A newspaper is a publication containing news, information and advertising, usually printed on low-cost paper called newsprint. It may be general or special interest, most often published daily or weekly. The newspapers also express their opinion about the social and political problems through their editorials. They, mould the readers into their own way of thinking. That is why; the newspaper is considered a power. In democracy, the press is a link between the government and the people. It gives news as to what the government is doing. It reflects public opinion as well. It arouse national consciousness on important matters. It teaches the citizens their rights and responsibilities.

It was a cold day. There was some fog and not much traffic on the road. I was standing in the balcony of my house. Suddenly I heard a loud noise. The driver of a car lost his balance at a turn. He crashed into an electric pole. I rushed for rescue. Many other people also came running. The driver was badly hurt. We helped him to come out of the car. He had received a big cut on the forehead. He was profusely bleeding. Soon he was carried away in a car to the hospital. The driver was the only person in the car. The car was badly smashed. A pool of blood had collected on the road. After sometime a team of traffic police came. They cleared away the crowd. Then they began their investigation. It was a horrible experience. I could not believe my eyes. It all more...

A man is not born with good manners. Good manners are a must for every child. Good manners demand that we should be polite and courteous. Good manners are important. Good manners win love and respect. A child with good manners is liked by all. Nobody likes a child with bad manners. Children should also be taught table manners. We should not talk while eating. We should not leave the table until others have finished their food. We should always use handkerchief, when we feel like sneezing. To stand in the queue is a part of good manners. We should not damage the public property. We should read silently in a public library. We should not tear pages from books. We should not make a noise in the class.

A porter/coolie can be seen at a railway station or a bus terminal. He carries the passengers' luggage. He wears a red shirt. He ties a brass plate with a number on one of his arms. Some porters are very greedy. They charge extra money and get good seat for the passengers. An honest porter hardly earns his daily bread. They suffer the most during old age.

It is accepted and well-known that smoking is a bad habit. Medical science tells us that smoking is injurious to health. It is the cause of many diseases like asthma, cancer, etc. For this reason, a statutory warning was introduced for compulsory display on all packets of cigarettes, chewing tobacco and advertisement for the same that cigarette smoking or chewing of tobacco is injurious to health. Tobacco contains a deadly poison- nicotine. This poison, when inhaled, injuries the heart, lungs, brain and liver. It also affects the digestive system. Staying smoke free will give you a whole lot more of everything — more energy, better performance, better looks, more money in your pocket, and, in the long run, more life to live!

I am an old pine tree. I wasn't planted by anyone, with the seed from my neighbour I just happened to grow all by myself. There is a long line of us on the mountain. Fruits like cherries, berries, plums and apricots would grow in the green expose around me. I take a lot of credit for the fame that has been enjoyed by the place where we grow7 had I not been here along with my companions, this place would have been as bare as a desert. However, now the time has come when I have a great fear in my heart. We have seen many of us being cut down by the people who live here and also by builders who come from the big cities. I do know that I will not die a natural death. I have to prepare myself for the pain that I have more...

Our school is the best school all over Delhi. Its name is Jain Happy School. It is a Senior Secondary School. It is in Gole Market. I got admission in tills school when I was six plus. Now I am in Seventh class. Shri A. K. Aggarwal is the class incharge. He also teaches us English and Math. He is a very good teacher. He is on the verge of retirement. There are other teacher teaching us other subjects. They are very hardworking. Our Principal is painstaking. The school is a double- shifted school. From IX to XII class the students come in the first shift. From 1st to VIII we are taught in the second shift. It is a very old school. There are more than thirty-five teachers teaching here. All are highly qualified. All are gems of the purest water. We are very proud of them. They are more...

Arun Mittal is my bad neighbour. He is loose-tongued. He is a man of loose character. He envies my property. He is a gambler. He is the ring-leader of idlers. Arun is a fat and ugly man. He poses hurdles in all my affairs. He takes pleasure in abusing others and eve-teasing girls. He thrown his rubbish in the streets. He quarrels with everybody. He speaks ill of us before our enemies. Arun is a thief. He backbites others. He has an ever demanding nature. He passes silly remarks on us. Drinking and smoking are his pastimes. I dislike him.

India is my country. It is a country of villages. Most people live in the villages than in the cities. There are big cities like Mumbai and Delhi. The Himalayas, the highest mountain in the world, are in the north. There are many rivers but Ganga is the longest. We have set up big industries and built dams. We grow several kinds of crops too. India is known for its lions, elephants and tigers. The peacock is the national bird of India. It is a country of great saints and sages. She has given birth to scholars like C.V. Raman, RavinderNath Tagore, Dr. J.C. Bose and Dr. HomiBhabha. The land of Upnishads, Mahabharata, and Ramayana has been the cradle of ancient civilization. Leaders like Mahatma Gandhi, Subhash Chandra Bose and Sardar Patel got her freedom. Since then our country has been making steady progress in the field of agriculture, education, more...

Pocket money is what parents give to their children to spend. Poor parents may not give pocket money to their children regularly. But they do give as often as they can afford. They give it especially on festivals and fairs. My parents allow me a good amount of pocketmoney. It is not fixed. I do not spend all my pocketmoney. I save a part of it and deposit it in my bank account I have opened a Savings Bank account in a nearby Dena Bank. Once I helped Ravi to pay his school fee out of my pocket money. His father was away on a lour and he did not have sufficient money. He felt so obliged. After Ills father's return he soon gave me my money back, I often buy things for my little sister out of it. She feels so delighted whenever I surprise her with sweets, a more...


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