The first meeting I attended was an AA and a NA meeting. At first, I was very nervous attending it because I didn't know what to expect. I always had the impression that .ill people who attended these meetings were typical people that you see in bars with long hair, and beards; but I was wrong. They look normal just like you and me. There were young people, and middle-aged people. Some of them I never would have expected that they were alcoholics or drug addicts. Both meetings seemed to be very similar to me. They both introduced themselves the same way, for example hi my name is Ajay and I'm an alcoholic, or I'm addicted to cocaine. They both sat in a group and discussed their addiction, their progress, and any problems that they were having. Prior to the start of the meeting I asked the counselor what was more...

Media Violence in Children's Lives During the past decade, America has witnessed an alarming increase in the incidence of violence in the lives of children. On a daily basis, children in America are victims of violence, as witnesses to violent acts in their homes or communities, or as victims of abuse, neglect, or personal assault. The causes of violent behavior in society are complex and interrelated. Among the significant contributors is poverty, racism, unemployment, illegal drugs, inadequate or abusive parenting practices, and real-life adult models of violent problem-solving behavior. At the same time that there has been an increase in the number of reported violent acts directed at children, there has been an increase in the amount and severity of violent acts observed by children through the media, including television, movies, computer games, and videotapes, and an increase in the manufacture and distribution of weapon-like toys and other products directly more...

Although Oscar Wilde said, 'Fashion is so ugly that it has to change everyday', fashion changes have become a part and parcel of Indian life nowadays. Starting with the times of Miss "......" titles, music channels and Cosmo magazines, urban society has emerged as a very fashion conscious set. To keep in tune has become a necessity, lest you are seen in XXL clothes when 'XXX' small is the trend. The pattern that trend setting follows is that Mumbai apes the west a couple of months after the onset of new designs there, which then filter into the south another two or three months later. So now that the eighties fashions are back abroad, with garish colours and heavy jewellery, stilettos and large sunglasses in light brown hues- opaque, the same fashions can be expected back here. Currently, sportswear is making waves in town with Adidas, Nike and Proline stores more...

Now a days, the trends for studying abroad have shown an upward surge. The rising population levels of the students and researchers in India have triggered this phenomenon. There is no serious debate about the difference in the educational norms in the West and those in India; the Western societies are much ahead of us in terms of quality education. The inquisitive students of India certainly do well after studying in the educational institutions abroad. The pragmatic and scientific approach of the educational institutions of the West gives the students an edge over those who get education in India. Further, research students also find that their efforts are very much productive (and respected) in the foreign countries and not in India. This unique feature of education in the alien lands has made our students queue up for admissions into the foreign universities. However, the grass may not always be greener more...

Through sharp analysis of Sanskrit, Prakrit, and Hindi, as much as Arabic and Persian sources, they have brought within reach a rich body of material. The inherent difficulty in the matter of interpreting this material and relating it to surviving archaeological and visual evidence naturally leaves some matters obscure, and others open to controversy. But a very substantial body of information has been collected. When the century dawned, fashion was an exclusive enterprise, the pursuit of the wealth. The lower tiers of the society settled for garments that were more often than not entirely family hand-made-downs or stitched at home. With lime, however, networks of neighbourhood tailors began to evolve into a retail history and the boom followed by boutique selling. Today, garments are laser cut by computers and sourced from all over the world and can easily be bought sitting in the comfort of one's home via the internet more...

India is the second highly populated country of the world after China. According to the census of 2001 there are more then 102 crores people are living in India, all these people arc of different religions, different casts, different regions, different language, different mental and physical status, different economic segments, different social status. One can easily say that despite all of these diversities and differences there is a unity in India from North to South. East to West India is uniting. According to our great first Prime Minister pandit Jawaharlal Nehru, "In India we saw unity in diversity and diversity in unity." Unity or integration has same meaning. National integration is the most important thing of every country and atso of the people of that country. Without integration the existence of the country is in trouble. Besides all countries the integration is also very important for India. From the olden more...

Education of Sex in Schools Sex is something that almost everyone will experience before they die. It is a subject that has been debated about for years. From the debate over birth control to the outbreak of aids. With all this history behind us, sex is becoming even more of an issue. With the new outbreaks of sexually transmitted diseases and the fact that sexually active persons are becoming younger, sex has now become a daily topic. Sex scandals in the media and talk such .is "who slept with who at last night's keg party" are making these daily conversations apparent in high schools, middle schools, and in a lot of cases grade schools. As the saying goes "monkey see monkey do" one can only assume that this concept will pertain to these easily influenced children. That is why it is imperative that another side of this issue is presented more...

Despite being the largest Democracy in the World, the Indian press has never been accorded a free status. A survey of civil and political liberties carried out by Freedom House listed the Indian press as being "partly free". What is of concern here is that it figured even below countries like Burkina Faso, Cape Verde, Comoros, Ecuador and El Salvador. Ever since, the time of Hickey, the administration has recognized the potential of the Indian Press to be severely anti-establishment. To check the growth of the Indian press without seeming overtly restrictive, the British Government enacted several legislation that were successful in restricting the Indian Press. This restriction has carried on to the present times. A major reason to doubt India's freedom of the press stems from the times of the Emergency when constitutional safeguards meant to protect freedom of speech and expression were set aside. Even today the Official more...

Does your religion affect your daily life? In The Ramayana, gods and religion play an important role in the Indian life. Having an encounter with a reincarnated being, talking to one of the multiple gods, or assuming another form to make life easier are only three ways the Indian religion affected Rama's daily life. Respect by definition means, "to feel or show high regard for". As a result of their belief in reincarnation, Indians have a greater respect for life, animals, and each other. They know they will only be in their current form for one lifetime, so they cherish all life greatly. Most ordinary men would not explain right from wrong and good morals to a monkey, but Rama did. Since the Indian culture has respect for all beings, Rama knows a monkey possesses enough intelligence to understand this, and that is why he explains morals to Vali as more...

India is a multiracial country. People of various faiths and religions live here in harmony. There are the Hindus, the Muslims, the Christians, the Sikhs, the Jains, the Buddhists, the Parsis, the Jews, the Zorastrians and others. The Hindus are in majority. The Muslims constitute the largest single minority community. This great pageantry of people and faiths is unique to India. Indian ethos reflects the continuity and tolerance-tolerance of faiths, religions, languages, dialects, ideas, lifestyles and cuisines. There are at times frictions, communal conflicts and tensions but they are exceptions and not the rule and just aberrations. These are the legacy of the British rule and raj. The Englishmen followed the policy of 'divide and rule' and many politicians and leaders in India still follow and practice this policy to keep their vote banks intact. India is a' secular country. There is no state religion. All faiths and religions are more...


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