
Until a few years ago, higher education and quality education was not affordable to some illustrious students because of the financial constraints. There was no alternative but to jump in the job market prematurely which led to untimely end of budding talents and their forceful transformation to the mediocrity. Of course, there were scholarships, but those were so less in numbers that only luckier few could avail them. But now the scene has changed drastically. The boom in the banking sector has led to release of large amount of funds for education loans. Now, education loans are easily available from various banks in India and this change is encouraging more and more students to take up higher education despite their financial shortcomings. Many nationalized as well as private banks have come up with various educational loan schemes that students can benefit from. The wave of change could be well gauged more...

The religious and social ideas adopted and developed by Gandhi, first during his period in South Africa from 1893 to 1914, and later in India, are collectively referred as Gandhian Philosophy. Later Gandhians like Vinoba Bhave and Jayaprakash Narayan further developed these ideas. Views of' Martin Luther King Jr. can also be studied in this light. The philosopliy of d.iudlii exists on several planes—the spiritual or religious, moral, political, economic, social, individual and collective. Though spiritual or religious element, and God, are at its core, truth and non- violence arc  the twin c;irdin;il principles of Gandhi's thought. For Gandlii, truth or satya is the relative truth of truthfulness in word and deed, and (he absolute truth—the Ultimate Reality. This ultimate truth is God (a.s God is also Truth) .mil morality—the moral laws and code—its basis. Non violence or ahisa, fo from meaning mere peacefulness or the absence of overt violence, more...

Punctuality implies proper use of time at the rightmoment instead of repenting on the lost time later. The Phrase 'a stitch in time saves nine' conveys that if acloth needs a stitch, it should be mended immediately; otherwise the cloth may tear further and require more Stitches. Of course, it is better and easier to make a single stitchIn less time than to make many stitches in more time. We should always act wisely and in time. We mustmake proper use of time. Time wasting may result in a Great loss of life and money. The virtue of punctuality is not difficult to observe. Awakeful mind can easily observe it while a lazy person cannot. He, who delays his work often, suffers for it.Rules of punctuality are against postponement. It is hard to imagine the chaos if schools, colleges, offices, trains etc. were to run at the unscheduled Timings. The more...

In the last several years, many observers of education and learning have been stunned by the abundance of information online, the ever-faster fundability of answers, and the productivity of online 'crowds', which li.ive created information resources like Wikipedia and YouTube. There are three common strands of current thought about education and the internet. First is the idea that the instant availability of information online makes the memorization of facts unnecessary or less necessary. Second is the celebration of the virtues of collaborative learning as superior to with a individual learning. And third is the insistence that lengthy, complex books, which constitute a single, static, one-way conversation with an individual, are inferior to knowledge co-constructed by members of a group. Though seemingly disparate, these three strands of thought me interrelated. Each tends to substitute the Internet for individual learning and knowledge. The Internet is now the fountain of knowledge and that more...

Childhood is the most innocent phase in human life. It is that stage of life when the human foundations are laid for a successful adult life. Many children, instead of spending it in a carefree and fun-loving manner while learning and playing, are scarred and tormented. They hate their childhood and would do anything to get out of the dungeons of being children and controlled and tortured by others. They would love to break-free from this world, but continue to be where they are, not out of choice, but force. This is the true story of child labour. Innocent children are employed by industries and individuals who put them to work under grueling circumstances. They are made to work for long hours in dangerous factory units and sometimes made to carry load even heavier than their own body weight. Then there are individual households that hire children as domestic help more...

The two most important things in this world are the computer and the newspaper. The newspapers give News, views, reviews and previews. Sometime the wordNEWS is interpreted as North, East, West and South. It means that the newspapers provide us information and news regarding different subjects from all the Directions. The newspapers do not give just news to us. They also give us articles on all kinds of topics such as political, Social, economic, monetary, business, commerce, ports, education, health, etc. The newspapers have different columns devoted todifferent topics. In them we have matrimonial, editorial, readers, employment, women's, children's and other columns. The burning problems of the day are discussed in the newspapers. Elaborate articles by experts and Specialists appear in them. Then the readers' views and opinions are published in the Readers' Column which is also known as Letters to the editor. The newspapers are a very potent vehicle. more...

Delhi covers an area of 1/483 sq. km. and roughly, hasa population of 6,220,406. Major languages spoken areHindi, Punjabi and Urdu. Its literary level is 61.54%. Delhi was founded in the 11th century AD. By a Rajputchieftain of the Tomara clan. The Chauhans claimed Possession of the city from the Tomara clan. Prithvi Raj,the Chauhan leader and ruler of Ajmer and Delhi, madethe city of Delhi famous for his heroic deeds andromantic adventures. The first invasion of India by Muhammad Ghori wasbeaten back by Prithvi Raj, but he lost when Ghori Returned to defeat him the second time. Prithvi Raj wascaptured and put to death. Delhi then passed into thehands of Muslim rulers for the next six centuries. Under the Mughal Emperors, Delhi became a worldfin-nous city. In 1912, the capital of British India was transferred from Calcutta to Delhi.A new city. NewDelhi was laid out by the side of more...

In order to revive the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World concept with M list of modem wonders, a popularity poll to decide the New Seven Wonders of the World organized by the Swiss-based, movement controlled New7Wonders Foundation. The winners were announced on July 7, 2007 in Lisbon, Portugal, based on more than 100 million votes cast through the Internet or by telephone. the origin of the idea of seven wonders of the world dates back to Herodotus (484 BC - 425 BC) and Callimachus (305 BC - 240 BC), who made lists which included the Great Pyramid of Giza, Hanging gardens of Babylon, Statue of Zeus at Olympia, Temple of Artemis at Ephesus, Mausoleum of Maussollos at Halicarnassus, Colossus of Rhodes and Lighthouse of Alexandria. Only the Great Pyramid of Giza is still standing. The other six were destroyed by earthquake, fire, or other causes. To be included on more...

The African Union (AU) is intended to be a geo-political entity covering the entirety of the African continent. Its origin can be traced to the Union of african States, established by came Nkrumah in the 1960s and the Organization of African Unity (OAU), established in 1963. The African Economic Community, established in 1981, was also a precursor to the African Union. The idea of creating the AU was revived in the mid-1990s under the leadership of Libyan head of state Muammar al-Gaddafi. The Sine Declaration issued by the heads of state and government of the OAU In 1999, called for the establishment of an African Union. The declaration was followed by summits at Lome in 2000, when the constitutive Act of the African Union was adopted, and a( Lusaka in 2001,  when the plan for the implementation of the African Union was Adopted . During the same period, the initiative more...

Last month I visited the museum in Baroda called the Maharaja Sayaji rao Gaekwad museum. It was a great experience. I had gone with my history teacher and some classmates from school. The museum was built by the Maharaja and it has some of the most beautiful pieces of possessions that belonged to the Maharajas of Baroda. There is a gallery which is entirely devoted to vessels and artifacts that come from the east. China, Japan, Malaysia/ Burma etc. are the countries that the Maharaja had cordial relations with. These Artifacts were ordered from there and some of them came as gifts for the Maharaja. Apart from these there are statues in metal, silver and some are even gold plated. They are the replicas of some of the buildings that were built in the past by the Maharajas eg-the Kirti Mandir, Khanderg market etc. The painting gallery exhibits paintings from more...


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