People go to a market to buy articles of their needs. We see crowds of people busy in buying goods. The shops are flooded with buyers on the days of festivals. Big shops look attractive. The jewellery, utensils, toys and cloth shops do roaring business every day. Hotels and restaurants are also over-crowded. It is very difficult to drive a car in a market place. Most of the shop-keepers are cheats and polished robbers. The shop agents are thugs. You will find pick-pockets in every market.

The design of the national flag was adopted by the Constituent Assembly of India on 22nd July, 1947. The use and display of the National flag of India are regulated by a flag Code. The national flag of India is tricolor. It has deep saffron color strip at the top, white in the middle and dark green at the bottom in equal proportions. The width and length ratio of the National flag is two is to three. In the centre of the white strip, there is a wheel in navy blue color to indicate the Dharma Chakra, the wheel of law in the Samath Lion Capital. The diameter of the wheel approximates to the width of the white strip and has 24 spokes.

Today games have become an important part of our lives. They promote health and a good healthy body has a sound mind. Last Sunday my father took me to see a football match. It was played at National Stadium at India Gate. We reached the Stadium on our maruti car. We parked the our car in parking and bought two tickets and then entered the Stadium. The match was between our football team and a visiting England team. The Stadium was full to capacity. Our captain won the toss. It proved be an exciting match. The England team's players started to kick the ball hard. Our players put up a strong defence. Before interval they scored an equalizer. In the beginning the match was slow, but later it became very interesting. The match began again after the interval. The England team's players started to kick the ball hard. Our players more...

We had our annual sports on the 2ist of this month. The day was full of fun and excitement. The school building, the main gate and the playground were well decorated. Both boys and girls took part in it. The preparation started a week earlier. At 9 A.M. the Principal of our school declared the sports open. There was March past by the players, beating of the drums and clapping. The Principal took the salute. The events included races, jumps and other track events. I took part in 80 and 50 metres race. In 50 metres race I came out first. I was given a silver cup. The relay race was won by the girls’ team. In long jump Harish won the first prize. He is in the sixth grade. The events closed with a prize giving ceremony. The prizes were given away by the Chairman of a Games Club.

The games tone up a child's physical growth which enables him to work hard in his studies also. So games make a child physically fit as well as make him more mentally aware. The schools authorities should also give emphasis on .names and sports as both games and academics complement each other. The games also develop sportsman spirit in students. This is very important aspect of games as it prepares a person to accept defeat with a smile. This is an important lesson which students learn. This also prepares them for their future life. The games could be indoor or outdoor. The schools should make provision to provide both types of games to an individual. There should be different courts to play different games like cricket, football, hockey and badminton. The games also give players a sense of responsibility and a team spirit. The players learn to play together as more...

Each year, on i4th November, children celebrate our first Prime Minister PanditJawaharLal Nehru's birthday. Pandit Nehru had great love for children. The children also loved him very much. They called him 'Chacha Nehru'. On the occasion homages are paid to the great leader. Early in the morning on that day, people assemble in Shanti Van to pay homage to Nehru. Every year, we celebrate this day with great enthusiasm. We organise cultural programmes, stage shows and sing national songs. The commendable work of Pt. Nehru is highlighted and children are advised to tread on the path shown by the great leader. They are advised to imbibe the values and qualities of leadership, fearSessness tenacity and sound character.

Our school organised on a picnic yesterday. We were taken to a Natural History Museum in New Delhi. It was my first chance to visit a museum. A visit to a museum imparts us knowledge about the civilisation of the past. We saw swords, shields, daggers and other weapons of war. There is a rare collection of unique and ancient articles. There are statues of Budha, Lord Krishna and other Hindu gods. There I saw a glass woman. It was made in Germany. We also saw the dresses used by the soldiers of the olden times. We saw ancient toys, utensils and other household goods. We saw old coins of India. We also saw many statues, pictures and portraits there. The statues were of gods and goddesses. They were made of bronze, marble or copper. There are records of the achievements made by Indian states after independence. The visit to more...

A horse is an useful animal. The horse is a big animal. It has a beautiful body in brown colour. It has a large body and four strong legs. It has two ears, two bright eyes, and a long tail also. Its hair on the head are called mane. It runs very fast. It is famous for its strength and beauty. His skin is glossy. He is black, white or brown in colour. Horses are of many kinds. The horses of Arabia are famous for their swiftness. It can run on all kinds of roads. It eats grass and gram. Horses pull tongas. They are used to take part in races. The horse carries goods from place to place. He is used for riding and drawing carriages. It is faithful to its master. He never forgets his master and his home. The trained horses obey their master. It is used more...

The policeman is an important public servant. He is strong, tall and a healthy man. He is a government servant. He wears a smart khaki uniform. He keeps a small stick in his hand. He plays a very important role. He has to maintain law and order. He has to do a lot of work. He goes from place to place to catch thieves and bad people. Had characters create a lot of trouble for all of us. 15ad people are afraid of him. A policeman has to work day and night. At night he goes on the round the area. A policeman helps good and peace-loving citizens. He helps them to be happy. Some policemen are (rained to control the traffic. They control and manage the traffic at road junctions and crossings. A policeman also controls crowds. We must always cooperate with him in maintaining law and order. We more...

A scene out the examination hall is full of thrill and excitement. There is a lot of hustle and bustle. Fear of examination is visible on the faces of students. Students seem to be very busy. Some revise important questions and others go to intelligent students for help and guidance. Soon the bell rings. They enter the Examination hall. They occupy their seats and pray to God for an easypaper. Examination hall is a place of joy for a few and an object of fear for many. On the whole the condition of the students outside the examination hall can better be imagined than described.


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