I have many friends at school. But Rahul is my best friend. He is my neighbour. Me comes to my house to play with me. He is a very good player of table-tennis. He is my classmate. We go to school together in the school bus. We sit on the same bench. We study and play together. He wears neat and clean clothes. He is regular and punctual. Rahul is monitor of our class. He never quarrels with anybody. He helps the weak boys in their lessons. He always stands first. He is tall and smart. He has a cheerful nature. He is frank and honest. His face is always smiling. He never loses his temper. He always stands first in his class. He helps me in my difficult subjects like Maths and Science. He comes of a noble family. His father is a doctor. His mother is a teacher. more...

Work is worship and rest is rest. It is the key to success, progress and happiness. The current scenario of the world economy has presented tougher challenges for people the world over. A worker earns his living by honest labour. An idler depends upon others. He becomes a parasite. Rest is rust. Greatness comes in life by hard work. Religion teaches us to earn our livelihood by labour. Only they worship God who take delight in work. Tagore held that God does not live in temples. He lives in stone breakers who work in sun and rain on the road. It was only work that brings peace of mind. It is only works that brings glory. It is only work that brings salvation.  

I like playing the guitar. Though I am not very good at it and am still learning, I can play some tunes. I spend quite a lot of time playing the guitar so much so I get scolded sometimes by my mother. I suppose I do tend to spend a bit too much time with it. Anyhow, playing the guitar is very enjoyable. I also like taking evening walks around my neighborhood. In the evening the air is cool and refreshing. The children are busy playing and the neighbors are friendlier. So I take leisurely strolls, sometimes stopping to play with other children and sometimes stopping to chat with the neighbors. Another thing that I like doing is getting up late in the morning. During weekdays I have to get up early or I will not get to school on time. On Saturdays, Sundays and holidays, it is so pleasurable more...

A farmer is a very important person. He works all day in the fields, growing crops which we eat. Farmers are hardworking people. For a farmer, his land means everything. A farmer's day begins early in the morning. They grow crops and sell it in the market. They also grow fruits and vegetables. They live in huts and mud houses. The farmer ploughs his land with a pair of oxen. Some use tractors to do the work faster. They water their fields regularly. His family also help him. When it rains, the farmers rejoice because rains mean a good harvest. We must be grateful to the farmers.

Flowers are the pride of spring. Flowers are the prettiest and sweetest gift of nature which are put to display in spring season. Last February a flower show was organised in the local Rose Garden. Many stalls exhibiting a variety of Flowers, arranged in various fashions were put up. They were really enchanting to see. The judges had really a tough time in judging the best. The committee took into account colour, smell, size and the shape of every flower. The rich variety of flowers captivated the hearts of the on lookers. The Deputy Commissioner gave awards and Prizes to the participants and winners.    

Rakesh is weak in Mathematics. That is why he does not follow Accounts and Economics. The result is that he runs away from these classes and wastes away time in the canteen sipping coke and eating ice creams, sandwiches etc. Last time after the tests, he did not return his Report Card, as he could not show that to his parents, for he had failed badly in all subjects except English. He quarrels in the school as he considers too much of himself and does not tolerate anything about him, which are unpleasant. He is a spoiled child.  

Books are the store house of information, knowledge and wisdom. They add knowledge, expand our mental horizon and make us wiser and happier. In the words of Louis Stevenson, hooks are a mighty bloodless substitute for life. He has condemned hooks the study of which, he thinks, is the weariness of flesh. But if hooks are completely neglected it result in the barrenness of mind and makes us ignorant, orthodox and superstitious. So the complete neglect of books is as undesirable as too much study] of books. The market is flooded with all sortsof books. We should make a judicious selection of them.

Morning walk is a tonic for health. It is the only key to active and cheerful life. It makes a man healthy and happy. The morning is the best time for a walk. The music of the birds and the flowing of stream are most enjoyable. One who goes out for morning walk does not feel dull at all. It leaves healthy effect on his body and mind. The flowers and green grass fills the heart with joy. Thus a morning walk is a remedy for all ills. I go out for a walk daily. A morning walk gives us joy. Minds and body get refreshed. Fresh air purifies blood. It is good for both mind and body.

A student who has many qualities of the head and the heart can truly be called an ideal student. He gets up early in the morning and does some exercise and even take morning walk. He is always neat and tidy. He always sticks to the rules of keeping himself healthy. He is always punctual in attending school. He works very hard at school. He always does his home-task. His result is always good. In examination, he tries his best to top the list of successful students. An ideal student divides his time in appropriate manner. He also studies at home regularly and revises all the lessons that he has learnt at school that day. He keeps friendly relations with other students. He always respects teachers and students. He always helps his classmates, if they approach him for it. He talks sweetly and his behavior is exemplary. He always tries more...

My tooth hurt through the night. I had to take a painkiller to lessen the pain. Worst of all I did not get a wink of sleep the whole night through. The next morning, I told my mother about my toothache. It was obvious I could not go to school. So instead she took me to the dentist. I was horrified, but I had no choice. At nine o'clock we waited outside the dentist's office. The nurse came and opened the door. I was the first patient. She wrote down my particulars and told me to wait a moment. The dentist had not arrived yet. Meanwhile the tooth still ached like mad. The burly dentist arrived and I was ushered to the dentist's chair. Normally I would run away from the frightening surgery with all its horrible drills and pliers, but I did not. I had to get the offending more...


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