Picture a typical, hard-working student. Each day she receives multiple assignments to complete for homework. She is involved in several extracurricular activities so she doesn't have much extra time. After sports practice, she struggles home, ladden with books, to begin studying. On a typical evening she has to work diligently for a couple of hours to complete her homework for school the next day. She has a rigorous schedule that includes honors and advanced placement classes so some nights she is forced to stay up very late to keep up with her classes. Other nights she has an extra packet of work to complete for her SAT Prep course. All this work puts a lot of pressure on her. This may not seem like anything out of the ordinal-)' and for many students it's not. The push to be overachievers and get into the top colleges has caused many high more...

According to Bacon "Reading maketh a full man; writing an exact man and conference a ready man.' And if someone asks what reading, writing and conference make together, anyone would say that they stand for education. In other weirds, we can say that education makes anyone COMPLETE, ACCURATE and WORLDLY WISE. It means that noone is complete without education. Thus we can confidently say that education is necessary for the all-round development of the personality of a human- being. He cannot hope for success, name, fame and prosperity in life without it. Even a nation would be devoid of any progress, if its citizens fail to have the benefits of education. H.L. Wayland has correctly said, "Universal suffrage, without universal education, would be a curse." For the success of any democracy, education is a must. Imagine a country with illiterate ministers voted to power by illiterate people! Unfortunately, there are more...

Indian Literature, writings in the languages and literary traditions of the Indian subcontinent. The subcontinent consists of three countries: India, Pakistan, and Bangladesh. The political division of the area into three nations took place in the 20th century; before that, the entire region was generally referred to as India. For centuries Indian society has been characterized by diversity—the people of modern India speak 18 major languages and many other minor languages and dialects; Urdu is the principal language of Pakistan, and Urdu and Bengali are used in Bangladesh. The people of the subcontinent also practice all the world's major religions. Throughout its history, India has absorbed and transformed the cultures of the peoples who have moved through the region. As a result, the Indian literary tradition is one of the world's oldest and richest. Religion has long exercised a strong influence on Indian writing. The major religions of the area more...

When we speak of universal education as one of the characteristics of highly modernized societies and as one of the special problems of latecomers to modernization, we mean as a minimum attaining universal or nearly universal literacy. Contrary to our general belief, the great change in history with regard to literacy rates was not a consequence of the invention of printing. It is true that China and Japan probably had higher literacy rates than any other non-modernized peoples, but it is extremely doubtful that literacy rates exceeded 30 percent of the population concerned either before or after printing was invented. The discovery of printing in Europe many centuries later in the fifteenth century did not lead to anything approaching universal literacy, indeed, it is extremely doubtful that literacy rates reached or exceeded 30 percent in European settings until well into the nineteenth century. Printing has its relevance no doubt, and more...

Children and adolescents spend almost 22-28 hours per week watching television. This is a sad fact because this is the largest amount of hours spent on any activity in your child's life, aside from sleeping. Television has a large influence on children's attitudes, ideas and behaviour. According to a survey, teens witness 10,000 murders, rapes and aggravated assaults per year on TV and four out of five people believe that violence on television directly contributes to the way children view violence. When children watch TV, they see other made up families, who deal with their problems different from how anyone else would. Children assume that this is how there life should be. We should teach our children about the reality of TV because television can affect the way a child acts, thinks and feels about different issues such as violence, education/ morality and gender/racial stereotypes TV oiorifies violence and weapons more...

Moguls were a Muslim dynasty in India from fifteen twenty- six to about. Eighteen fifty-seven. Let's first define the word Mogul. The word Mogul means an Indian Muslim of or descended from one of several conquering groups of Mongol, Turkish, and Persian origin. The word Mogul is the Arabic and Persian vers-o.i of Mongol. The Moguls were a Muslim dynasty founded in fifteen twenty-six by a man named Babur. Babur was a descendent of both Genghis Kahn and Timur the dynasty ruled much of the Indian subcontinent until the mid eighteenth century. Babur claimed the subcontinent as his right of inheritance because of the conquest of Delhi by his ancestor Timui-. Bahur was a highly cultured man from parsia who disliked many facets of Indian life but nonetheless established the most glorious empire in India's history . Babur reigned util tifteen thirty and was a man of culture as well more...

Multicultural Education History/Past Challenges: One of the major goals of the American school system is to provide all children with equal educational opportunity. However, with regard to minority students, meeting this particular objective has presented a real challenge to educators as they have been confronted with the task of reshaping education in the multilingual, multicultural society that characterizes the United States. Many significant events contributed to the need of school reform. The Civil Rights movement launched by African Americans in the 1960's, which resulted in the passage of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, triggered major social changes in the direction of equality and justice for all. Consequently, the US Department of Education was charged "...to conduct a survey on availability of equal educational opportunity and to provide technical and financial assistance to school boards in carrying out plans for the desegregation of public schools". Changing immigration patterns also occurring more...

Prayer services and "Poojas" at home and at the Temples follow the traditions and rules established in the Agamas and in Bhakthi form of the religion. The Temples are established as the palace of c manifestation of God in a form of the Incarnation that is represented at the Temple. Most Temples will have Sanctum for several forms of God, though it may have only one form as the Main Deity. The temple worship has evolved over the years as a service to God as the King or the leader of the and. Here, an image of a likeness of a manifestation of God is consecrated after several days of Holy Rituals. Without these consecration rituals, the Image does not get the Divine powers or the respect more than a statue in a museum. Once so sanctified all rituals are performed as done to a live King or leader of more...

Education has got a new definition in the new millennium- get ready to earn. This rule has changed all the facets of education. Today, education is not imparted to the students for the sake of knowledge but for the sake of giving them brand names, which are so essential for their growth in their careers and lives. These brand names include a 10+2 course from a reputed (five-star) school, admission into a professional educational institution, a job in a multinational or educational stint abroad. Some affluent parents are able to settle their children abroad by helping them get lucrative jobs. And how does all this happen? Simple! They push their children or wards to the limits of academic excellence. And how do they effect it Another simple answer—they do it by getting them trained at the private coaching institutes. Private coaching was confined only to the four major metropolises and more...

I feel we as a country we can't really complain about the quality of our education. We have it real good. People from many other countries often travel here to get higher education. But there are some things that could be changed. We need to use our advancements in technology to our advantage. Also, more specialized teachers would improve the quality of learning. And in high school the thing I felt was the biggest problem was class size it was too hard to listen to a teacher and focus on the material with a class of over twenty-five. Technology is what makes the world go. We need to use I this to our advantage to make our education better. There are many ways to make this possible. We could use the Internet in broadcast interactive classes. This way you have the best possible teachers to teach everyone all over the more...


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