It was a cold day. There was some fog and not much traffic on the road. I was once an eye-witness to a road accident. I was standing in the bus-stop. Suddenly I heard a loud noise. The driver of a car lost his balance at a turn. He crashed into an electric pole. The driver was the only person in the car. The car was badly smashed. A pool of blood had collected on the road. After sometime a team of traffic police came. They cleared away the crowd. Then they began their investigation. It was a horrible experience. I could not believe my eyes. It was a heart-rending sight. I feel pained whenever I am reminded of the accident.

The link between drug use and crime is not a new one. For more than twenty years, there have been many researches to try to better understand the connection. One such study was done on heroin users. This study found high rates of criminality among users during periods of active drug use and much lower rates during periods of non-use. A large number of people who abuse drugs come into contact with the criminal justice system when they are sent to jail or to other correctional facilities. The criminal justice system is hooded with substance abusers. The need for expanding drug abuse treatment for this group of people was recognized in the Crime Act of 1994, which for the first time provided substantial resources for federal and state jurisdictions. Experts have developed the general theory of crime. According to their theory, the criminal act and the criminal offender are separate more...

Pesticides are chemicals that make our produce perfect and our yards free of pests. However, this perfection comes at a price to many different people. Pesticides are poisons with the sole purpose of killing. They are intended to kill weeds, insects and fungus. There are three types of pesticides called herbicides, insecticides and fungicides. Every pesticide has an active ingredient and an inert ingredient. The active ingredient is the poison that kills the pest and the inert ingredient is the carrying or spreading compound. Pesticides were once thought of as a miracle cure for hunger. They were supposed to keep crops free of pests and mosquitoes under control. People were not aware of the dangers that these poisons possessed. DDT was supposed to be a benefactor for all humanity. There were few regulations on the use of DDT use. It was even sprayed where children played. It was intended to more...

The main aim of education is the all-round development of a student. Its purpose is to develop a student into a full, whole and integrated person, thus, the objectives to be achieved through education and training is many and very comprehensive. Education helps in achieving and developing skills, abilities, insights and scientific temper. Besides literary and aesthetic appeal of education, there are utilitarian aspects as well and they are equally important. Education aims at developing and bringing out the best of a student's inner personality, but at the same time it cannot neglect the outer and material aspects. Education also means that a student is made capable to stand on his own feet. to earn his bread and butter. An educated person is supposed to face the challenges of life bravely and successfully in the fields of money, material and social utility. No person can be called properly educated if more...

The problem of unemployment is a world-wide reality. The developed countries like the U.S., England. France, Germany, Italy etc. also suffer from this problem, but it is more pronounced in India. With the passage of time it has become worse. It has become a threat to India's economic well-being and social development. It is one of the major causes of our poverty, backwardness, crimes and frustration among the people. India is the second largest country after China in terms of population and man-power. But because of large scale unemployment there is a large waste of this manpower. There are capable and willing hands but there is no suitable employment for them. They are forced to remain idle. The ever increasing number of Job-seekers on the live registers of employment exchanges shows how alarming and serious this problem has become in the recent years. The number of the unemployed people registered more...

It is said that you cannot dip your finger twice in the same river. It underscores the law of change and flux. Fashions are no exceptions to the law. They come and go and change rapidly with the spilt of limes. Fashions come into vogue and then go out of vogue because man loves change, variety and novelty. Old, routine, stereotyped, stale and typecast things are not to his liking. With the change in the mood of man, change the styles, manners, conduct and way of life. It adds zest and liveliness to life. change and variety is the other name of fashion. It is man's nature to be fashionable. He is not only a rational and social being but also a fashionable being, Fashions are infectious as well and spread rapidly like a wild fire, especially among young men and women of the big towns and cities. Youth is more...

What happens when too much carbon dioxide gets omitted into the Earth's atmosphere? The condition known as 'global warming" occurs. Global warming Is the rising of the Earth's surface temperature due lo chemicals in the atmosphere. Global warming has many threats on the climate and even the health of I lie people on this planet. Some of these threats include the altering of crop seasons and even effect the way organisms survive on the planet. The first thing that should be discussed when talking about global warming is what causes it to occur. Gases such as carbon dioxide, methane and nitrous oxide, which are known as 'greenhouse gases', all build up in the atmosphere of the earth. All these-gases make it so that it becomes harder for the radiation that the sun shines into the atmosphere to escape. The heat continues to build up and this is what causes the more...

Terrorism' is a much talked about term today. And why should it not be when the whole world is coming under its shadow and under its threat. Even the most protected and most technologically advanced country in all modem techniques — America — could be attacked — who then is safe?  But what this terrorism is? The Chamber’s Twentieth Century Dictionary definite terrorism as an organized system of intimidation especially for political ends’. This thus explains the mind set of terrorism and terrorists. But today this menace has grown to great dimensions and has taken big proportions. India has been suffering this menace of terrorism from Pakistan now for more than two decades. Pakistan has, just the one point political agenda, to grab Kashmir in any manner. Having failed in their attempts four times through full scale wars on the issue, they resort to the terrorist activities. sponsoring and infiltrating more...

Hot! Fire! Destruction! These are words that most people associate with volcanoes. But some good effects can come out of volcanoes. Volcanoes also have their own special mythology associated with them. A lot of volcanoes have some general characteristics in common. There are many volcanoes around the world and some have special characteristics. So come along and take a trip into I he wonderful and exciting world of volcanoes. Over 550 volcanoes have erupted on the surface of the Earth since human kind has been able to record history. Their destructiveness has claimed the lives of over 200,000 people during the last 500 years with 28,000 deaths between 1990 and 2000 alone. They have also caused an immense amount of property damage. The biggest eruption of the twentieth century was the eruption of Novarupta on the peninsula of Alaska. The amount of lava that erupted measured roughly 15 cubic kilometres! more...

Safe weight loss cans only truly "g s. achieved by a careful diet and exercise. For years there have been hundreds of gimmicks ranging from pills, soaps, drinks and unconventional diet plans.  Desperate to lose weight, people invest hundreds of dollars each year to gimmicks and diet plans that do not work. Although some of these products do produce temporary results, they are not always safe and the lost weight normally comes back.           It is proven that the only way to lose weight and keep it off is by a healthy diet and, exercise. One out of every three Americans is overweight. The most common reason for being overweight is a sedentary life style, a life style of little activity and overeating. In order to control weight, caloric intake should be monitored. In order to lose weight people must take in fewer calories then what is burned. Therefore, if more more...


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