
If by the grace of God I win a lottery. I will be full of joy. To offer my gratitude towards Him first of all I would visit a tern pie along with my family members to make an offering. I will not meet any visitor to congratulate me, because it is sure that they will definitely expect something from me in return. They will tell about their pathetic conditions and miseries of life on some pretext or the other. They will expect some financial assistance from me to meet their miseries of lives through the money I have by winning a lottery through their good wishes. My relatives, friends and well-wishers will be living in fool's paradise if they think that I shall be giving a grand feast to them-1 know an old saying that fools make a feast and wise man eat them, and I don't wish to more...

The benefits conferred by science upon human society are very much evident. Science has given us thousands of gifts to make our life comfortable. Its achievements are numerous and wonderful, in every department of life. It has given eyes to the blind, ears to deaf as science has worked wonders in the field of medicine and surgery. Scientific inventions and discoveries have overcome many diseases which were thought to be incurable in the past. One of the wonders in the field of surgery is plastic surgery; it can transform an ugly person into a handsome beautiful one. It has discovered vaccines to conquer plague, typhoid, cholera and small pox. Heart transplantation is also a marvelous achievement.    With the help of science man has conquered time and space. We have cars, buses, ships, aero planes to move fast and save time. Not only this have had we had rockets and more...

The biosphere and ecosystem are self sustaining. Nature maintains a balance in land, water, air and the entire living organism in the world. Any imbalance in the biosphere is called environmental pollution. The grand industrial development, the green revolution, the transport expansion, the rapid growth of cities and accidental management of natural resources have badly affected environ- mental balance. The pollution of air and water will soon reach a i point when no place on the earth will remain safe. Due to large i scale industrial and human settlements on grand scale many rivers have become gloomy and dark. The large scale industrial waters, and oil poured in the sea have started killing marine life. Undoubtedly the modern technological development has been the main cause of polluting our air, ocean and rivers etc. It is a'' ' matter of great importance that our rivers are becoming dark. Fishes ''i are more...

Introduction. Today, we have a lot of competitions in our daily life. Examination is one of them. It has become a part and parcel of our life. Intelligent and labourious students always welcome and take the examinations as challenges. Their performance get excellent result for them. But, for the dull and lazy students, the very name of examination is mind boggling. They become confused and forget all what they have learnt so far at the time of exam. They behave like idiots. They become perspired and non-pulsed. Types of Examinations. The Directorate of Education is planning to make the examination process in our school 'Student friendly'. As per this new scheme, students appear in four CCEP exams. Continuous Comprehensive Evaluation Programme) in a single session. In these exams., students have multiple choice type questions which are very beneficial for their future competitive career. Then, there are terminals and annual examinations. more...

We are living in an electronic age. The whole world is taking a new turn with every fraction of time. It has given birth to globalization. The world has been contracted and concise at a tip. There are a lot of new means of communication which have made our life so simple and easy going. Mobile phone can be seen as the most used present day phenomenon in this fast growing time. Mobile phone is a revolutionary step in the field of tele-communication. We had the days when the telephones only served the purpose of communication through sound. Mobile phone has completely changed the concept of the telephoning. Now a phone is not only a mere phone but it is a lot in itself. A mobile phone works on a unique networked system which needs no wiring, no fixation and no botheration. H   Originally it was used in cars, more...

Whenever we suffer from an ailment, we go to the doctor's place for his advice and medicines. A true doctor helps the sick with his knowledge and medicines. As such, a doctor is an important member of the society. Last Tuesday it started to rain when I was coming back from school. I was completely drenched. The cold wind made me shiver with cold. I sneezed badly when I stepped in the house. I had fever. So, my mother changed my clothes and took me to a doctor’s clinic. The clinic was not far from my house. I sat on a chair while my mother got my name registered with  the receptionist. Then we waited for our turn. There were two rows of chairs along the wall. Five persons were seated on the chairs. One of them was a mother with a tiny baby in her hands. It cried loudly more...

The long colonial rule left India a poor and under developed Country. As a result we have been facing several serious problems since independence. Poverty is one of them. Poverty means not possessing the ability to acquire the minimum basic need for a decent human existence like food, clothing, shelter, education and health care. Those who are unable to fulfill these needs are below the poverty line. Though his acute problem is being faced by several parts of the world but India still has the world's largest number of poor people in a single country. Out of 1 billion inhabitants, an estimated 350-400 million are unluckily below the poverty line. The problem of poverty is wide spread in our country. It affects the development of the country by forming a vicious circle. A large number of people do not get proper nourishment Therefore they become physically weak and are unable more...

A river is a large stream of water. A river generally receives its water by the melting snow on the mountains. Sometimes it is fed by rainwater. The river is a great use to us. It helps us in many ways. It flows through many countries. It makes them fertile. Prosperous cities are situated on the banks of rivers. Ancient civilizations grew in some river valleys. A river is very helpful to farmers. In some countries, many types of crops grow in plenty because of the presence of rivers. A river supplies us with drinking water. The water works of the municipalities generally get their supply of water from rivers. We use this water for many purposes in our houses, industries and fields. A river helps in our trade and commerce. Big ports grow on their banks. Formerly there were no railways. Roads also were very few. Almost all inland more...

William Cowper, the famous English Poet, wrote, "God made the country and man made the town." This famous statement represents the natural difference between town life and country (village) life. In a village, we see things as God made them—wide open sky above, the green fields, beautiful flowers and murmuring stream. But the town is the product of man's labour and cuts us off from the direct contact with nature. Both town life and country life have their advantages and disadvantages. A village has no good roads making transport difficult, no electricity, no proper intellectual atmosphere and no recreational facilities. Generally good doctors and teachers avoid villages on account of hard life. The shops cannot always supply all the needs of modern life. So people have to run to nearby town. But the village life has its bright side also. It is free from most of the evils of town more...

"All work and no play makes one dull," so goes the saying. Holidays are a must in our life. Holidays refresh our minds and give us relief. Oxford dictionary describes holiday as a day of rest from work. But do we have rest ? Well, to some holiday means a change from the routine. Thus holidays are essential. Life becomes dull and dreary without them, Human body is like a machine. It wears down like machine by constant and regular work. As machine needs rest, oiling and sometimes over-hauling so that it may work efficiently again, a human body needs rest to recoup its lost energy. A tired mind requires rest to regain its sharpness and speed. Every now and then our mind longs for leisure. It is the holidays that give us time to take care of our health and spirit.  Continuous dull and routine work makes our spirits more...


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