of them. It lasts from the month of November to February. In England Winter is a bad time. Of course some of the days of winter are very chilly and unpleasant in India also. In winter morning is the hardest time. The nights are long. So we wake up in the morning at 5 o'clock. But it is so cold that we do not like to rise and leave the beds. We cover ourselves with the quilt and remain lying comfortably on the warm bed. At last, we have to leave our beds to answer our natural calls. The water is very cold at this time. So we get fresh water from well or tap. But when we have washed ourselves, our hands become numb and we go to fire place to warm our hands and other parts of our body.  Then we more...

Agriculture has a significant role in our economy. Being the main occupation of the people of India, about sixty four percent of our workforce is employed in agriculture. Both industry and agriculture are important for the progress of country and since independence we have made great efforts in the field of industrial development. However, almost twenty nine percent of our national income still comes from agriculture. Hence, its role in our country's economy cannot be ignored. Agriculture provides us with our very basic requirement that of food in the form of grains, vegetables, fruits and many other edibles. In addition it provides raw materials for many industries thus it not only fulfils one of our essential needs but also gives support to industries. There are many agricultural products which are exported and in return valuable foreign exchange is earned which strengthens the economic system of our country. Hence, it is more...

An interview can be defined as the oral test of a candidate who had applied for a post for employment or admission. No one knows about his future like it one cannot know about the questions to be: asked by an interviewer. As the field of knowledge is very vast so the field of questioning is very vast. Interviewer is at a liberty to ask question from any field of knowledge. This is luck of the candidate if his field of knowledge coincides with that of the members of the interview board. This is the matter of fate if the replies appeal to Them. The difference of giver and seeker makes the members of the interview board on the superior side as they are givers and we are seekers. They are on a vantage ground. As there is a vast difference in demand and supply they are again on the more...

I am not fond of visiting pictures. I go to the cinema once a month. I generally see the religious pictures with my father. Last Friday we went to the Urvashi Cinema House to see 'Luv and Kush'. There was a big crowd outside the hall. People were roaming about. Some  talking of film. Some were looking at posters. There was a great rush at the booking window. It was very difficult to get at it. The people were pushing one another. With great difficulty we got tickets. The hall was well-lighted. It was quite cool. Soon the hall was fully crowded. In front of us there was a big silver screen. Exactly at 6.30 p.m. all the lights in the hall went off. At first there were few advertisements. The film record went on playing. Then there were few news reels, and then came the cast of show. The more...

I have many friends at school and I love to play with them. In my neighborhood also there are many children who are my friends. Although I value their friendship a lot, I have another friend also who is dearest of all. That friend is my  library.  I have built a little library of my own at home. Ever since I was born my parents have been collecting books for me. It began with books to teach alphabet. Then came numbers.   Gradually I had books with short stories. My mother used to read them at bed time. Now I have tales, folk-tales from different parts of the world, fan books, books on science, history and literature. I love books. On my holidays I pick up any book and get so engrossed in it that I often forget to eat. My mother has to   yell at me to have more...

Many months ago I went to Mussoorie with my friends. All of us formed a good company. We had good time on the way. We reached there in a bus. One day, we reached the top of the highest hill. It is called Lal Tibba. We were tired. But we were pleased to see the top. We lay down on the hard surface. We gave full rest to our tired limbs. The air was quite fresh and cool. We breathed freely. The natural scenery was very charming. The beauty of nature charmed us. We looked around and below the hill. The hill was not bare. It had a very large number of trees and plants. Some plants bore flowers of different colours. The colours of flowers were quite different from the flowers in the plains. There were very tall trees of Deodar. The height of these trees terrified us. I more...

In our Constitution, the Directive Principles of State Policy "have stated that the government should provide free and compulsory education to all children up to the age of fourteen years. However because our population is so large, progress in this field has been slow. Millions of children are out of schools and they do not know how to read and write.  It is a great tragedy that such a huge number of our children does not go to school and waste their precious time as well  as their childhood wandering here and there on the road working at low wages in the factories or in the houses of wealthy people to support their family. Children cannot have a proper future without education. Education is the base which only can make their life strong and comfortable. The percentage of literacy has undoubtedly gone up since independence but it does not mean more...

Last week, our school organised a blood donation camp. The school hall was used for this purpose. Beds were laid out and necessary equipment were set up. Banners advertising the camp were displayed. A team of doctors and nurses from the Red Cross Organisation came to collect blood which would be used to save the lives of accident victims and seriously ill people. All the volunteers were from the school, but some parents of students also donated blood. The principal was the first donor followed by members of the staff. Then it was the turn of senior students. The younger children also wanted to donate but were not allowed to do so by the doctors who said that they were too young. Disappointed, they turned away but were asked to come back by the teacher who was in-charge of refreshments. She gave them the task of handing out sweets, bananas more...

It was a Saturday. I had seen the movie on TV the previous night that was telecast from 11.30 PM to 1 30 AM. I went to sleep after 2 AM, My mother had prepared breakfast and was taking her bath. She had thought that I was getting ready in my room. She was surprised when she saw me sleeping as she came out. She woke me up with great difficulty. I prepared myself hastily and rushed to the bus stop. There was no student waiting for the school bus. I realized at once that I would have to reach the school by the local bus. The buses were overcrowded and 'some commuters were hanging on doors. As the bus stopped, I entered from the front door. The driver was nice. He did not object when I requested him to let me stand in a corner. The conductor asked me more...

It was the 1st of April. 1st of April is known as 'All Fools Day'. But I had forgotten it. Early in the morning, my younger brother shook me awake. "What's the matter?" I asked him. "Your teacher has come to see Papa." I hurriedly got up and put on clothes and asked, "Where is she?" My younger brother said, "At the door." I hurried to the door and opened it. No one was there. I looked around. Just then, my younger brother yelled from behind, "April fool, April fool." I ran after him, caught him and laughed loudly. After some time we went to school. I wanted to take revenge with my younger brother. In the afternoon we returned from school. My younger brother sleeps in the afternoon for a short while. When I saw him fast asleep, I patted him awake and said, "You're late for school. Hurry more...


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