It is accepted and well-known that smoking is a bad habit. Medical science tells us that smoking is injurious to health. It is the cause of many diseases like asthma, cancer, etc. For this reason, a statutory warning was introduced for compulsory display on all packets of cigarettes, chewing tobacco and advertisement for the same that cigarette smoking or chewing of tobacco is injurious to health. Tobacco contains a deadly poison- nicotine. This poison, when inhaled, injuries the heart, lungs, brain and liver. It also affects the digestive system. Staying smoke free will give you a whole lot more of everything — more energy, better performance, better looks, more money in your pocket, and, in the long run, more life to live!

Within a space of three decades since independence India has made great progress in science and technology, thanks to the foundations laid by the scientists like Homi Bhaba with the enlightened support of Pt. Jawahar La3 Nehru. India launched its first rocket on November, 28, 1963 from Thumba Equatorial Rocket Launching Site. In 1968 tills site was formally dedicated to the United Nations Organization (UNO), when India repeated its policy of peaceful uses of space research. India has been associated with several countries like the U.S.A., Russia, France, Germany, Great Britain and Japan in many joint ventures. More than 600 sounding rockets, foreign and Indian, have been launched during the last two decades or more from Thumba Launching Site for collecting meteorological studies. Even now as part of the programme called Monasc-77, four Russian and two Indian ships are stationed in Indian Ocean to carry out joint studies relating to more...

Family Planning has been adopted as our national policy and a lot of money is being spent on it. But still we are far behind in achieving our targets. India's population is increasing fast in comparison to its dwindling and depleting resources. This explosion in population has been eating up the modest increase of about 5% in our per capita income. By the middle of the century our population would be about 200 crores. It shows an increase of 2.6 per cent a year. Consequently, it is natural that our experts have started sounding warning bells. This rapid growth of our population has resulted in a very high pressure on our resources of food, employment, housing, clothing, education and alleviation of poverty. With the phenomenal advancement in science, technology, medicine, health and physical care, the mortality rate has come down considerably but the rate of the birth has not come more...

It is not easy to be the Principal of a school. The task of a Principal is very onerous. If I were the Principal of my school, my first duty would be the select a team of best teachers. For maintaining a high quality of education, it is essential that the teachers are of high standard. The other important task before me would be the maintenance of discipline of a very high order. Punctuality would be another important task before me. The school will be the laid on out-door games. Some cultural activities would also form a part of the school programme. On the whole, it would be my endeavour to make my school an ideal institution.  

My mother accompanied me to school on the first day. Other parents accompanied their children as well. We all waited in front of the school office. Soon a teacher came and led us to some classrooms. There we were put into four separate classes. This was when some children began to cry as the parents were not allowed into the classrooms. I did not cry because I had been to kindergarten before. Actually my mother went home soon after for she knew I would be all right. It was an enjoyable time for me as I got to know my new classmates. The teacher was very busy writing down our particulars so we had plenty of time to ourselves. Meantime some children continued to sob while their parents looked in anxiously through the windows. Soon recess came. Some of us headed for the tuck-shop while the rest headed for their more...

Mohan Lal is the peon of our school. He is about fortyone-year-old. He wears a khaki uniform when on duty. He is always happy. He lives in a small quarter within the school compound. Mohan Lal is a strong and healthy man. He rings the first bell half an hour before school time. He opens the door and windows of class rooms. He opens the principal's office. He also cleans the table and chairs. After that he rings the second bell. The classes are held after the second bell. Mohan Lal does not forget his duties. He gives pieces of chalk and duster to each teacher. He rings the bell according to the time-table. He sits on a stool in front of the principal's office. When the principal rings the call bell, Mohan Lal at once enters his room to listen to him. We like our school peon. He helps more...

I read in a big well known Modern Public School. It has 20 large rooms. One room is meant for each section of each class. I am lucky that my class-room is situated in the far side such that the noises of the road and market are not audible there. The teacher sits in the chair while taking the roll-call or when she gives a test to the students or when she is not writing on the blackboard. She places the Attendance Register, the chalk-box and the duster on the table. The room is large enough to accommodate about fifty students in a comfortable sitting. There are, however, forty students in our class. Two students sit at each desk. There are four windows—two in either side of the walls. There are three ceiling fans in the room—two over the students and one over the teacher. On the walls, there are more...

India became a republic on 26th January, 1950. Since then, this day is celebrated with great pomp and show every year. The President takes salutes of the armed forces at Raj path in New Delhi. The procession starts from Vijay Chowk. Jhankies, colourful dances, parades, arms and ammunitions are displayed in public. The whole show is telecast live on all the channels. This day is also celebrated in all the States and Union Territories of India.

Life is full of ambitions. A man without ambition is useless. Every one wants to do something different from others. Ambition has the top priority in the life of every man. I want to serve my country. That is my only ambition. Therefore, I want to become a teacher.. Teacher is a person who builds the nation. I will teach the poor children without any charge. I would teach them the subjects with real and deep information. I am a student of the fifth grade. But my ambition is to be a teacher. I would give my students the real education. I would try to make them the good citizens. If my ambition is fulfilled, I shall do my best as a teacher. I am working hard so that I may get the best grades. It would help me in getting admission in a good University. I would always be more...

Street beggars are a common sight in big cities. Clad in rags, shivering in cold they could be seen everywhere begging in the name of God. One obvious reason for this evil is illiteracy, poverty and unemployment. Many evil practices have come into existence because of it. Kids are kidnapped and sold to be trained and used for begging. At times they are brutally crippled, made lame, blind etc. Broadly speaking beggars are of two types- able bodied and disabled. The able-bodied can work and earn their livelihood but at the earlier stages they did not get work and now they do not want to work. They find begging easier and more profitable. The disabled, some due to natural causes and others due to their mentors—have no option. Beggars are a great nuisance. It is our moral duty to help the weak, the hungry and the suffering people. But by more...


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