Amartya Kumar Sen is one of the greatest intellectuals and economists of modern India. Amartya Sen is a philosopher, economist and a social thinker. At a time when the world was talking of globalization, liberalization! and free market economy, Professor Sen dared to differ. No wonder, he was awarded the Nobel Prize for welfare economics in the face of market oriented economics. Instead of the growth oriented economic path to prosperity, Amartya Sen has emphasized the need for giving a human face to development. Amartya Kumar Sen is an economist best known for his 1 work on famine, Human development theory, welfare j economics, and the underlying causes of poverty and hunger. When the world was talking of free market j economy, Professor Sen emphasized the need for giving a human face to development. Amartya Sen is one of those few economists who talk of political economy of hunger. He more...

The discord that exists between Hindus and Muslims date back to the l6th century. The harmony between these two groups was ruined due to the abrasive Muslim rule that exists at the end of the l7th century. With the fall of the Mughal Dynasty the Indian subcontinent was exposed to intruders. With the onset of the British rule both. Hindus and Muslims came together and fought against British rule. Hindus and Muslims were refused high-ranking jobs in the government and the military due to which tension increased between the two factions. The Indian National Congress had been-formed. The Indian National Congress comprised all religions but was dominated by Hindus. Citizens of India raises demand for equal rights and freedom from colonial rule. In the earlier stages of freedom struggle Hindus and Muslims rose together in a non-violence resistance lead by the head of the Indian National Congress, Mohandas K. Gandhi more...

Indira Gandhi (1917-1984) was the only child of Kamla and Jawaharlal Nehru. She spent part of her childhood in Allahabad, where the Nehrus had their family residence, and part in Switzerland, where her mother Kamla convalesced from her periodic illnesses. She received her college education at Somerville College, Oxford. A famous photograph from her childhood shows her sitting by the bedside of Mahatma Gandhi, as he recovered from one of his fasts; and though she was not actively involved in the freedom struggle, she came to know the entire Indian political leadership. After India's attainment of independence, and the ascendancy of Jawaharlal Nehru, now a widower, to the office of the Prime Minister, Indira Gandhi managed the official residence of her father, and accompanied him on his numerous foreign trips. She had been married in 1942 to Feroze Gandhi, who rose to some eminence as a parliamentarian and politician of more...

A concern of child labour exists from poverty. We have to understand as why children go to work. If parents don’t send their children to work I am sure factories will not be able to consume them. Why poor parents feel children as their assets who will earn money for their home? Are they forced by their parents to go to work? If yes why? Nearly 30% of populations in poor countries are poorest of poor who are not even able to earn enough for one day food with big family have to largely depend on children to earn and feed. Parents of these children are mainly illiterate or semi literate are unable to find jobs, which can provide enough salary. Dream of education to children is impossible unless suitable employment opportunities made available to at least one-person in the family. Simply by opening schools and providing books are not more...

Prayer in school has been the topic of the century, "Is it right to pray in school," stated a Texas teacher. The society as a whole believes it is wrong, but there is some people that thinks it would be a good addition to our school. Maybe it will lower school violence. Yeah, right, whatever! Come on people, be a little intelligent. Our country has had violence before we created prayer in school. Religion will probably make it worse. Sociologists have taken a look at this issue. They perceived it preposterous. Sociologist think if we had prayer in school, might as well force us to read a bible and say amen every time a teacher finishes a sentence. Prayer in school is ridiculous and absurd. A sociologist opposes school prayer for a number of reasons. To begin, it is unconstitutional and a clear violation of our First Amendment. Remember, that more...

Nationalism in modern history, movement in winch the nation-state is regarded as paramount for the realization of social, economic, and cultural aspirations of a people. Nationalism is characterized principally by a feeling of community among a people, based on common descent, language, and religion. Before the i8th century, when nationalism emerged as distinctive movement, states usually were based on religious or dynastic ties; citizens owed loyalty to their church or ruling family. Concerned with clan, tribe, village, or province, people rarely extended their interests nationwide. Nationalism is not to be confused with patriotism. Both words are normally used in so vague a way that any definition is liable to be challenged, but one must draw adistinction between them, since two different and eve opposing ideas are involved. Patriotism I mean devotion to a particular place and a particular way of life, which one believes to be the best in the more...

Rabindranath Tagore was born on May 7, 1861 in a wealthy Brahmin family in Calcutta. He was the ninth son of Debendranath and Sarada Devi. His grandfather Dwarkanath Tagore was a rich landlord and social reformer. Rabindra Nath Tagore had his initial education in Oriental Seminary School. But he did not like the conventional education and started studying at home under several teachers. After undergoing his upanayan (coming-of-age) rite at the age of eleven, Tagore and his father left Calcutta in 1873to tour India for several months, visiting his father's Santiniketan estate and Amritsar before reaching the Himalayan hill station of Dalhousie. There, Tagore read biographies, studied history, astronomy, modern science, and Sanskrit, and examined the classical poetry of Kalidasa. In 1874, Tagore's poem Abhilaash (Desire) was published anonymously in a magazine called Tattobodhini. Tagore's mother Sarada Devi expired in 1875. Rabindranath's first book of poems, Kabi Kahiui (tale of more...

Thousands of road accidents recorded per year are due to drunken drivers. Under the influence of alcohol, the driver and the car have the potential for becoming most lethal weapons. They pose a hazard to themselves as well as the public on the roads. According to Dr. Isaac of NIMHANS, who mentions in a recent book "Alcohol and Emerging Markets" that while alcohol's contribution to road traffic accidents and their ' consequences have not been  systematically researched in India, the country's road research institutes estimate that 25 per cent of road accidents were alcohol-related and that one-third of the drivers on the highway were under the influence of alcohol and 20 percent of accident-related head injury victims seen in emergency rooms of hospitals have consumed alcohol prior to the accident. What is important in this matter is that one drunken driver could be the cause of his own and multiple more...

Drug abuse has become a very openly rampant curse from the last few decades, and the curse defies any solution up to date. Young boys and girls take to these due to some frustrations of life, and, they just cannot come out of it, once they get deeply involved. A number of welfare organizations are doing good yeomen work in this area and trying earnestly to eradicate the menace. However, if we remember the adage, 'prevention is better than cure', we must realize that, unless we uproot the cause that results in the abuse, little can be really achieved in this regard. It would be more effective if we try to hit a blow at the root of it and try to uproot the plant that has, by now fully grown. Let us thus analyze the obvious causes of this so called frustration among the young. The causes are generally more...

Terrorism is actual or threatened use of violence for political goals, directed not only against the victims themselves but also against larger, related groups, of a scope often transcending national boundaries. The term usually implies action by non-governmental groups, or by irregular or secret units, operating outside the usual parameters of warfare and sometimes aiming to foment revolution. The origins of the terrorist wave that began in the 1960s can be traced to the unresolved Middle-East conflict between the Arab nations and Israel. There is some guy saying that his people suffer from exploitation and racism, that they are consequently being discriminated against by outsiders of a certain kind, and that, in order for his people to survive and retake their rightful place in history, it needs violence and resistance against the oppressors, namely the Jews and their cousin America, and with them the entire Western world. Actually, there isn't more...


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