List Sunday, Rani came to my house. We decided to visit to zoo. At about nine we reached the Zoo. We bought the tickets and entered the gate. A zoo is indeed a world in itself. It is a world of wild animals and birds, made artificially by man. Sparrows and parrots of different kinds and colours were the first to welcome us. There were also pigeons and cuckoos of different breeds. The deer and the monkeys were wandering freely. They were kept in a small wood bounded by a stream. My friend was frightened to see a crocodile. The tigers looked awful basking in the sun. There is no denying the fact that a visit to the zoo is indeed a thrilling experience. It will always remain fresh in my memory.

There was a time when my Motherland, India, was considered a 'Golden Bird'. This was because of its riches, vast natural resources and the great, bright future it was expected to have in store. Our rich, cultural heritage, old civilization and vast knowledge in every aspect of life had endeared India and Indians even to the outside world. No wonder, foreigners had been taking keen interest inus right from the dawn of their awakening. But alas! It is all lost now. Gone are the days of past glory, riches, reverence and attraction. The country has witnessed a sharp decline in its over-all image and we have now become a nation, inviting mockery, neglect and indifference from outsiders. India of my dream is, naturally, the same ancient land, full of peace prosperity, wealth and immense knowledge. I want to see it free from the problems that are bringing bad name, destroying more...

The lion is a wild animal. It is our national animal. It belongs to the species of the tiger, the leopard and the wolf. He is the strongest beast. So he is called the king of the jungle. It belongs to the cat family. It lives in the forest. We can also see it in zoo. It walks very royal speed. It is a very strong and brave animal. The lion has strong jaws and paws. It has very sharp teeth. Its neck is covered with thick hair. The lion lives for about sixty years. Lions are kept in the zoos in iron cages. They are very dangerous. But there is some nobleness in them. A she-lion is called lioness. They are generally reddish-brown or golden in colour. It is a fearless animal. He kills the animals only when he is hungry. They hunt zebras, deer and buffaloes. It roars more...

There are many historical buildings in Delhi. Red Fort is one of them. It is famous all over the world. It is a symbol of the Mughal power and majesty. It was built by the Emperor Shah Jahan in 1648. It is made of red stone. It is situated on the west bank of the river Yamuna. In front of it is famous ChandniChowk market. There is museum in the Red Fort. It is very beautiful inside. The Red Fort has many beautiful buildings. The Diwan-e-Am is the hall of Public Audience. There is the Diwan-e-Khas also. Many beautiful stones have been removed by the English. Nadir Shah took it away to Iran after conquering Delhi. The Rang Malial is another attraction. The Pearl Mosque or Moti Masjid is near the Rang Mahal. Our Prime Minister comes to the Red Fort on the i5th August and hoists the National flag more...

It was the month of December last year. It was the coldest day of the winter season. Temperature went down to minus zero degree. Everybody was shivering due to cold. Water froze in pipes. The sun appeared in the afternoon, but gave no comfort. It was very dull. I was in my house. My mother called me to leave the quilt and get ready to go out to buy some items in the market. Leaving the quilt was very difficult. Nothing was visible clearly. Sunlight looked like a moonlight. With difficulty I boarded a bus, but the driver also found it difficult to drive. I found people sitting around fire to get some warmth, I spent little time in the market and rushed back home. Once there, I again took shelter inside quilt.

It was a hot and sultry day. There was no breeze. The trees stood silent and motionless. Everyone was in great discomfort. Suddenly clouds began to gather in the sky. The whole sky was overcast. It grew very dark. The sun went behind the clouds. There were strong winds. Then came a heavy rain. Before it there were thunder and flashes of lightning. People ran here and there seeking shelter. It rained for an hour. There was water and water everywhere. The roads and drains were flooded. Low- flying places turned into small pools. The patterning of big rain drops produced a strange music. In that noise nothing else could be heard. As soon as the rain stopped, children came out rushing. They began to play in the pools. They splashed water on each other. They ran through the water shouting with joy. I also wanted to join them, but more...

Bhimrao Ramji Ambedkar (1891-1956) was an Indian social reformer and politician who devoted himself to improving the life of untouchables, particularly of his own caste, the Mahars. Bhimrao Ambedkar was born at Mhow, Madhya Pradesh. He attended Columbia University during 1914-1916 and received a doctorate in 1926. While at Columbia, John Dewey and other prominent teachers inspired Ambedkar and reinforced his commitment to social reform. Two avenues existed for altering the conditions of Hindu untouchables in the early 20th century. Ambedkar rejected the more traditional approach of changing a caste's habits and image so that they resembled the norms associated with high castes. Instead, he tried to supplant such norms with the Western-based notion that all men, including Mahars, have rights of liberty and equality. Ambedkar made it his mission to create circumstances in which those rights could become fact. Sophisticated, articulate, with a political sense and an independent spirit more...

Mother Teresa was born Agnes GonxhaBojaxhiu in Skopje, Macedonia, on August 27, 1910. At a mere go of twelve, she felt strongly the call of God. She knew she had to be a missionary to spread the love of Christ and left home at eighteen to serve the Almighty and joined the Sisters of Loreto, an Irish community of nuns with missions in India. She dedicated every day of her adult life caring for "The dying, the cripple, the mentally ill, the unwanted, the unloved" and she loved every minute of it because she was loving, she was cleaning, feeding "Jesus in disguise". From 1931 to 1948 Mother Teresa taught at St. Mary's High School in Calcutta, but the suffering and poverty she glimpsed outside the convent walls made such a deep impression on her that in 1948 she received permission to leave the convent school and devote herself to more...

Despite being the largest Democracy in the World, the Indian Press has never been accorded a free status. A survey of civil and political liberties carried out by freedom House listed the Indian press as being "partly free". What is of concern here is that it figured even below countries like Burkina Faso, Cape Verde, Comoros, j Ecuador and El Salvador.                            Ever since, the time of Hickey, the administration has| recognized the potential of the Indian Press to be severely ' anti-establishment. To check the growth of the Indian press without seeming overtly restrictive, the British Government enacted several legislation that was successful in restricting the Indian Press. This restriction has carried on to the present times.                  A major reason to doubt India's freedom of the press stems from the times of the Emergency when constitutional safeguards meant to protect freedom of speech and expression were set aside. Even more...

I love books. On my holidays I pick up any book and   get so engrossed in it that I often forget to eat. My mother has to yell at me to have my lunch. At times my friends come over, but if I am busy reading an interesting story I hate to put down my book to play with them. I have built a little library of my own at home. I have fairy tales, folk tales from different parts of the world, fun books, books on geography, science, history and literature, all of which are presented in the form of a story. Books hold a great charm for me. I find that I know a lot about various things, whereas my friends, who don't read books at home, don't know half the things that I do. They love to hear the stories that I read. Some of my friends more...


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