The British had to leave bag and baggage and for good following the long drawn struggle for freedom. Now, India is a free and sovereign country with Hindi as its national language. And the importance of English as a second official and a link language continues. No doubt the British imposed English on India but now it is not a foreign language as are German, French. Chinese or Russian. It continues to play an important role within the country and outside in dealings with foreign countries. For more than 2 centuries English has been in India and Indian writers and authors have made generous contribution in the development of English language and literature. Indian writers in English include such well-known signatures as Sarojini Naidu, Aurobindo, Dom Moraes, Nissim I.xekiel, P. Lal, A.K. Ramanujan, Kamla Das, R. Parathsarthy, Mulk Raj Anand, R.K. Narayan, Raja Rao, G.V. Desai, Bhabani Bhattacharya, Manohar more...

Some parents think that once their children are at school, they can relax and let the education system take control. But this is not the case at all. As research shows, parents have an even greater influence on their children's academic results than the school does. Most of a child's ability to communicate/ to relate to teachers and peers and their attitude to learning, is formed from home. Parents can help give their children a head start, by beginning their education at home. Many parents don't realize how they can help their children at home. Things as simple as baking a cake with their children can help them with their education. Measuring out ingredients for a cake is a simple form of maths. Another example of helping young children with their maths is simply planning a birthday party. They have to decide how many people to invite, how many invitations more...

Feng Shui (pronounced fong sway) is an ancient science based on the belief that everything in the universe is either positive or negative energy. (Yin and Yang) This energy is called Chi, and the science art of Feng Shui is the use and arrangement of positive objects to counteract the negative objects in your environment. It has been practiced for thousands of years in China. The Forbidden City was the largest Feng Shui project ever constructed. Every detail of the palace complex was studied and approved by the finest Feng Shui priests of the time. In fact, because there was no mountain behind the palace, they built one. All over the world there has been a boom in interest in feng shui and contrary to popular belief, the application of feng shui need not be oriental. Traditional people all over the world have observed, recorded and reached an understanding of more...

Approaching the Essay As a student you will almost certainly have to produce essays during your course. Some will be written during term time and contribute to course work assessment, others will be answers to questions set in formal examinations. An essay is usually defined as a continuous piece of writing ranging in length from at least 500 words to about 5/000 words for a special or extended essay. But this booklet is not just about 'writing' essays, it's about the various stages you need to consider when producing an essay and about the ways in which producing an essay helps you to learn. The time given to each of these stages will of course vary according to the conditions surrounding any particular essay. Let's look at the first stage -which is approaching the essay. Why write essays? If we understand the value of doing something/ it usually helps to more...

Merriam Webster defines objectivity as expressing or dealing with facts or conditions as perceived without distortion by personal feelings, prejudices, or interpretations. Objectivity, as defined by the school of media ethics, means standing so far from the community that you see all events and all viewpoints as equally distant and important, or unimportant for that matter. It is employed by giving equal weight to all viewpoints—or, if not, giving all an interesting twists, within taste. The result is a presentation of facts in a true non-partisan manner, and then standing back to let the reader decide which view is true. By going about it this way, we are defining objectivity not by the way we go about gathering and interpreting the news, but by what we actually put in the paper. It can be measured out by allocating so many lines for this group, and so many lines for that more...

Between-class ability grouping, which is the practice of lumping children together in separate classes according to their talents and ability level/ is ineffective according to many research studies. Research findings claim that, although ability grouping may have slight benefits for students who are assigned to high track classes, these benefits are balanced by losses for students who are assigned to low-tracked classes. Putting students into low-tracked classes is damaging for a few reasons. First, these students are not or are only exposed to a few positive role models. Also, many teachers do not enjoy teaching low tracked classes and have low expectations of their students. Research has also found that lower track classes' quality of instruction is lower than that of middle or high tracked classes. Tracking therefore unfairly creates unequal opportunities for academic achievement. One of the most harmful effects of tracking is the label a student in a more...

Criminology has treated women's role in crime with a large measure of indifference. The intellectual tradition from which criminology derives its conception of these sexes maintains’ esteem for men's autonomy, intelligence and force of character while disdaining women for their weaknesses of compliance and passivity. Women who conform as pure, obedient daughters, wives and mothers benefit men and society. Those women who don't, that is are non-conforming, may simply be one who questions established beliefs or practices, or one who engages in activities associated with men, or one who commits a crime. These women are doubly damned and doubly deviant. They are seen as 'mad' not 'bad'.  These behaviours frequently lead to interpretations of being mentally abnormal and unstable. Those doing the defining, by the very act, are never defined as 'other', but are the norm.  As 'men' are the norm, women are deviant. Women are defined in reference to more...

In today's world, sport stars and other athletes are looked up to by all ages. Everyone loves them. They look great in the eyes of the everyday public. They appear on television; they perform like rock stars and do this with the entire world watching. No wonder we make heroes out of our favourites. They are seen as heroes because they can do hinges that most of us can't. They hit fastballs at 150 kmph, leap at balls in mid air or dely gravity and throw down a dunk. Their words are repeated and broadcasted throughout the world and their faces have appeared on the front of cereal boxes. But if you examine athletes while they're not on the court or on the field, you can see what they are like in every dimension. Athletes have many positive and negative sides that affect their public face and both benefit and more...

The right to live and exist, right to equality including equality before law, non-discrimination on grounds of' religion, race, caste, sex or place of birth and equality of opportunity in matters of employment, right to freedom of speech and expression, assembly association movement, residence, right to practice any profession or occupation, right against  exploitation prohibiting all forms of forced labour, child labour and trafficking in human beings, right to freedom of conscience, practice and propagation of religion and right to legal remedies for enforcement of the above are the basic human rights. These rights and freedoms are the very foundation of democracy. Obviously, in a democracy the maximum number of the freedoms and rights are enjoyed by the people. Besides there are political rights which include to contest an election and to vote freely for a candidate of one's choice. Human rights are a benchmark of developed and civilized society. more...

The HIV virus poses one of the biggest viral threats to human society today. It is contracted through bodily fluids such as blood and semen, and sometimes even saliva and tears. AIDS kills 100% of its victims and puts them through agony before they die. It has been a threat for about 25 years, and it is not going to stop now. In fact, AIDS is just getting started: It consumes more people each year. There is no known treatment for it either, only antibiotics to slow the reproduction of the virus. HIV is passed from one person to another by bodily fluids only. It is usually gotten through sexual intercourse or other intimate contact, through the exchanging of unsterilized intravenous needles, or by the contact of HIV-infected bodily fluids and an open wound. It cannot permeate though intact skin; hence it cannot be spread through informal contact. AIDS has more...


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