
Baishakhi is a harvest festival, which is celebrated on the thirteenth day of April according to the solar calendar. It is celebrated in North India, particularly in Punjab and Haryana, when the Rabi Crop is ready for harvesting. On this day men have 'Bhangra dance and wrestling etc. Women, too, break into revelry of dances, particularly the Giddha dance, executed with favour and rhythmic exactitude. Both men and women adorn themselves with colourful dresses. Children are seen more enthusiastic on these occasions.  Baishakhi has special significance for two of India's major religious groups. Hindus take it as the start of the new year. Hence, they celebrate it religiously by taking holy dip in the sacred river Ganga, They pray for peace and prosperity in the new year. In Assam, this festival in known as Bohag Bihu, and the Assamese celebrate it with full gaity. In Kerala this festival is called more...

Dr. Bhim Rao Ambedkar was one of the greatest leaders of India. He was jurist, social worker, writer and educationist. He fought against untouchability and became the emancipator of the untouchables and crusader for social justice. It was he who drafted the Indian Constitution. He was born in Mahu which is now in Madhya Pradesh on April, 14, 1891. He was born in a family of Mahars, the largest untouchable caste at that time. As a child he had bitter experience of untouchability. That was the time when backwards and untouchables were insulted and ill- treated. Dr. Amebedkar proved to be an angel for these poor and down trodden people.  Ambedkar was brilliant student. He passed his B.A. in 1912. He got scholarship from the benevolent Maharaja of Baroda State. He was under an agreement to serve the state for ten years. He went to America for higher studies. He more...

I shall ever remember my twelth birthday. It was celebrated in a grand style. My birthday falls on the 13th of April every year. Baisakhi is also celebrated the same day. My birthday falls in the spring season and days are very pleasant then. This year a cool and fragrant breeze was blowing. All my friends and near relatives were invited for the occasion. A special sky-blue shirt and a black trouser were prepared for me. It was a day full of excitement, joy and expectations. The drawing room was tastefully decorated with flowers, balloons and colourful paper buntings. In the evening, the celebrations began when all the guests arrived. Then I went into the hall dressed in my special clothes. They were all waiting for me. They welcomed me by clapping hands and handshakes. The birthday cake had been placed on a large table with ten candles fixed on more...

Nature gives us many useful things. We cannot do without them. Salt is one of them. It is a necessary article in food. Salt is obtained from the sea. It is also obtained from mines. The latter is called rock-salt. There are famous salt mines in the salt ranges in Punjab and Rajasthan. The rock salt is dug out from mines. It has a reddish colour. To obtain salt from the sea water, we have to boil the water or let it evaporate in the sun. When the water evaporates, salt is left behind. This salt is not pure. It is purified afterwards. Pure salt is white in colour. In India, salt is prepared in a large quantity in coastal areas. Salt is also prepared at the Sambar Lake in Rajasthan. Salt is used by all men, rich or poor. Salt makes our food tasty. Food is also easily digested more...

Health is the greatest assets a person possesses It is an important gift by nature to us. Health is precious and every one must look after it carefully. Disease is the worst enemy of good health. There are various kinds of bacteria and viruses in the atmosphere which can attack man and make him ill. How could diseases be kept apart from affecting us. It is wise to prevent a disease rather than trying to cure it once it has already affected a person. Many medicines have been invented for the cure of almost every disease. Drugs like asprine, quinine, penicillin, etc. have been used by doctors all over the world to cure influenza, malaria, etc. Antibiotics are given by doctors to fight serious infections. However, these cures lead to various damages to the body as they have a weakening affect on the body. Hence it has often been advised more...

UNO stands for United Nations Organization. It is the world body which came into existence on October 24, 1945 at; the end of the Second World War. Obviously it was formed to save the world from the catastrophe of another World War. The UNO is successfully doing its work and is trying to maintain international peace and security by developing friendly relations; among nations. The UNO has six organs to carry out its business. However the Security Council is its most important organ. America, Russia, England, France and China are the five permanent I members of the Security Council. They enjoy the right of veto, which means that the Security Council cannot take any I decision without unanimous consent of these five members. If any of these members disagrees, the decision cannot be taken as valid. In this council, there are ten temporary members. Besides its six organs, of the more...

Public property is what people of a country own and use it jointly. For example, we walk on road, use electricity, public parks and grounds, hospital, libraries, government offices, etc. These are all built with public money, that is from the taxes. we pay. And the government is responsible for maintaining this property. But it does not mean that people have no role to play in this regard. If the government is responsible for building and maintaining public property, it is the duty of people to help the government in maintaining it. It costs a lot of money to build or buy these things and our country is not so rich. Hence our duty increases a little bit more. If we, the people of the country do not use these public amenities properly or if we destroy them, it will not be easy to replace them. It has been seen more...

The abuse of drug has become an international problem. Almost every country nowadays is facing the menace of drug abuse. Whether it is America, the most powerful country or it is India, one of the developing countries, the problem bothers both alike. The evil is increasing by leaps and bounds in the places like hostels and campuses of the universities and technical and professional institutions where a big number of students are freely using charas, ganja, heroin, smack or brown  sugar etc. No doubt drugs have been used by mankind from the very beginning but for medical purposes. Nowadays they are f being abused by our young generation. Sometimes our young boys and girls take drugs and narcotics to alleviate pain but most of the time to get a thrill at the persuation of their friends. By and by they become addicted to this bad habit. In  ndia their number more...

There are many views regarding merits and demerits of English and other Indian languages regarding medium of instruction in education at school and college level. As there are many languages in India it becomes difficult to adopt a common language as medium of instruction throughout the country. The argument why English should be the only medium of instruction is that it is spoken all over the world. Being a language of scientific knowledge, we can be benefited from the technological advancement of other countries by reading English. Therefore English is very much suitable as the medium of instruction. But the fact is that we can understand better in our mother tongue. In case of English it is very difficult to master a foreign language. In the mother tongue the student can attain greater efficiency and he can express his thoughts in a better way in his mother tongue. When we more...

Politics is the most common phenomenon in the world today. Politics is the concept which provides the manner and the rules to govern a state and country. Its approach is to provide good governance. The persons who are related to this phenomenon are known as politicians. They are supposed to be the persons with all the qualities needed for the good governance. But the present scenario has completely been changed. Now the person who are in the politics appear to be the criminals. They have a number of criminal cases under trial against themselves. Still they rule the state and the country. They are being elected as public representatives for Assembly and Parliament. Whether they win or snatch victory in elections no one can say. It seems that politics has became synonym for crime. Criminalization is a term which comes of the word 'crime' which appears to be very unpleasant more...


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