India's first Prime Minister, Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru,was born on November 14. After his death in 1964, his birthday has been celebrated as children's Day in India.Children's Day is celebrated all over India, especially at the school level. Children's Day is a day for childrento engage in fun and frolic. Schools celebrate this dayby organising cultural programmes. Teachers of the school perform songs and dances for the ir students. Various competitions like quizzes, fancy dress competitions, elocutions are organised on this day. Children are also treated to a movie and lunch.

It was a cold day. There was some fog and not much traffic on the road. I was standing in the balcony of my house. Suddenly I heard a loud noise. The driver of a car lost his balance at a turn. He crashed into an electric pole. I rushed for rescue. Many other people also came running. The driver was badly hurt. We helped him to come out of the car. He had received a big cut on the forehead. He was profusely bleeding. Soon he was carried away in a car to the hospital. The driver was the only person in the car. The car was badly smashed. A pool of blood had collected on the road. After sometime a team of traffic police came. They cleared away the crowd. Then they began their investigation. It was a horrible experience. I could not believe my eyes. It all more...

If you get up at Sunrise, you will be healthy, wealthy and wise. After a gloomy night, sunrise brings new hopes and aspirations. It spreads a golden light all around. Birds and beasts, men and angels eagerly wait for it. It is a time when the nature is at its best. It is a time to pray to God. Sunrise is a time when there is calm and quite, the atmosphere is pure and fresh and there is no dust, no smoke, no noise. We can inhale a lot of pure oxygen. A man who goes out for a long walk at sunrise never falls ill. The rising sun gives us light and warmth. It gives new life to withering plants and a new lease of life to all living creatures. That is why even the gods worship the rising sun. 

I am an old Maruti car. I was assembled by many mechanics and engineers. My various parts came from various factories. I run on petrol. I was bought by Mr. Sunil who is a business man with a shop on the main street. When I was knew I was handsome and Mr. Sunil was very proud of me. He used to clean me everyday brushing, waxing and washing me himself. After an year he sold me as he was going abroad. My new master was not kind. He ill-treated me. He was a rash and reckless driver. I got many bruises and scratches. Consequently my appearance was spoiled and I began to look old and ugly. When my new master was at my steering wheel, he only thought of speed. He was never considerate to me. He caused me to make much noise. One day he was drunk, drove me more...

Today we hardly come across any house that does not have a TV set. In some ways TV is a boon. It is a vital source of information and helps to shape our lives in many ways. It keeps us abreast with the latest political, social and cultural developments in the world. Hence it educates us. It brings the people of the world closer as it helps to remove the distances that exist between us. Sitting in our rooms, we get a view of the entire world. TV also helps us to appreciate other cultures of the world. While entertaining us with soap operas, dances, plays, music etc. TV also educates us about the lifestyles of the foreigners in those lands where these programmes are produced. With a television set in the house, a person can never get lonely.

Jawaharlal Nehru was born on November 14, 1889 in Allahabad, central India. His father Motilal Nehru was a prominent advocate and early leader of the Indian independence movement. He returned from education in England at Harrow School and Cambridge University to practise law before following his father into politics. In 1919 joined the Indian National Congress, the principal nationalist organization of India, led by Mohandas K. Gandhi. Nehru soon became a leader of the nationalist movement; between 1921 and 1945 he was imprisoned nine times by the British administration for his activities on behalf of Indian independence. He served as president of the Congress party from 1929 to 1931, a position he subsequently held six times. In 1942 Nehru replaced Gandhi as the recognized leader of the National Congress party. Four years later, the British invited him to form an interim government. During the following year Nehru tried preventing the more...

Last year, my uncle was transferred to Nainital. I received a telegram from my uncle at Nainital. He invited me to spend my summer vacation with him. Nainital is 322 kms from Delhi. We went there with my family by bus. Our bus went via Moradabad, Kampur and Haldwani. I reached Nainital in the evening. My uncle and aunt were there with their car to receive us. Nainital is a beautiful hill-resort. It is surrounded by giant mountains dotted with bright cottages, bungalows, hotels and villas. I visited all the beautiful spots. I went for long walks in the mornings and evenings. I viewed the plants, the trees, the flowers, the birds and animals. Everything looked fresh and green. The nights were even more beautiful. The lake is surrounded by many weeping willows. I enjoyed boating in the lake. I also enjoyed horse-riding around the lake. After a stay of more...

Last Sunday we decided to visit the Trade Fair. We found a long queue at bus stop. Men and women, young and old, all were standing in a queue. Some were talking about the politics. Some of them were gossiping. Some gentlemen were busy reading the newspapers. All of them were waiting for the bus- In a few minutes the queue became longer than before. After waiting for some times, we saw a bus coming. Every one became ready to board the bus. It did not stop at the stand and passed by us. After sometime, we again saw a bus. It stopped. The queue broke. Some young men boarded it. They remained helpless specters. We cancelled our programme. We decided to visit the Trade Fair some other day.

If I were the Prime Minister of India I would have many a difficult task to perform. There are many problems that India needs to solve.  There is a lot of unemployment, over-population, poverty, corruption, illiteracy etc. First of all I would only appoint honest, patriotic and hard working people in my parliament. I would intensify the family planning programmes in all the States. Once we overcome this problem we can control the problem of unemployment, poverty and cor- ruption. In short, my aim would be to better the conditions of my country. I would talk less and work more. I would stress on results in every field. Scientists, Researchers, Technologists, Artists etc. would all be provided a great number of facilities so that they might continue to remain satisfied and happy providing the country with the best of their talent. I would study the problems faced by every state more...

Last Sunday I went to circus with my family. My father look us to the show. It was located on the RamlilaMaidan. We bought the tickets and entered the huge tent. At first there came two clowns in their funny blue and pink dresses. One was dressed like a monkey, the other like a lion. They performed many tricks and made the spectators laugh. Young girls rode single wheel cycles on ropes. Then the elephants were brought in. They performed funny, tricks. Then the tigers, lions, horses and a rhino performed wonderful feats. They were all fascinating to watch. It was a new and wonderful experience. We returned home, full of excitement and a sense of horror. I can never forget it. I thanked my father for taking us to the show.


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