
India is the seventh largest country in the world. The Government of India takes suitable steps for the welfare of the citizens, such as building roads, hospitals and schools; providing electricity and water supplies; maintaining law and order in the country and making the life of the citizens happy and prosperous. One such step is the distribution of basic necessities of life. The public distribution system or the fair price shop is a means by which the government provides various articles of daily use to the citizens   at reasonable prices. The articles sold here include sugar, wheat, wheat flour, vegetable oil, pulses,  cereals, clothes, kerosene oil etc. Those things are specifically sold at a fair price shop which is difficult to get in the open market. A citizen requires a ration card to buy articles from a fair price shop. For it, he has to register himself with the more...

Outline : Working hours : 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. A 45-minute break at p.m. Lunch time for some, play time for others—three friends and 1. Firs three days a week—join a larger group to play outdoor games. Next two days a week—indoor games half day's work. A few go home at one. some  do homework to ensure/all holiday on Sunday-lunch break period is the  best part of the school day. Everyone enjoys it. I am a student of XII class in a well-known senior secondary school The school working hours are from 10.00 a.m. to 4.00 p.m. The first bell goes at 10 a.m. Then follows the morning assembly. There are four periods up to 1.00 a.m. We study sincerely. Then, there is a lunch break of 45 minutes. All of us wait impatiently for this break. It is a must after hard labour and serious teaching of four more...

Bank Robbery is very common now-a-days. Some people do such crimes just for sake of money. It was July 15, 20.........when my father had to go to the bank in order to withdraw one of his fixed deposits. He decided to take me along as my school was closed for summer vacation. It took us about twenty minutes to reach the bank. My father told me to be seated on the sofa lying near the door and himself proceeded to the "FIXED DEPOSIT" counter. People all around were busy in depositing and withdrawing money. Suddenly a car came and stopped near the entrance of the bank. In few seconds, four masked men with weapons entered the bank. They hit the security guard badly and after that took positions and warned the people of dire consequences if they tried to move. They told everyone to raise hands and turn their faces more...

A Visit to Hospital' gives a feeling of shock. The word 'Hospital' creates an atmosphere of pain and sorrow with terrible feeling in the mind. Admission in the hospital means something very serious to physical body of the person. I cannot see the suffering persons. It makes me very sad and nervous so I hesitate to go to a hospital. Only my ill-luck forced me to this  visit. One evening I was in kitchen garden. I was busy in my hobby. Suddenly I heard about the accident of my friend, Rajan. I came to know that he had admitted to Holi Family Hospital. I atonce rushed there to see my friend with my mother. My mother knew my friend very well. She also wished to go with me. When I reached the hospital, I went to the emergency ward. I could find him there. I went there. He was being more...

The armament race poses a great threat to world peace. Almost all the countries have been involved in the arms race. At the time of the Second World War USA was? the only country Which had developed the atom bomb which it used with devastating effect to end the war. By and by other countries like Great Britain, China, Russia, and France also developed the bomb. The-developing nations are not far behind. They are also joining this race. India, a peace loving country, was also compelled to do so in 1998 to assure its people regarding national security. This race for armament has created a serious challenge to international stability. It has exposed the whole , world to great danger. Countries remain in a constant state of preparation for war. There is also a danger of nuclear device exploding and an accidental war erupting because of human or mechanical error. more...

An ostrich is the largest bird in the world, but it cannot fly. Actually, it has strong legs with which it can run very fast, as fast as 96 kilometres an hour. An ostrich can be as tall as a horse and weighs up to 135 kilograms. It is generally found in Africa. It can be seen in the company of large animals. An ostrich makes its nest in the warm sand. A nest can have as many as fifteen eggs. An ostrich egg is quite large, as large as two dozen chicken eggs put together. The baby ostriches hatch in about six-seven weeks' time. They are of the size of a hen when they are born. The young ostriches can eat plants, seeds, fruits and insects. They also eat other ostrich's eggs. An ostrich is very stupid too, as it can swallow many other things such as nails, buttons more...

Science has brought many wonders to this world. It has changed it completely Television is one of the wonders of science. It is the latest scientific invention in the field of audio vision. In an age of science and technology, television  has created a niche for itself in the hearts of people of all age-groups and sections. Hardly is there any home without  television set. It is needed by all-the rich and the poor and the young and the old. The television is an improvement on the radio. We can see the face of singer or speaker on the screen of television set. Television has become very popular. People see all important programmes in TV sitting at home. Lessons are telecast for the students of middle classes and senior secondary classes twice a day in TV. The morning lessons are meant for the first shift and day shift schools. The more...

Last year we played a match which I will long remember. It was played at the invitation of famous cantonment Cricket Eleven. We reached the Cantonment Club. George, the captain of the other team shook hands with our captain. He led the party to the field. Our captain lost the toss. We then took our positions in the field. Near the stumps lay the red ball. The batting began. A stout young man came in to bat. He played for a few minutes only and was then caught. One wicket was down with no runs. We were also very excited. Was the opposite team going to be defeated so easily? Presently, the second batsman appeared. His very first stroke showed him a skilled player. His batting was firm and swift. He began piling up runs. We did not lose heart. We changed our bowlers, alternating fast with slow ones. At more...

Last Sunday, I got up early in the morning. It was about 5 0' clock. Some of my friends came to my home. We all went to the river side for a long walk. It was a very pleasant time. Nature was at her best. A cool breeze was blowing. Birds were singing soft, sweet notes. Dew drops on the grass looked like pearls. Everything was green and fresh. We enjoyed swimming in the river and came back at about eight. I then had my breakfast. After this, I did my home task and prepared my  lesson. It took me about three hours. It was almost noon. I had my usual meal. After this, I enjoyed a nap for some time. I got up at about 1 p.m. The sky was overcast with clouds and the weather was very pleasant. For some time, I played cards with my younger brothers more...

I read in Jain Higher Secondary School. It is not a Government School. It gets aid from the Government. Our school is built in the open. It is far from dust, noise and smoke of the city. Its building is very grand. It has verandah on both sides of the class rooms. Near the gate there are two small gardens which have grassy lawn, flower beds, fruits, trees and a beautiful fountain. We enjoy the sweet- smell of flowers and the dance of beautiful butterflies. The class rooms are very spacious having a good number of windows and ventilators. Our school has two labs, one is Physics lab and the other is Chemistry lab and a big library and a spacious reading room. Our library is full of books on all subjects. Every student can borrow books from the library. In the labs we do experiments with the help of more...


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