
Spring is the most pleasant season in India. In this season everybody feels happy after the intense cold of winter. All take interest in out-door life. The earth wears a green dress. Again it comes to life. In this season the nature is kind. It gives us pleasure and joy. The trees, once more look fresh and lovely. They regain their lost leaves. The birds were silent in winter. Now they sing songs. They thank God with thousands of notes. Nature gives a grand feast to our hungry eyes. It invites us to come out and take part in the joy of the world. It presents a lovely sight to our eyes. We get new strength from the kind mother of nature. The cool breeze invites us to come into the open. Buds of flowers peep to see the beautiful sight of nature. Flowers spread their sweet smell in all more...

Every man dreams. Many aspire to be rich or to become business tycoons (magnates, big guns). Some persons dream of becoming leaders, politicians and social reformers. There are others who have a craze for becoming poets, writers and novelists and yet there are those who have a desire of becoming engineers, doctors and scientists of great repute. There are  very few persons, who are happy-go-lucky by nature and have no clear-cut aim in life. As for myself, I do not have very ambitious aims in my life. I do not wish to become a mill-owner or a multi-millionaire. The sole object of my life is to lead a life of simplicity and goodness devoted to the service of humanity. The life of a professional leader or politician does not interest me, as most of such persons are now parasites on society. I am born of middle class parents. From the more...

Unemployment means lack of work for those persons who are willing to work. There are two categories of unemployed persons-uneducated persons and educated persons. Unemployment among the educated people is increasing. Besides, unemployment, there is under employment also. Under employment means insufficient employment. For example, a farmer is under employed because he does not have work for the whole year. Unemployment is one of the major problems of the Indian economy. We know India is an underdeveloped economy and therefore the nature of unemployment here differs from the one that prevails in a developed economy. In India there is chronic under-employment or disguised unemployment in the rural sector and unemployment among the educated classes in the urban areas. The main cause of unemployment among the educated lot is the slow rate growth of the economy in relation to increase in the number of educated persons. Several factors are responsible for more...

The invention of computer is one of the greatest feats of modern science and technology. It controls almost every sphere of life and has made it a little less toilsome and more cheerful. The credit of inventing this wonderful instrument goes to Charles Babbage, a British scientist. A computer is nothing but a kind of small electronic machine with the help of which different things can be done easily, accurately and quickly within a very short time. In the beginning, it was mainly used in accounting for getting correct information. Keeping race with the western countries, India is also advancing in the field of information technology. In India, computer is used widely in space research centres, laboratories, industries, hospitals, airports, railway stations, banks, offices, shops, schools and colleges. It also helps students and teachers in learning and teaching history, geography and science very easily and in an interesting manner. The more...

The earth is probably the only planet where life exists. This common home of all living creatures is round in shape. It was believed in the past that the earth was flat in shape. But Pythagoras, a great Greek mathematician, proved that it is round in shape. From the moon, the earth looks like a very bright big blue ball. It is about 25, 000 miles round. The earth revolves constantly round the sun on its own orbit in the space. It takes one year to go round revolution, seasons change. At the  same time, it spins like a top on its own axis. To complete a spin, it takes twenty-four hours. This causes day and night. The three-fourth of the earth's surface is covered with water and the one-fourth is land. The land portion provides crops, flowers, fruits etc. It is divided into continents and countries. The water surface more...

The reason for destruction of life and property on a large scale in 1947 in India was communalism. Communal riots are taking place in almost every state in India. In comparison to it there are no communal riots in Bangladesh and Pakistan. Why does this evil stalk freely in our country alone? Even the minority communities of Hindus and Christians are there in our neighboring countries also. It seems that we have learnt nothing from our past experiences and historical facts. We are underplaying the issue that communalism was the lone factor of division of our motherland. Infect, our leaders are playing the communal card for the political motos and gains- They always keep minorities in a state of panic. The two main communities chiefly associated with it are Hindus and the Muslims. They are at the two poles in their culture. Our neighboring Muslim countries are there to incite more...

Picnics, tours, trips and excursions are a part and parcel of our life. They provide us complete opportunities to study the book of Nature as Shakespeare says, "We find sermons in stones, tongues, in trees and books in running brooks". Picnics, tours and trips are as important as food and drink. One Sunday morning, the weather was very fine. The sky was cloudy and cool and gentle breeze was blowing. My friend and I decided to visit the river Beas which flows at a distance of six kilometers from our town. We were a party of eight friends. We took with us our swimming suits and towels. We also carried a good quantity of eatables including fruits. We left home on bicycles at 6 a.m. The river scenery was also very charming. Water in the river flowed on silently and majestically. Fish swam in the water. There were flocks of more...

Hiking is a great source of pleasure for us besides being beneficial for health. Once we leave the crowded streets of a city and go out for a walking tour away from the mad world, we really feel free. The open air has a bracing effect on the mind. The congestion of the city, the uproar and tumult, the intolerable noise of traffic, the depressing daily routine all are forgotten and the mind is at liberty. We then feel like running, leaping, singing and laughing. How merrily we travel mile after mile in the company of friends. Hiking takes us near the beauties of nature. The sight of wild flowers, streams, trees and bushes is pleasing. A contact is established between us and nature. The sounds of nature, like the murmur of a brook or the song of a bird, acquire a new meaning and significance for us. Our power more...

We find both the old and modem way of life in Punjab village. We see farmers working with the plough and also with the tractor. Both the persian wheel and the tubewell can also be seen at work. In the same villages, we can see mud houses and pucca houses. A Punjab village has a primary or a middle school. In bigger village, we might see a high or higher schools or even colleges. Most village children study in the schools. Children of school-going age can also be seen wandering aimlessly in the village or grazing cattle. Though most of Punjab villages have been electrified, yet we can see some ' people making use of the earthen lamps or kerosene lamps.  But the old order is changing and giving place to the new. Most of the villages are connected with the towns by means of pucca roads. Buses and auto-rickshaws more...

The 14th April, 2005 was a lucky day for me. On that very day, a series of events occurred one after the other in quick succession. All the events proved to be in my favour and gave me immense joy. It was therefore I declared that day the happiest day of my life.  I had participated in the National Mathematical Olympiad ft few months ago. I had done good no doubt but I was not sure of my brilliant success. On 14th April I got a letter in which I had been acknowledged that I had achieved first rank In the competition for which nice reward was waiting for me.  The information brought great pleasure for me and my family. I had really achieved brilliant success. All praised me and gave me congratulations.  Just after a few hours, I got a courier. My joy knew no bounds when I opened more...


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