Scout movement originated in Britain in 1908. Sir Baden Powell was its patron. Slowly the movement extended to every civilized country including India. It started as a trial experimental camp in 1907 but the movement spread with speed to almost every part of the world. In 1908, a handbook "Scouting for Boys", was published. Over 1,00,000 scouts served in His Majesty's forces during the First World War and 10,000 gave up their lives. These under age scouts performed public duties; it home like coast-watching. When the war broke out again in 1939 thousands of scouts once more joined the armed forces. During this war, too, those scouts who were under age for active service carried out work of national importance for the government departments and, civil authorities admitted that scouts had rendered particularly good service. Many of them were decorated for gallantry. The principle underlying the Boy Scout movement is more...

I live in Delhi. It has a big railway station. I went to the station to receive my friend. He was coming from Punjab. I bought a platform ticket and went in. My friend's train was late by forty minutes. So, I decided to take a look around. There was a huge crowd on the platform. At the windows of the booking office there were long queues of people. They were buying tickets for their journey. At enquiry window also there was big crowd. The hawkers were shouting at the top of their voice. They were selling food, tea, newspaper etc. Soon, I saw the train coming. My friend came out and he was very happy to see me. We came home in an autorickshaw.

Everybody has some ambition in life. Life without purpose is no life. I have chosen my profession as a doctor. Since my childhood, I was attracted to the medical profession. The profession of a doctor is very noble. In this profession, one feels very much nearer to God. A doctor knows that he only gives treatment; the curing is done by God. It provides great satisfaction, peace and pride to the soul when a doctor cures the patients who have no hope to survive. I shall be proud of my profession.    

My friend Rahul is very fond of swimming. He is a good swimmer. One day as usual we made a programme to go to Okhia for swimming. As soon as we reached there the aged and the children were taking bath near the bank. However, some of the young boys were swimming in the mid-stream. It was very deep there. Currents of water flowed up and down. Suddenly, a boy was caught in the currents. He began to cry for help. A dare-devil jumped into the waves. He brought him out with great difficulty. After some time he came to senses. In the meantime, his parents had reached the hospital. I felt forry that happy occasions sometimes turn into grief.

Elections of one type or the other take place every year in India. The people choose their representatives through elections. The voters go to the booth to cast their vote. The parties give them chits of their serial number. The agents identify the voters. The polling officers give them the voter's list. They mark it and put it into the ballot box. There prevails tension throughout the day. The policemen prevent quarrels and maintain peace.    

It was a festival season. I had to go to Delhi for an interview. I reached the bus stop. There was a large crowd. It was an ordeal to get into the bus. There was a lot of elbowing and jostling first of all, I could hardly get into; I had to hang on the foot- board for some time. My perch was so precarious that I felt like falling. After a great difficulty and struggle I moved in. The bus was packed to suffocation. I was feeling all the time giddy. I felt a queezed and crushed. The sight of other passengers was no better. The plight of ladies and children was too deep for tears. I thanked God that I was alive.

Media Violence in Children's Lives During the past decade, America has witnessed an alarming increase in the incidence of violence in the lives of children. On a daily basis, children in America are victims of violence, as witnesses to violent acts in their homes or communities, or as victims of abuse, neglect, or personal assault. The causes of violent behavior in society are complex and interrelated. Among the significant contributors are poverty, racism, unemployment, illegal drugs, inadequate or abusive parenting practices, and real-life adult models of violent problem-solving behavior. At the same time that there has been an increase in the number of reported violent acts directed at children, there has been an increase in the amount and severity of violent acts observed by children through the media, including television, movies, computer games, and videotapes, and an increase in the manufacture and distribution of weapon-like boys and other products directly more...

People go to a market to buy articles of their needs. We see crowds of people busy in buying goods. The shops are flooded with buyers on the days of festivals. Big shops look attractive. The jewellery, utensils, toys and cloth shops do roaring business every day. Hotels and restaurants are also over-crowded. It is very difficult to drive a car in a market place. Most of the shop-keepers are cheats and polished robbers. The shop agents are thugs. You will find pick-pockets in every market.    

Blessed are those who have good neighbours, I am lucky to have Mr. Ram Kishan Gupta as my next door neighbour. He is every inch a gentle man. He is very helpful to all. Mr. Gupta is a wealthy businessman. He is very intelligent. He speaks to every one and is generous and kind. Mr. Gupta has two children. The eldest son helps him in the business. The second son is of my age and studies in a public school. Mr. Gupta's father also lives with him. All the members of his family are good. His father is very kind and religious. His children are good natured and have good manners. They are good at studies too. Whenever I have any problem, I go to Charles, the second son, and he always helps solve it. On festivals like Diwali, Mr. Gupta arranges for a get-together for all the neighbours in more...

A library is a store house where different types of books are kept. It is a place of studies and knowledge. Those who have quest for knowledge go there to enhance it. Our school library is housed in a big hall in one corner of school building. The hall is well furnished with tables and chairs. The hall is well lighted and airy. The surroundings are calm and quiet. 'Silence is gold' is written on the board which is fixed on the wall outside the library hall. In our library, more than fifty students can sit at a time. We can find books on almost all subjects. English as well as Hindi novels and magazines are there. The books are neatly arranged in bright wooden cupboards. There are books on Science, Social Science, Commerce, Fine Arts, English and Hindi literature. There are many books for small children. One cupboard is more...


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