
This was said in Shakespeare's Julius Caesar. It is a part of a speech by Caesar in reply to Calpurnia who warned that he should not go out as evil omens point to some danger to his life. Caesar refuses to agree and declares that death has no terror for him. He rises above cowardice and ignores the dangers. The world "fear", he says, does not exist in  his vocabulary. He throws a challenge at death and refuses to be frightened by it. He could never have been a greater soldier if he had fear of death, Death is inevitable. Nobody has ever conquered death. Death comes to all-kings and beggars, rich and poor, princes in their places and paupers in their huts. Death lays its hand upon all creatures. It does so without distinction or discrimination. Knowing the omnipotence of death, it is a folly for a man to more...

The Hindus enjoy many festivals. The diwali festival is one of the most important festivals. It is called to be the festival of Vaishyas chiefly. Diwali comes in the month of Kartik on Amavasya day after the rainy season. The farmers are happy as the crop of rice is ready. All the people remain busy for days in cleaning and white washing their houses and business premises. There is hardly a house of any Hindu which is not cleaned or white-washed on this day. The kachha walls and courtyards in villages are besmeared with dung and earth. It is said that Raja Ram Chandra returned to Ayodhya after fourteen years. He got victory over Ravana the king of Lanka. So the people of Ayodhya illuminated the city to welcome him and show their joy. Thus the festival is observed in the memory of Ram. There is hygienic point also. The more...

A war is never a good thing it takes away hundreds of lives. Leaving behind  thousands of widows and orphans. The financial burden due to war affects the economy of the country and development of country lacks behind. Since independence Kashmir has always been a bone of contention between India and Pakistan. Pakistan has desired to grab Kashmir, an integral part of India. She fought many wars against India but always lost them due to excellent bravery of our soldiers. On the other hand India has always tried to reconcile and wanted normalcy in the island. The Indian Government has declared time and again for maintaining friendly relations and peace with the neighboring countries. It has no intention of interfering in the internal affairs of any other country. But after Pakistan lost every war they started terrorism by sending intruders in India specially in Punjab and Kashmir to achieve their more...

The proverb "All work and no play make Jack a dull boy" is quite correct. This shows the need for rest, recreation and fun after doing hard work. Tiresome and constant work becomes a burden if we fail to get rest. So holidays are necessary. They remove fatigue from our body- They give comfort to our mind. There are two kinds of holidays—(i) Short holidays and (ii) long holidays, Sunday is a short holiday. It gives us time to do our urgent work which we cannot do on account of busy life and routine work. We got long holidays on the occasion of festivals. Generally, such holidays are spent in celebrating festivals or to get recreation. Students get summer vacation which lasts for two months. We must use long holidays in a proper way. A programme must be chalked out to make use of them. Often teachers prescribe home work more...

I was going to Faizabad with my father. I expressed my desire to see he zoo at Lucknow on the way. He agreed and we got down at Lucknow. After taking our bath and heavy refreshment we hired a tonga and reached the zoo. We bought our tickets and entered the zoo.  As we entered the compound, we saw a small house surrounded by a wire net. Inside it, we saw a number of snakes of all the sizes and colours. For the first time in my life, I saw a grey snake as thin as the small finger. There were snakes called pythons. They seemed to be two or three quintals heavy. Then we saw a tank full of all kinds of coloured fish. They were leaping about and swimming beautifully in the clear water. In another tank we saw a small hill and rocks on which a crocodile more...

An Indian juggler is a common man. He goes from village to village and from town to town. He is an entertainer in the life of Indians; at times he is also seen in the cities entertaining a crowd along the road. He has no fixed place where he can live. He moves from place to place. You cannot see him with his wife and children. He stays in a village or town for two or three days. Then he leaves for some other place. Generally he continues his tour within a district only. Sometimes he visits other districts also. His appearance and dress are quite peculiar. He ties a big turban on his head. He keeps a beard. A kurta with long broad sleeves, a fat bag on his shoulder which has many things give him a peculiar appearance. He is generally tall. His face shows that he is more...

India is the second most densely populated country in the world after China. Our population is continuing to grow at a very fast rate. Progress made in the field of medical science has contributed to the decline in the death rate. But we  have not been able to check the birth rate. As a result there is  tremendous increase in population. This kind of growth has a  direct effect on the development of our country. It prevent  the benefits of economic development from reaching all the people because development cannot keep pace with tin demands of large population. It becomes hard to provide education, decent jobs and a reasonable standard of living to  everyone. In such circumstances, it is essential to keep the population under control by lowering down the birth rate. How can we -lower down the birth rate ? It is undoubtedly family planning which can do a more...

Every Indian contributes somethings as far as the defence of India is concerned. But the role which a soldier plays in defending and protecting the borders of India, is really unparalleled. A soldier is the most disciplined lot of the nation. Upon him depends to a great extent the security and stability of the nation. A soldier's life, no doubt, is very difficult and hard. It is he who obeys the orders of his commanders and does what is ordered by them. A soldier keeps night long vigils on the borders even in the face of great and grave dangers. He stands heroically before enemies. For a soldier, in the words of Longfellow:  Their' s not to make reply, Their' s not to reason why, Their' s but to do and die. A soldier faces death bravely. He fights up to the last  moment of his life in order to more...

Christmas is the greatest festival of Christians. It is celebrated with great enthusiasm like other festivals of different communities. It comes on 25th of December every year. It is the date when Jesus Christ was born. It is like Krishna Janmashtami of the Hindus. Great preparations are made. All houses and churches are white washed. They are decorated with buntings, flowers and pictures, the shops are also decorated in a beautiful way. Rich and poor, all enjoy the festival. The Christians plant a Christmas tree on this day. They cut the branch of a tree and plant it in a corner of the house- Then they decorate this tree with lamps and toys and flowers. At night it looks very beautiful. All the members of the house sit together and sing prayers in praise of Lord Jesus. Guests and friends also join them- Christmas gifts are presented to them. Christmas more...

The word ‘citizen’ primarily means a person who lives in a country. Thus every Indian is a citizen of India, whether he lives in a city or a village or elsewhere. Every society has some definite rules of conduct for its members. Some of these rules are laid down as written laws, and whoever breaks any of them is punished by a court of law. There are many unwritten rules which are no less binding on every member of the society. Peace and happiness of the society depend a good deal upon the proper observance of these rules too. A good citizen takes equal care about these unwritten and written rules of conduct. Many people in our country are careless about the former. We often throw orange and banana skins on the road, collect garbage on the road, encroach upon roads and other government land; and thus spread nuisance. It more...


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